Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to the Society for Creative Anachronism
A) The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international, not-for-profit educational organization devoted to the study and recreation of pre-17th-century world. The members of the SCA endeavor to recapture the ambiance of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and to rekindle the lost ideals of chivalry, courtesy, honor and graciousness.
B) Participants study medieval martial arts, costuming, armor making, leather work, archery, heraldry, metalwork, vinting and brewing, cooking, dancing, calligraphy, manuscript illumination, needlecrafts, music and much more. Feasts, tournaments, guilds and classes are just a few of the many activities offered by the SCA.
C) The local Society chapter, called the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr, has membership from Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Jefferson, and Washington counties, which comprise all ages and interests.
2. The Mission Statement of Caer Anterth Mawr
Caer Anterth Mawr is dedicated to providing an atmosphere of learning, sharing, growth and recognition through the studies and re-enactment of Medieval Life by providing quality events, programs, activities and services to its members and prospective members, and by a commitment to the retention and recruitment of its members.
3. Definitions
A) The Greater Officers of the Barony shall be:
The Baronial Coronet
Knight's Marshal
Minister of Arts and Science
Chancellor of the Exchequer
B) The Lesser Officers of the Barony shall be:
Archery Captain
Emergency Deputy Exchequer, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
Minister of Youth
Quartermaster, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
Rapier Captain
Signet, a deputy of the Herald/Pursuivant
Social Media Officer
Thrown Weapons Marshal​
Youth Combat Marshal
C) The Curia is defined as: Those people in attendance at a Baronial business meeting.
D) The Populace of the Barony is defined as: Those who participate in Baronial activities
E) The Baronial Coronet (hereinafter referred to as "the Coronet") is defined as: the person or persons invested by the Crown of Northshield as Their territorial representatives in Caer Anterth Mawr.
4. Policies
A) All participants of the Society for Creative Anachronism are bound by the laws and policies set forth by the corporation (the Society), their Kingdom, and local governing branches. The governing and policy decisions listed are set forth by the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr.
B) The Bylaws will be published annually in the March issue of the Baronial newsletter. Curia will thereafter review said document and make changes based on feedback and data collected as needed. Policies or changes from this meeting will be published in the newsletter known as The Song of the ower, posted on the Baronial website and presented at the Curia following publication for a vote of approval. The ratified Bylaws will be published in The Song of the Tower and on the Baronial website.
C) If a topic has not been listed in these Bylaws, refer to the Governing Documents of the SCA, Inc, and/or the laws and policies of the Kingdom of Northshield. The policies of the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr will be superseded by the Laws and Policies set forth by the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of Northshield.
5. Eligibility of Officers
A) Each Officer must meet the Kingdom's requirements for being an Officer.
B) Each Officer must have access to the Baronial Newsletter.
C) Each Officer must contact their Kingdom Superior regarding the requirements for other publications.
D) Each Officer shall acquaint themselves with the Bylaws.
E) Each Officer is responsible for reporting to the Curia and The Song of the Tower on a regular basis.
F) All Greater Officers are expected to attend all Curia Meetings or, in the event of an unavoidable absence, send a representative in the officer's place, or attend via teleconference technology. Any member of the populace can serve as a representative.
G) Each Officer is required to provide the Seneschal and Coronet with a copy of their quarterly Kingdom reports.
H) The Knight's Marshal, Archery Captain, Rapier Marshal, Youth Combat Marshal, and Thrown Weapons Marshal shall be warranted marshals or marshals-in-training.
I) The Quartermaster shall hold the keys to the Baronial storage unit and is responsible for the safekeeping of all property. The Quartermaster shall submit an annual report to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
J) All officers are encouraged to recruit the help of at least one Deputy. The Deputy's duties will be outlined by the Officer.
K) The Curia may create temporary or permanent lesser officers as needed.
L) Officers and event stewards shall provide the Webminister with information on upcoming practices, meetings and events for the Baronial website in a timely manner.
M) An individual may hold no more than one Greater Office at a time.
6. Applicants for Offices/Selection of Officers
A) A warranted officer serves according to the will of the warranting authority, usually the Crown and a Kingdom superior. A local officer who serves as deputy to another local officer serves at the will of that local officer. Therefore, polls, and votes of confidence are recommendations, expressing the preferences of the people of the Barony.
