Paul Knappenberger

Mar 18, 20204 min

March Curia Notes


Virtual Attendees: Abelard, Ysolt, Octavian, Rachel, Arnbjorn, Asabella, Belle, Rhys, Tatiana, Sofonisba, Armond, Idonia, Joanna

Baron and Baroness: Will post information about how to gather virtually in the next few days. Stay positive!

Seneschal: No practices, guilds, groups, or other official meetings for a little while. [Note: During Curia an email was sent out to say nothing until May 8. Letter here: ] Midrealm will hold RUM online.

Chronicler: Deadline for the Tower is March 25. Until the email forwarding issue is resolved please send to the CAM list, the CAM officers list, or chronicler's personal email address. We were going to send this Tower out via snail mail as well - Idonia suggests doing so next month instead. General agreement.

Webminister: Something is wrong with the email forwarding, probably because our electronic presence is spread across three hosting providers. Since our 60 day window of "hands off" has expired, webminister will initial the domain transfer to get us down to one source and will reset the email addresses. Also, it appears that almost none of the gmail addresses that Dahrien set up are being used. We should add a link on facebook events and emails which point people to the calendar events on the website so that they can RSVP and get informed about changes to an event. (For instance, Border Skirmish: Curia meetings have been added as events.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: No news, 'cause everyone was working on Gulf Wars projects and suddenly social distancing happened. Keep working on projects on your own, but note - no cooks guild, no A&S West, no woodworking.

Knights Marshal: No fighters' practices. Hit the pell!

Archery: On hiatus.

Thrown Weapons: On hiatus, but Arnbjorn did buy some axes and knives which he will make available for throwing. (Too expensive for the barony to pay for, but he can loan them out.) Also, found a source for spears for $20.

Rapier: On hiatus. Please repair your armor and polish your swords as required.

Youth: On hiatus. But, will probably come out of this with more gear.

Exchequer: Rachel - have a check for you. Should we pay the church? (Yes.) Should we pay the storage locker for a month or a year? After discussion, we decided to pay for three months and re-consider then. Also need some signatures from Seneschal.

Quartermaster: By only paying for three months, we're giving ourselves a window to clean the storage locker and see what we can purge so we can move into a smaller locker.

Herald: Congratulations to Lady Sarah on receiving her Award of Arms at KA&S! Working on badges and a name for some awards. Going back through old newsletters (starting in 1978) to update the OP; the results have doubled the size of the document. Will put older folks' awards (that is, people who we haven't seen in awhile) on a second tab in the document. For future heralds - please remember to send your court reports to the Kingdom and to the Tower! We have some events with no published court reports.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: Planning meeting on Sunday the 22nd will be virtual. Need schedules for activities by THIS WEEKEND if possible. Lots of jobs available. We have been asked to be the backup site for Crown Tournament - waiting for Ravenslake to agree. Joanna will send Rhys last year's contacts for classes.

SUN bid: We did not submit the bid.

Silk Banner Moot 2: On hold for now, but did get prices for materials - 16 mm crepe de chine from Dharma is $13.99 per yard. $13.09 per yard fpr 10+ yards

plus shipping. Class kit, like Kristiana brought to the Moot is $69.95.

New Business: Bid for Boar's Head: We have a bid from Asabella. Questions: Will the site agree to the same rules re: outside food as last year? Tatiana will ask. Lattice walls worked well to cut down on noise and sightlines, but some people complained about that. Suggestion: We can put tables in the opposite corner (which used to be the 'bardic corner') for day camps so people can 'camp' in the lattices or not as they wish. Moved, voted, approved. Need fresh blood! Let's see if we can get the college students more involved, too.

Newcomers: As people find out about us and eagerly offer to help, find out what they'd like to do. Write this information down on a list somewhere. When officer/staff positions open, even if they're filled by the people who are more experienced, suggest that the newcomers work alongside the more experienced people to start training them as deputies or to take over the position. This gets new people more involved and prevents burnout for the people who have been here longer.

May Moot: May 16. Jara has approved paying for half of it, and has two potential people interested in being steward. They would like CAM to put forward a steward as well, to work with those new people, and suggest that each of the marshal or staff positions be double-filled (like we do with Border Skirmish). Arnbjorn volunteered to be steward. Let's get the site starting at 10 AM, with activities starting at 11. Bartender will arrive at 3. We had a motion to pay for the other half, which was voted on and approved. Armond will reserve the times, fill out the form, and arrange for the bartender.

Bylaws Review: Awards can be updated.

Guilds and Groups: All on hiatus.
