Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Arthur, Albrecht, Geoffrey, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Idonia, Sofonisba, Rhys, Arabella, Kale, Armond, Merouda, Rachel, Randall.
Officer Reports:
Baron and Baroness: We intend to hold a virtual court on the 26th. Might be a royal court that day - we'll figure out and communicate the details.
Chronicler: Reports due by the 25th. Please send officer reports and articles.
Herald: Office is open. No LOI yet. Baronial awards should be at the Laurel stage of review - should hear something by December of January. Working with TE on a new name for the Zenith's Defenders. Submit award recommendations.
A&S: People are doing A&S. Albrecht is working on quiver research. Dahrien and Mysie have both written new music. Dahrien is performing all over. Cooking, sewing, scroll-making.
Exchequer: Needs the bank statement when Seneschal is back in town. Need to return/refund a pre-reg for Boar's Head. Will void out the August check for the church because we don't have to pay them until we can have fighter's practice again. No current income, since there's no fighter's practice, Boar's Head, or Border Skirmish.
QM: Everything is fine.
Knights Marshal: Nothing to report - no practices, nothing is going on. Fix your armor! Just turned in quarterly report. It might be possible to hold "pell" practices; will look into it.
Archery: Archery on Monday and Wednesday evenings for the next 3/4 weeks. Saturday practice at 10 AM, including the social distance shoot. Discussing when to switch to indoor practices and weekend practices. Submitted group reports. Has put in a letter for a third year extension - moved to accept, voted, approved.
Thrown Weapons: Had TW last week which went well. We'll have more. Rapier: No practices. Will get quarterly report soon. Youth: A youth fighter has a pell. Has turned in quarterly report. Webminister: Not much to report. Has some changes to put through - working on them. Seneschal: SCA has cancelled all events through January 2021. Boar's Head has been cancelled and the deposit has been pushed to 2021. Baronial Champions also cancelled. Old Business: Boar's Head 2021: Asabella will still be autocrat for next year. Will work with Rachel to change the website. The staff positions are sort of up in the air because lots can change in 1.5 years, but the website still exists (though you'd need the actual URL for it). Volunteer for stuff next year, please consider volunteering for the same staff positions. Border Skirmish 2021: We were refused for the second weekend in June. TE CAM have contacted TE Castel Rouge to see if they have a problem with us having the event; it will still have to be approved by Stallari. Also need to contact the site to see what else is available. Ravenslake is also waiting for this so they can schedule. New Business: Reports: Most officer reports are due on the 25th. SCA Inc: Events cancelled, including regional practice. Curia: Will continue to be on Zoom (or other remote presences). Seneschal Position: Two candidates: Idonia and Randall. We held a Q&A, then the candidates left the meeting and we held more discussion. Ultimately, we voted. Randall is the new seneschal. MOAS position: Three applicants. Will discuss at September Curia. Membership: SCA membership is down. Please renew your membership. If you need a membership and can't afford it, please let Tatiana know. Guilds: On hiatus. Â