B) Officers are asked to announce their intention to resign at least six months in advance. Six months before a term of office is over or subsequent to the resignation of an officer, the Seneschal will coordinate with the Chronicler to ensure that a notice requesting Letters of Intent will be announced in all public Baronial venues and be published in the Baronial newsletter.
C) Applicants for an office shall apply four months before the published term of office. Letters of Intent will be submitted to the Coronet, Seneschal, and the out-going officer one week before that month's scheduled curia meeting. The candidate(s) will be announced on various media prior to the meeting. If no applicants have been received, curia may vote to extend the deadline.
D) If a majority of the Greater Officers have an objection to an applicant, that candidate will be privately advised by the Coronet and/or Seneschal that their application will not be presented to the Curia for consideration.
E) At the baronial business meeting four months before the term of office ends, candidates will introduce themselves and briefly indicate their goals or ideas for the office. Attendees at the curia meeting may ask applicable and appropriate questions of each candidate; each candidate shall have an equal opportunity to respond.
F) In the event that no qualified application(s) have been received by the published term of office, Curia may recommend a pro-tem officer for a period of not more than six months. The process outlined above will immediately begin again.
G) In the event that there is a single applicant for an office that Curia determines is qualified, Curia may elect to abbreviate this process.
H) In the case of an unexpected vacancy of a Greater Office, the Greater Officers may agree on a temporary emergency appointment, with the approval of the relevant Kingdom Officer.
7. Tenure of Officers
A)Â All officers, with the exception of the Coronet, will hold office for a term of two years.
B)Â A one year extension may be requested, subject to approval by Curia.
C)Â An officer will not hold office for more than three consecutive years without re-application and the approval of Curia.
8. General Voting
A) General voting shall be held at regularly scheduled Baronial business meetings and other meetings as designated by Curia.
B) The populace of the Barony in attendance may vote on matters in the monthly planned business meeting, regardless of SCA membership, unless Society of Kingdom requires membership on said matter.
C) A voting quorum consists of:
The Coronet
A majority of the remaining Greater Officers or their representative(s)
D) Officers, their representatives, and/or the general populace can attend in person, via telephone or other teleconferencing technology.
9. Emergency Voting
Telephonic or electronic mail voting is to be used in the event of emergency or extenuating circumstances (as determined by the Seneschal in consultation with the Coronet) and must be conducted by the Seneschal. If the Seneschal is not available, the Coronet will contact the Kingdom Seneschal for guidance. Only the Greater Officers will be polled. Each office shall have only one vote in these circumstances. If electronic mail is used, the conducting official must call all of the Greater Officers, notifying them that a polling message has been sent to them and that they must respond within 24-72 hours. The results of a telephonic or electronic mail vote must be presented at the next scheduled Curia meeting. It is advised that the result of the poll not be shared with the officers before all officers have had an opportunity to vote, to prevent biased voting.​
10. Baronial Transition Process
A) Baronial Transition
1) The term of office for the Coronet shall be three years. At least six months prior to the end of the term, a request for Letters of Intent will be made by the Seneschal. If there are more than five candidates, a vote will be held at the Business Meeting to reduce the field to five candidates.
2) A poll is to be conducted per Kingdom policy and results will be given to the Crown to help them make a final decision.
3) An announcement of the transition timeframe will be made on all applicable forms of media.
B) Eligibility for the Baronial Coronet
1) Candidates may be either an individual or a pair. A person may only give one letter of intent, either as an individual or as part of one pair.
2) Kingdom law defines a required level of activity for the Coronet. Individuals and pairs petitioning for the position(s) must already fulfill the activity requirements.
3) Having served as Baron or Baroness is not a bar to serving again.
4) No more than 3 consecutive terms can be served.
11. Financial Policies and Procedures
In the event of a conflict between these policies and any policies, regulations, or laws of the Kingdom of Northshield, the Corporation, the State of Wisconsin or the United States, the policies, regulations and laws of the other entity take precedence. It is the responsibility of the Seneschal and the Chancellor of the Exchequer to be aware of all legal requirements. They retain the right to negate any decision made based on the legality of such decisions. The override of any single policy contained here will only negate that policy; all others remain in effect. This section of the Bylaws may be changed by the Financial Committee as needed, to comply with changes in regulations or laws of the Kingdom, the Corporation, the State, or the Country as needed.
