Present: Abelard, Armond, Ysolt, Magnus, Joseph, Beatriz, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Charlotte, Arnora, Gilchrist, Sibillia, Randall, Geoffrey.
* Baron and Baroness: We need award recommendations! And, please bring gifts for Their Excellencies Nordskogen, which we would like to deliver at 12th Night in Nordskogen. Let us know if you need us to pick them up somewhere or bring them to practice.
* Chatelaine: We had a new person at rapier practice this week, and some people who have moved in from out of the Kingdom. We are getting a few new people from Meetup.
* Social Media Officer: Nothing super exciting happening. Charlotte as Chatelaine is taking over Meetup. All's quiet on the western front.
* Exchequer: No report at this time.
* Quartermaster: Stuff is still there. Magnus and Beatriz have things to return to the storage locker.
* Herald: Lady Katie got her Cygnus and Winifrede received her Black Flame at Boar's Head. Please send in award recommendations for Yule Moot or else your friends who are doing awesome things will labor in silence!
* Signet: We will have scrolls that need to be made for Yule Moot, but currently no brain until after finals.
* Chronicler: Please send in articles by the end of the month.
* Web Minister: Made some changes to the website, now has some new changes to make. Need to change email for Quartermaster.
* Minister of Arts & Sciences: People have been doing arts and sciences. Will start working on new A&S nights and things in January.
* Knights Marshal: We continue to hold practices. We had 34 fighters sign in at Boar's Head. Seven authorization attempts (two failed, one re-auth). We're having Thursday night practice on 12/21 and not on 12/28.
* Rapier Marshal: We had a sword break last week on Thursday, but nobody is injured from it. It was not broken on a person - it was not in use at the time. Nobody has died!
* Archery Captain: No practice on 12/24. In January and February we are going to move weekly practice from Sunday morning to Wednesday evenings to West Town Archery in Brookfield from 7-8 PM. Northshield continues to represent Northshield well in the various seasonal shoots.
* Thrown Weapons Captain On hiatus until Spring. We may do a monthly trip to Jara for archery and throw weapons.
* Youth Combat: We've had one youth fighter semi-regularly, and might be getting another soon.
* Seneschal: Thank you for putting up with my learning curve.
* Minister of Youth: Office vacant.
* Boar’s Head- Beatriz: 308 people total. Good event. We haven't handed off the Boar's Head Champion Medallion yet. Beatriz has the lost and found and hopes to hand a bunch of it off at or before 12th Night.
* Job Descriptions – Information on offices: No progress this month.
* Advertising- Joseph: We determined that we would like to come up with ten keywords and pictures. Please send photos to him via email . Keywords: armor, medieval, cosplay, fencing, sword, renfaire, archery, axe throwing, knife throwing, larping, costuming, reenactment, knights. We will need to get photo releases, too. Joseph will also post on the facebook page asking for photos - ultimately thinking maybe one A&S, one court, one archery, one armored, one rapier, one general event? What distance would we like to use? Milwaukee County plus 35 miles should be okay. Plus 25 miles is a little short (doesn't quite get to Kenosha) - but we can move the center so we don't include the lake.
* Yule Moot: 1/21/24 (Asabella): We have the building and we're set. January 21, 2024 at the Delafield Legion Hall starting at 1 PM. We will have court, white elephant gift exchange, and a potluck feast. For those of you on facebook, there's a facebook event for it
* Fall Crown 2024 bid (Arnbjorn and Beatriz): Has been sent to Stallari, they haven't voted yet.
* Haustblot 2024: The site is reserved. Will get the event onto the Northshield calendar in the next few weeks.
* War Practice 2024: Need a volunteer to be event steward. We have the second weekend in June reserved.
* Financial Report: We came up with a financial plan for the year, which was passed. Jean will distribute it.
* Storage locker payment: Jean contacted the storage locker people and hasn't heard back; previously we have paid three times and each check is different. Randall explained why they're different. Payment was due Dec 1, but they're not quick about cashing checks. We think it will be $486 and change. Magnus will talk to Jean.
* Spring Coronation: Do we want to put in a bid? We discussed it and don't think we can find a site in time for a reasonable price.
* Rapier Captain LOI: Arnora has sent in a letter of intent to be the new rapier captain. They are one of the regulars and would be a good group marshal. They have all of their signatures completed in the MIT process and is waiting for final approval to be full marshal. We moved to accept Arnora, then voted, and approved. Also, Arnora is now a full marshal.
Brewers & Vintners Guild- On hiatus
A&S Nights- UWM Student Group- Third Wednesday of Month
Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays
UWM SCA- Wednesdays
Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment