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August 2019


Present: Abelard, Sofonisba, Armond, Rachel, Arnbjorn, Sarah, Ysolt, Tatiana.

Remote: Octavian, Idonia

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness:Let's have Baronial Champs at the Legion Post in Delafield. (See below.) Send in award recommendations - anyone can make recommendations! We have had Q&A with the candidates for Baron and Baroness, and are confident that the future of the baronage is secure.

Seneschal: Notes are in different sections below.

Webminister: Winifrede had offered to extend her warrant, but rescinded this offer. So, we need a webminister. Letters are due by September Curia. At the Q&A session we discussed the possibility of changing the website to more of a portal, directing people to other sites; Abelard suggested that the main page be that portal, but that we still flesh out the rest of the site so that we include archived and historical information.

Chronicler: Submissions for the Tower due by 9/25. With regards to the question of how often we should publish the Tower, let's stick to monthly. We would like to send a paper copy to everyone in the Barony twice a year. (We will identify 'everyone in the Barony' as 'per the paper directory, one per household, and supplement with the addresses from Corporate if that's okay.) Seneschal will ask if we can get the mailing labels from Corporate to cross-reference. Include a QR code pointing at the CAM website, Northshield website, facebook page, or something. Should send this in April and September. Include a survey - why don't we see these people?

Minister of Arts and Sciences: (cribbed from his emailed report) Everyone's been super busy. It seems like everyone survived the belly of the camping season. Rather than enumerate all of the things people have been doing, let's just say that there's no realm of A&S that I can think of that hasn't been worked on by at least one of us. We're still talking about bringing "A&S East" back, either in a home or at either Marquette or UWM. Certainly, more, closer, (inevitably) smaller get togethers will lead to more things getting done. The full list of all the things is in the baronial FB group, and Rhys will cross-post that data to the email list. There should be an A&S championship at Baronial Champs.

Knights Marshal: Nothing significant to report. Aaron the Swift took third in the Rose Tournament, and he has finished his mentorship and moved back to Aethelmarc. Looking for a new KM - one person has expressed interest. Letters of Intent due by September Curia.

Youth Marshal: Completed the first prototype breastplate. One of the three regular youth fighters will be out for a little while.

Rapier Marshal: Nothing to report.

Thrown Weapons: Next practice will be at Redeemer in September. We might all go to an axe bar.

Archery: The current schedule of practices (twice a week) will drop back to once a week in mid-September, changing back to West Town Archery on Mondays.

Chatelaine: Next student group meeting is September 9 at UWM.

Exchequer: We have money. He was not at the meeting but sent checks to be signed.

Quartermaster: Everything's good. Trailer is parked at Armond's for the winter. Will stop by the locker to verify that everything is still there.

Herald: Will send out updated Order of Precedence, and will also send to webminister to update the copy there. Will also write a list of the awards for the Tower. Note, an award can be given to the same person multiple times, but an order can be given only once per person. Of the awards submitted for officialdom, two have been returned - the badge for the Castle Commanders and the name of Guardians of the Tower. Will re-submit these with changes. Everything else has cleared the local level and is going to the Society level.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: Usually second weekend in June, but Castel Rouge has secured that weekend for their anniversary. We expect all available royalty to attend their event. Have spoken to Ravenslake, and they'd be okay with trying for the first weekend. If CAM approves, Tatiana will reserve June 4-7. Moved, voted, passed.

Baronial Transition: We had the Q&A last week. Polls are arriving in peoples' mailboxes. 79 polls went out to members - non-members will not receive polls, but anyone can send comments directly to Their Majesties. Their Majesties (or Her Highness - not sure who is making the decision) may decide not to interview the candidates, but if it happens it will probably be at Coronation. We should know Their decision by the end of September. If candidates are not acceptable to the Crown, They will appoint a vicar.

Boar's Head: Website should be up shortly. Still need an Armored Combat MIC. (Will invite the new KM, once we have one, then open it up to others.) Sybillia has put out a call for teachers. For site tokens, we're looking into the Boar's Head chocolate coins from a few years ago. Question: When the room partitions are closed, are there doors in them? We will have at least one, maybe two, planning meetings. Asabella will handle pre-reg, gate, and merchant pre-reg.

New Business:

Baronial Champions moot: September 28, Noon-9pm. American Legion Post in Delafield. Armond will be moot steward. Features no pets, large fields for competitions, kitchen, bar. Delafield is also closer to Milwaukee than Armond & Sofonisba's. Rental: $150 per day, $10 per hour for staff. Motion made to rent this for $200, voted, passed.

Look Spiffy: Baronial members should dress in Baronial colors for Boar's Head, since it is the Barony's 40th anniversary this year. Also, maybe an awning?


Next Curia: September Curia at UWM, October Curia at Brookfield, November Curia at UWM, December Curia at Brookfield.

Plate Repair Project: Has purchased some wipe-on plating, and is testing it; needs to make sure it doesn't come off when she applies the bezel cups.

Event Sites: We should check to see if Menomonee parks still have the insurance requirements which made us stop using them.

Guilds and Groups:

Woodworking: Fourth Wednesday of the month is 8/28.

A&S West: Fourth Wednesday of the month is 8/28.

UWM Student Group: Next student group meeting is September 9 at UWM.

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