A) Committee Scope and Purpose
1) The Baronial Financial Committee will be comprised of the Greater Officers.
2) The purpose of the Baronial Financial Committee is to draft financial policy for review/approval by the Curia and other duties as described below. ​
3) Decisions are made by a majority vote. Members of the Financial Committee may designate a representative to attend Financial Committee meetings, with the exception of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The current Chancellor of the Exchequer must be in attendance and may not be represented by proxy.
4) Notes will be taken during Financial Committee meetings and a written record of decisions will be reported at the next Curia meeting and published in Baronial media.
5) Meetings of the Financial Committee may be held concurrently with a Curia business meeting.
​6) The Baronial Finance Committee shall meet in January to review/propose the coming year's budget to be approved by Curia and submitted with the Fourth Quarter/Domesday Exchequer Report to Kingdom.
B) General Policies
1) The signatories on the Baronial bank accounts are as defined by the Governing Documents of the SCA. Those signatories are currently the Baronial Seneschal, Baronial Chancellor of the Exchequer and Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.
2) One additional signatory from the Barony may be included.
3) Each Office as an annual budget of 50.00 to spend as necessary to complete the duties of the office. Any other financial expenditure may be incorporated into the monthly business meetings. Financial decisions on expenditures may be discussed at the business meeting with a vote taken at that time. Final decision remains with the Curia. Funds allocated for each Baronial Office not used within the fiscal year will revert to the Baronial General Fund unless specifically approved otherwise by the Curia.
4) Non-event related receipts are due to the Chancellor of the Exchequer no more than 30 days after the expenditure. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer only.
5) There may be a damage deposit charged to individuals or outside groups for Baronial non-consumable equipment or regalia. The amount of the deposit is at the discretion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Quartermaster. However, it is recommended that any requested deposit be approximately equal to the replacement cost of the item(s). The total deposit is forfeit if the item is lost or destroyed. If the item can be repaired, the cost of the repair will be taken out of the deposit.
C) Special Purpose Funding
1) Special purpose funding must be from specific fundraising effort/project, clearly stating the purpose.
2) These funds must have a defined primary purpose and a backup secondary purpose.
3) The default secondary purpose for any special purpose fundraising is the Baronial General Fund, unless specified otherwise.
4) Any overage of special purpose funding goes to the secondary purpose. Funds raised for special purposes cannot be reallocated to other general funding or purposes/projects without approval of the Curia.
D) Event Finances
1) Once an event proposal is approved by the Curia, an event budget must be submitted by the event steward within one month. The budget must be approved by the Financial Committee before any expenditure can be made for the event, with the possible exception of site reservation deposits.
2) Events should be budgeted to break even or make a profit. It is understood that circumstances may prevent an event from doing so, but the event should be initially planned with an eye toward fiscal responsibility. It is the Event Steward's and the Feast Steward's responsibility to submit budgets for the Financial Committee for approval. The budget does not need to be presented to the Curia for approval.
3) Once the budget is approved, the Event Steward and Feast Steward are responsible for maintaining same. It is their responsibility to oversee and approve all expenditures related to the event.
4) Changes to the approved budget which result in either a ten percent or more increase in spending, or a ten percent or more decrease in projected revenue, must be approved by the Financial Committee.
5) Pre-registration for each event will be handled by the designated pre-registration coordinator. Pre-registration for Merchants will be handled by the Merchant Steward. All monies must be submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer within two weeks of receipt of the monies. Pre-registration ends at least 10 days prior to the event. All monies must be submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer prior to the Event.
6) The Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for preparing all Gate items prior to the event.
7) The Gate Coordinator is responsible for all monies collected at the event. A tally of all funds must be made and correlated with all paperwork the day of the event. All funds must be countersigned by a second member of the Barony and given to the Chancellor the Exchequer, or a designated officer, the day of the event.
8) No entrance will be allowed to the event under the pretext of "The Check is in the Mail". In this case, the person(s) will be required to pay at the door with name and personal information taken down and given to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to avoid duplicate payment.
9) No refunds will be issued on the day of the event. An exception is at the discretion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer only.
10) The information in paragraph D, sections 8 and 9 above must be posted on all event-related communications, including but not limited to websites, flyers and advertisements.
11) No cash disbursements shall be removed or disbursed out of Gate Monies for any reason.
12) Event staff handling monies for admission to the event are deputies of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and must be members in good standing of the Society and 18 years or older. The Gate Coordinator must be approved by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Event Steward. It is the responsibility of the Event Steward to verify membership of individuals handling monies.
13) Event related receipts are due to the Chancellor of the Exchequer no more than 30 days after the event. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer only.
14) The reigning Northshield Crown and heirs will be granted admission to events and feasts held by the Barony at no cost to Them. Visiting royals from other kingdoms and principalities may be granted the same privilege, subject to Curia approval. Event stewards may elect to waive site fees for designated chamberlains, subject to Curia approval. All other requirements for admission will be observed.
15) In recognition for Their past service to the Barony, previous bearers of the Baronial Coronet will be granted admission to the Baronial Boar's Head event at no cost to Them. all other requirements for admission will be observed.
16) Members of the non-SCA media attending events held by the Barony for the purpose of reporting on the Society will be granted admission at no cost to them. All other requirements for admission will be observed.
E) Procedures for Uncashed Checks
1) This policy covers any check that is left outstanding for more than 180 days unless otherwise specified. Special circumstances would include such items as site deposits.
2) When a check becomes outstanding for 5 months, the Chancellor o the Exchequer's office will send a letter to the person to whom the check was issued if possible. This letter will include the information that our records indicated that a check is still outstanding on our books, giving check number, amounts, date issued and reason. This letter will also give a specific amount of time for the payee to respond either by letter of by cashing the check. This time frame is to correspond with the check's six-month anniversary of issuance.
3) If after the specified time as elapsed and the check remains uncashed, the check will be voided and funds returned to the checking account.
4) A "Thank you for your donation to our Barony" card will be sent to the payee if possible.
F) Procedures for Advance of Funds
1) Fund Advances must first be approved by the Baronial Financial Committee and then voted on by the Curia for both the item and the amount allowed to be spent.
2) Funds will be issued by check with the appropriate form completed and signed by the Seneschal at the time.
3) Items are to be purchased within 14 days of the receipt of funds.
4) A receipt plus any remaining funds are to be returned to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in person and reconciled with 30 days of issuance of funds. No reconciliation will be done by mail.
5) Lost checks, failure to provide receipts, failure to provide balance of funds due or other non-compliance may result in individual no longer being able to obtain advances for purchases.
12. Event Guidelines
A) Definitions
1) Moots: Local events that are not typically published on the Kingdom calendar.
2) Events: Local events that are published on the Kingdom calendar.
3) Kingdom-sponsored events: Events under the purview of the Crown and/or Stallari Council. These include Coronation, Crown Tournament, and other events the Stallari Council may designate. These are published on the Kingdom calendar.
4) Known World and/or Society events: Inter-Kingdom events that are under the purview of the Society officers or other Inter-Kingdom bodies. These are published on the Kingdom calendar.
5) Event Stewards: ad hoc deputies of the Seneschal and must be paid members of the Society, and 18 years or older.
6) Moot Stewards: ad hoc deputies of the Seneschal. Requirement of paid membership in the Society and/or age restrictions are at the discretion of the Seneschal.
B) Bids and proposals for event steward
1) Persons interested in serving as Event Steward should read the Baronial Event Steward Handbook. Event Stewards shall report regularly to the Curia. Whenever possible, Event Stewards should attend Curia meetings, either in person or via electronic means. If a prospective Event Steward has not been an Event Steward before, then the prospective Event Steward should have an experienced Event Steward as a Deputy or Co-Steward.
2) Neither the Seneschal nor the Chancellor of the Exchequer may be an Event Steward for an event during their tenure. This policy does not restrict these officers from serving at Moot Stewards. This policy also does not affect other local Officers or anyone holding a Regional, Kingdom, or Society office.
3) All event proposals and bids shall be submitted to the Curia by the announced deadline. The Curia will determine which bid or proposal it will accept.
4) Proposals to steward Moots may be made by simply volunteering, unless otherwise stated by the Curia.
5) Kingdom-sponsored event bids must include the required information as specified by Kingdom policy.
6) Known World and/or Society event bids must include the required information as specified by the Society officers or other Inter-Kingdom bodies.
