Paul Knappenberger

Jan 21, 20205 min

January 2020 Curia Notes


Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Sofonisba, Tatiana, Kale, Sarah, Rhys, Arnbjorn, Rachel, Octavian, Armond, Arthur, Belle, Prisilka, Akos, Kateryn, Theresa, Sybillia, Katie, Geoffrey, Dahrien, Tori, Ellis, Magnus, Tony, Randall

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Welcome to our first Baronial Court. (Technically it's our second - we gave one award during Boar's Head.) Sofonisba says we'll do fine.

Seneschal: Tatiana is now the deputy Seneschal, Sofonisba is the full seneschal. More people should come to Curia and contribute. Do people want a Curia moot more often? General opinion is yes, if the opportunity arises.

Deputy Seneschal: Stepped down as Seneschal so she could run the Online Fundraiser. People should contribute to the Online Fundraiser! Go to facebook and look up Northshield Online Fundraiser!

Chronicler: Deadline for articles and reports is January 25. Officers need to submit reports. Anyone can submit articles, artwork, photographs, whatever. Some things may be held for later issues. You may need to sign a release.

Webminister: New website (Wix) is available to view. There's no code involved. The layout is different, based on analytics - it's designed to be used by people who are new and for people who are looking for information about events/calendar. Works on every device. There's an RSVP button, contact forms, instant(ish) 'Contact Now' buttons, and it remembers requests like that which will make reporting easier. Please comment, be critical. Note: This uses google calendars and google documents, so in environments where those features are blocked (such as some peoples' workplaces) the pages will come up blank. Also, no online directory - we are instead referring people to the Northshield website.

MOAS: Lots of people working on garb. Armor work. Gear for kids. Lots of cooking. (Looking for recipes from Jean and Katerina's New Year’s feast.) Some recipes will be in the Tower. Cooking guild should start again in February or March.

Knights Marshal: Practices on Thursdays. Nobody has died permanently.

Archery: Practices are still on Mondays.

Thrown Weapons: Practices are on hiatus until spring. Office is open in May. Letters of Intent are due in February, must be a marshal or MIT.

Rapier: Nobody died. We were invaded by folks from other groups for a week - mostly students who will visit again on breaks and in summer. We have loaner gear. We can do C&T at practice.

Youth Combat: Mildreth received a Bellerophon for her fighting skills. We still have practice, and are the only group in the Kingdom with so many Youth Sparring auths among the heavy fighters that a youth fighter can challenge any of the adults and participate in bearpits. Bring your kids! Office is open - letters of intent due today. No applicants yet, will extend to February Curia.

Chatelaine: Post Boar's Head inventory has been done - we have more garb now than before the event. We have six underdresses but no overdresses. Will plan a session to make overdresses for those. We have a newcomers' feast basket!

Exchequer: Just finished the Domesday report. We have the bill for Boar's Head, and we need to pay it. We paid slightly more so that people could bring their own food. Has previous years' numbers to compare to. Bought stamps using the stipend.

Quartermaster: Everything is back in the locker - thanks to the people who helped unload after the event. The office is open if people are interested. Inventory is on a spreadsheet. Need to have a 'clean out the crap' sorting day when it's warmer. The locker needs to be renewed next month - current cost is ~$1400 a year, which is a good price for the location. Don't just give stuff to the Quartermaster and assume there's a place for it in the storage locker - we don't have unlimited space. Going to see if we can reduce it to a 10x10. Maybe this sort and re-inventory can happen with a new QM.

Herald: We have registered awards for the first time ever. They will be read into court. Waiting on a few others and some redraws on badges; will discuss with Their Excellencies. Also adding the Baronial OP to the new website. Has gotten a few replacement books (Barlowe and Reaney). We have a photocopy of Blacks. We probably aren't going to replace the Irish one because it's too expensive. Office is open in December.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: Armond and Sofonisba are the CAM autocrats, working with Kristiana of Arden (Ravenslake). Meeting 1 PM at the Elkhorn Pizza Ranch - meeting there so we can include a site walkthrough for people who haven't been before, check out the new picnic shelter, and see what other changes have happened since June. Because we changed weekends we couldn't get the building we usually have; instead we have the picnic shelter (which has a kitchen and bathrooms). There are open offices - Youth coordinator, Rapier MIC (CAM), Youth Combat MIC (CAM), Combat Archery MIC, setup/teardown volunteers, gate volunteers, event herald, security officer, lost and found, public relations, disability services). If you want to volunteer or have an interest, please be at the meeting. Some new offices in that list, too. We will have security because there are at least two other events happening on site on Friday and Saturday of the same weekend. (Of course we should welcome visitors, but at some point we'll kick them out.) We can also open more parking. Hoping to get some golf carts.

Silk Banner Moot: Redeemer Lutheran Church, Feb 1, 10-6. If you want to make a banner or just hang out, feel free to drop by; if you're actually making a banner plan to be there the whole time. Asking for a donation to cover rent, materials, and expenses of $20. Kristiana of Arden and others with experience will be there to teach, hopefully we'll have some heralds to advise about devices. Please bring an image of what you want - the longest part of the process is usually figuring out what you want and where to place it on the banner. Maybe a potluck? We do have silk here (at the moot) if you want to take some home; you can draw your device in pencil in advance, which will save time. Money and questions go to Akos. There will be an article in the Tower.

Boar's Head: Cookie Caper made $450, which is going to TRH travel fund. Arnbjorn sent his event report, and it will be used as a model.

New Business:

Movie night: Do people want to get together for a movie? Somewhere other than Armond and Sofonisba's house? People like the idea, but nobody has volunteered to host. We could go out to see a movie in a theater together, too. Maybe get together and throw axes at an axe-throwing bar?

Court: Their Excellencies are aware that some people prefer not to be called into court. This conversation is happening at many different levels, and there will be some sort of statement about how to handle it at a Kingdom level, but if you don't want to be called into Baronial court, please let the Baron and Baroness know. We recommend also that, for Kingdom court, you put a note in your profile on the Kingdom website.

Boar's Head 2020: Bids will be accepted at any time.

Locations: We always need places to hold events. If you find a place to hold one, please let us know. We are always asked to host Crown, Coronation, SUN, and other events. What's the price ceiling? Seneschal, Baron, Baroness will do some research to find out. Also, just because you find a site doesn't make you the autocrat automatically.

Guilds and Groups:

Woodworking: Wednesday 1/22.

A&S West: Wednesday 1/22.

Student Group: Mondays, starting 1/27.

Armor Repair: Tuesdays at Lord Randall's.

Cooking: If we meet in February, theme will be Turkish. Looking for people willing to host at their homes.
