Paul Knappenberger

Feb 214 min

Curia Notes: February 20, 2024

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Magnus, Beatriz, Charlotte, Sibillia, Arnbjorn, Geoffrey, Jean, Gilchrist, Arnora, Randall, Tatiana.


* BARONIAL CORONET: Please send in award recommendations for our next court at War Practice at the Roost! We invite the artisans of the Barony to make gifts for us to present to Their incoming Majesties. Reports are due on Feb 25 for most offices.

* Chatelaine: We had four or five new people at the last practice. Good job making a positive impression - someone who started with us and moved is still in the SCA! Meetup is going well - at least one of the new people from practice came through there. Looking for a new site for practices, should be able to report on it next month.

* Social Media Officer: We've had some new people joining the facebook group. Please say hi to them when you see the posts welcoming newcomers. We've had some spam messages lately, but nothing too bad. Keep on not making problems! Our ad is growing on facebook!

* Exchequer: Domesday has been sent in. Nobody has complained. Yule Moot monies have been processed. We've received a donation specifically for Haustblot. Will pick up the new bank statement on Thursday.

* Quartermaster: Magnus received an email about some water leakage from our storage unit, Gilchrist checked it out and it looks fine. Inherited some shelving and will put it up when the weather gets nicer.

* Herald: Nothing to report. Need to get the most recent Fighters School updates and will have it all prepared for next Curia.

* Signet: Would like to host a new scribal night.

* Chronicler: Reports due by the end of the month.

* Web Minister: Any officer who needs to have an email switched over, please send him an email and include which officer, what name you want, and a phone number so he can call to talk about it. Society has declared that the Kingdom will take over hosting group websites, which means we won't need to host it any more - but that we will need to convert it to WordPress.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences: Will put up a post requesting nights for a scribal night and asking what projects people are working on.

* Knights Marshal: Nothing to report.

* Rapier Marshal: We've had a huge influx of new rapier fighters recently, outnumbering the heavy fighters. It's great to see! There was a small incident a couple weeks ago involving some flared tempers, but everything was discussed and resolved.

* Archery Captain: We will be wrapping up the Wednesday night practices at West Town this month, and will resume Sunday practices switching between KK and Menomonee River Parkway in March. We continue to represent Northshield well in the Society archery competitions. Arnbjorn will be going to the Winter Archery Clinic.

* Thrown Weapons Captain: On hiatus.

* Youth Combat: We've had one youth at practice.

* Seneschal: Preparing for the quarterly report.

* Minister of Youth: Someone might be applying!


* Job Descriptions – Information on offices: Nothing more to report beyond the conversations on the email list.

* Advertising- Joseph: We've had 219 clicks on our link, 4620 accounts have seen our ad, 251 people have engaged with the link in some way shape or form. One person started a message because of it. Roughly the cost per click is 13 cents.

* Yule Moot- 1/21/24- Asabella: We had Yule Moot and it went well. We had enough in donations to cover part if not all of it.

* Fall Crown 2024 Bid- Arnbjorn & Beatriz: We have the contract, need to sign it and send it in to St Johns. We have a facebook event page, Beatriz is building the event website, will post about some positions we need to fill. We're on the Kingdom calendar. Exchequer would like pre-reg sent to him. Arnbjorn will meet with Nell to set up PayPal.

* War Practice at the Roost II Bid- Deonysia: Deonysia is setting pre-reg deadline of May 31. Meal plan requires pre-reg.

* Spring Crown 2024 Bid- Thora & Beatriz: Somebody else is hosting the event.

* Haustblot: Sofonisba is no longer available that weekend, so Tatiana has offered to run it herself. (Curia is okay with that.) If somebody wants to volunteer to learn as co-steward, Tatiana would be happy to mentor them. Working to fill staff positions.


* New scribal night: Mysie would like to host a new scribal night. Probably sometime in March. People have also asked about an A&S night (specifically costuming or fiber arts). Sibillia will look into that too.


Brewers & Vintners Guild: On hiatus.

A&S Nights- UWM Student Group Mtg- Third Wednesday of Month: On hiatus.

Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays: Connor was over to work on some HEMA stuff. Still going!

UWM SCA- Wednesdays: On hiatus. Might be doing Geek Week next month?

Woodworking- Armond’s: By appointment.
