In attendace: Abelard, Rhys, Albrecht, Sybillia, Asabella, Octavian, Karl, Kale, Geoffrey, Rachel, Randall, Magnus, Beatriz, Arnbjorn, Ysolt, Sofonisba, Beatrice, Katie, Tatiana.
Officer Reports:
Baron/Baroness: Had fun at WW, looking forward to future events,
Seneschal: Received paperwork for new storage locker and wrote them a check. Need to write a check for the Academy for October.
Chatelaine: Have things uploaded on the website. Probably some fine tuning to do. Touched base with a few other chatelaines about how they're using facebook and instagram to boost activity and make their groups more accessible.
Chronicler: Articles for The Tower due July 25 (Monday). Office is open. LOI due by next Curia. This is a required office.
Exchequer: We're still collecting Need to collect the fighter fund money from Abelard. Our accounts are
Quartermaster: Storage locker Saturday at 10 AM to do the move - address is on the facebook post and a google calendar item. Need to follow up with baronial champions and baron and baroness to photograph their regalia.
Herald: Their Excellencies' devices and Her Excellency's badge have been passed. Awards at WW: Geoffrey: Pelican. Sybillia: OCV, Joseph: vigil for the MOD, Kale: Brigit's Flame.
Knights Marshal: Practices continue. Office is open. No injuries to report. Received a letter of intent for a new knights marshal.
Archery Captain: CAM was well represented at WW by four archers, who won a number of shoots, and also got some MIT signatures. Archery practices are still Wednesday nights at KK Park at 6:30 until mid-September, and Sunday practices at Menomonee Park at 10 AM. We've been having some new archers.
Thrown Weapons: Next practice is July 21 at Redeemer, which will continue through mid-September.
Rapier Marshal: We have one new fighter who will shortly authorize (we think). Sybillia and Joseph are discussing resurrecting the Rapier Academy.
Youth Combat: We had youth and then we didn't have youth and we will have youth again. Had 17 youths at WW, which was a lot of fun.
MOAS: Will not be asking for an extension to his office, but his office is open.
Signet: At WW we had some CAM scribal people represented - Kale and Rosamund both had scrolls, and possibly more. Please submit blanks. Also, cutoff for award recommendations for a particular court is one month in advance of the event.
Social Media Officer: We do have a Discord channel on the official Kingdom Discord. College of Arms has approved an official badge for the SMO.
Web Minister: Had a severe attack of life this month. Has sent a password reset for Knights Marshal.
Old Business:
Turm an dem See Zip Codes: Zip codes sent for Washington co and areas to make contiguous area, no update.
Storage Unit: Moving to Space Place on Saturday, 7/23/22. With Karl, Beatriz, Magnus, and Randall and their vehicles
Baronial Champs: September 18, 2022 Sunday. Sent the check to reserve it. Award recs are due by August 18 so the scribes have time to make scrolls.
Fall Crown: Sent information to Kingdom website. Had a meeting with the people who handle food at St Johns, but were not pleased with the prices. Instead of feast we will encourage people to dine at local restaurants, and we will have a post-revel at the Legion. Need the deposit by August 8.
Hypothetical Demos: Friday, 8/4/22 5-8pm - National Night Out Family Fun Night District 6 Milwaukee Police Department -
2200 W Kinnickinnic River Pkwy, Milwaukee, WI 53215, United States – May the odds be ever in your favor.
8/11/22-8/13/22, 11 AM-11 PM at Greendale Village Days.
Greendale Gazebo - 5798 Broad St, Greendale, WI
Scotish Games : Labor Day Weekend – Wes – Shawnah – Encampment and Fighting Demo Saturday/Sunday. Trying to get enough confirmations to make it happen. Need to find out if demo people will get comped into the event.
Boar's Head: We voted to accept the bid. To get the ad into the November Northwatch we need it submitted by September 20. Need to get it on the Kingdom Calendar - Beatriz sent that information a couple days ago. Are we having a feast? Can we set a go/no-go decision for whether or not we have feast? We don't do feast to make money. We did sell out last time we had one. Should we have a limited seating feast again, designed to break even? And, before all that, does anyone have a feast plan - does anybody want to be feast steward. Event Stewards will put out a call for feast bids for August Curia.
Baronial Event: Sept 22-24, 2023 at Camp Sinawa. Need a name and maybe a theme. Maybe a viking event, complete with viking hiking and a scavenger hunt?
Known Heralds and Scribes 2023: The bid was posted before the deadline, waiting to hear from Laurel Sovereign of Arms this weekend (at Kingdom World Heralds and Scribes). Additional request: Can we include a room ($55 per night, 2 nights) for Laurel Sovereign of Arms. Much conversation about whether or not we can legally do this. This will not push us into the negative. Moved to add this retroactively to the bid unless we determine that it's not allowed, seconded, voted, approved.
New Business:
Seneschal: Vote of confidence: Positive.
Guilds and Groups
A&S West Group: On hiatus.
C&I East Group: On hiatus - Union is closed.
Brewing Guild: On hiatus.
Cooking Guild: On hiatus.
Dance Guild: On hiatus.
Fight Practice: Thursday nights.
Shop Night : We've had a few people. Tim has made spaulders and is working on other things. Brett is working on a helmet. Gilchrist's nephew borrowed some loaner armor.
Student Group: Union is closed for the Summer.
Woodworking: By appointment.