7) Initial event proposals should include the event date, featured activities, themes, event sites under consideration and, if possible, a rough estimate of the cost and/or break-even numbers. This proposal should also note any other Kingdom events currently listed on the Kingdom Calendar for the proposed date, including, when appropriate, Middle Kingdom events within 150 miles.
13. Guilds and Groups
A)Â The Barony welcomes the creation of guilds and groups to facilitate individuals' exploration of the medieval world.
B)Â Guilds and groups are voluntary associations that are not regulated by the Barony.
C)Â Guilds and groups are encouraged to publicize their activities in the Baronial newsletter, Baronial website and other media.
14. Baronial Awards and Orders
A) The Granting and Recommending of Honors and Precedence
1) The creation, closing, and granting of Baronial Award and Orders is the purview of the Coronet.
2) Any changes to the Baronial Awards and Orders by the Coronet will be automatically updated in the bylaws annually.
3) Anyone may recommend to the Coronet anyone who is, in their estimation, deserving of an Order of Award.
4) The Baronial Awards and Orders are non-armigerous and do not convey standing in the Kingdom Order of Precedence. Recipients of each Award or Order may wear any token given with the honor.
5) Awards may be given to an individual more than once, for different activities covered by that award. An individual may be made a Companion of an Order once.
B) Awards of the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr
1) Baronial Brassard: this Award recognizes service to the Barony. This award is not limited to the populace of Caer Anterth Mawr. The token of the award is a cord braided of green, blue, and white cords.
2) Awards of the Baron's Cipher and/or the Baroness' Cipher: This Award is given to recognize personal service to the Baron(s) and/or the Baroness(es).
3) Award of the Flame and Swan: This Award recognizes promising skills in the Arts and Sciences. Recipients of this award may bear the badge: (Fieldless) On a flame Or a swan naiant azure.
4) Award of the Boar's Head: This Award is given to groups in recognition of service to the Barony. Recipients of this award may bear the badge; (Fieldless) Issuant to chief from a tower argent a boar's head proper.
5) Award of the Tower Rising: This award recognizes children of exceptional manners and medieval presence. The token of the award is a silver-painted wooden star suspended from the neck on a blue ribbon.
6) Award of the Millstone of Caer Anterth Mawr: This award recognizes excellence in service to the Barony.
7) Award of the Zenith's Guardian: This award recognizes excellence in the arts martial.
C) Orders of the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr
1) Order of the Twr Mawr: The Order recognizes long and distinguished service to the Barony. The Coronet may consult with the membership on the order of prospective new members. Recipients of the award may bear the badge: Azure, a tower issuant from a trimount between in chief three mullets one and two Or.
2) Order of Commanders Castle: The Order recognizes superior skill and teaching of the arts martial, with emphasis within the Barony. The Coronet may consult with the membership on the order on prospective new members. Recipients of this award may bear the badge; (Fieldless) A chainless portcullis azure sustaining in chief a mullet argent.
3) Order of the Mullet of Caer Anterth Mawr: The Order recognizes superior skill and teaching of the arts and sciences, with emphasis within the Barony. The Coronet may consult with the membership of the order on prospective new members. Recipients of this award may bear the badge: (Fieldless) A tower sustaining in chief a mullet argent.
4) Council of the Ancestors: This council includes previous landed Barons and Baronesses of Caer Anterth Mawr, and any long serving members of the Barony deemed appropriate by the current Coronet to be a permanent councilor to the current and future landed Barons and Baronesses of Caer Anterth Mawr.
9) Honor of the Domestic Goddess: This honor acknowledges those members of the Barony who have shown excellent service in the kitchen during an event. The token of this honor is a copper pan.
Revision History
April 19, 2021
List of specific changes can be found in the April 2021 Song of the Tower.
Addition of Signet & Social Media Officer to list of Lesser Officers
Addition of Baronial Finance Committee meeting in January
Updated list of Baronial awards & honors
Other minor edits for clarity & consistency
April 19, 2017
Gender-neutral and all-encompassing term "Coronet" replaces references to "Baron(s) and/or Baroness(es)"
New Lesser Offices of Youth Combat Marshal and Thrown Weapons Marshal implemented
Financial changes and more
August 9, 2015
Removed all references to offices abolished by corporate
September 3, 2014
Updates to Sections 3.B, 4.B & 7.A