Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Magnus, Arthur, Arnbjorn, Deonysia, Sibillia, Tatiana, Charlotte, Armond, Sofonisba, Asabella, Annetje, Beatriz, Rhys, Arnora, Mysie, Gilchrist, Theresa, Katie, Randall.
OFFICER REPORTS * Baronial Coronet: Congratulations to Their Highnesses Thora and Thorbrandr! We are looking for letters of intent. War Practice at the Roost is coming up - write award recommendations! Many of the officers have reports due on the 25th.
* Chatelaine: We've had a lot of interest from new people.
* Social Media Officer: We have social medias! Nothing significant to report at this time.
* Exchequer: The Barony is up to date with reporting. Hooray!
* Quartermaster: Nothing to report, but will start discussions about organizing the locker.
* Herald: Please submit award recommendations. Lots of people are doing lots of cool things - recognize them!
* Signet: Starting a Tuesday night scribal night at the Yemeni coffee shop at 76th and Layton. She will try to get there between 5:30 and 6. Second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Has lots of templates and designs and components for new people to practice with, and also calligraphy! Come play!
* Chronicler: Officers need to send in reports - next round is due at the end of next month. Office is coming open - please submit letters of intent.
* Web Minister: Doesn't have anything. Office is open. Will step down at Boar's Head. War Practice at the Roost website is up. Crown website is being done by Beatriz - needs a link. Haustblot website is up, but not complete. The new Kingdom-hosted platform is available for the CAM website.
* Minister of Arts & Sciences: Please don't add or subtract from the population while doing A&S. Tatiana will be doing glass bead work at Monday night practices to teach and demonstrate, and see elsewhere for information about scribal nights. Exciting!
* Knights Marshal: We are finished with indoor practices at the church. Please keep your eyes and ears open for new indoor sites. Thursday nights can be at the church side-yard or KK - see the item at the bottom of this report.
* Rapier Marshal: Nobody's been hurt, so it's been a good month!
* Archery Captain: Last week we started Wednesday night practices at KK River Parkway. Sundays will continue to alternate between KK and Menomonee. Congratulations to Baron Abelard who advanced to the semi-finals at Schutzenfest (top 10 handbow archers). Archery Captain is open - ends in October, so LOI due at September Curia.
* Thrown Weapons Captain: Starting practices. First practice will be Sundays at KK, and every other Monday at the Roost (except when TRH are not home).
* Youth Combat: We had a youth right up until the last day at the church. We'll see what his schedule is like when baseball season starts.
* Seneschal: We don't have any letters of intent for Baron and Baroness yet. Please, if you're interested, send in a letter.
* Minister of Youth: Office is open.
* Advertising: The ad is getting a lot of views, but don't know how that translates into people coming in. We have had an increase in joins and likes on facebook, which appear to be coming from the ad.
* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Beatriz): Reached out the Northshield Moneyer's Guild to make site tokens. Once we get past War Practice we'll kick things into higher gear. Need to get the insurance.
* War Practice at the Roost II (Deonysia): We're going to have it, and it's going to be great. Everything's on schedule. Deo is taking care of food for Saturday night feast. Mysie will be in charge of gate. Samii will be rattan MIC. Sibillia will be rapier MIC. Karl will be TW MIC. Checked with Sofonisba about things we might need from the storage locker. Need to provide some money for the cash box. Thorbrandr has invited folks out to do some work on June 1, a "get ready for war practice" day, times will be posted later. (That's the same day as Kingdom A&S.)
* Haustblot (Tatiana): The website is at least partially up. We do have a facebook page. Samii will do feast on Saturday night - menu is posted. Pre-registration is open. Cabins are sold out but the bunkhouse still has openings. Still looking for armored MIC. Sibillia is in charge of classes - let her know if there's something you want to teach. Arnora is rapier MIC. Karl is TW MIC. Beatriz is the royalty liaison. Dahrien is in charge of cleanup. Looking for a volunteer to help with setup. Note, site is opening earlier this year. There might be breakfast on Saturday. Still need someone to run gate. Tatiana is handling pre-reg. Still need to get the insurance.
* Baronial transfer: No letters of intent yet - these are due June 5. This is a required office to remain a Barony.
* New Fighting Site: The church said we can use their parking lot and bathroom and side yard, we can also go to KK, and Mitchell Park now has bathrooms. Charlotte will make her spreadsheet available to find an indoor site. She will need someone else to call some locations during business hours.
* Scribal night: Starting a Tuesday night scribal night at the Yemeni coffee shop at 76th and Layton. She will try to get there between 5:30 and 6. Second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Has lots of templates and designs for new people to practice with, and also calligraphy! Whether you're brand new or have lots of experience, come play!
* Omnibus Peerage: Letters are due tomorrow! Send letters to the BOD about the omnibus peerage!
* Boars Head Bids Due: A bid was submitted by Asabella and Arthur. Includes a feast and a lunch, morning court and evening court. We can look at the same lunch person as last year. Note, Washington County has a new event coordinator. We discussed, moved to accept the bid, voted, and approved the bid.
* Renaissance Faire: "We are starting a Renaissance Faire on Sept. 14-15, 2024 at Old Falls Village Park in Menomonee Falls WI. We are excited to hear if you would like to attend this event. We are interested in knowing if you have a fee to your appearance at the event. The park is 18 acres with forest, stream, pond, wetland and open space with trees throughout the park. We will set up a performance area, vendor area, historical camps and areas for some parking on site. If there is something you need, please let me know." ( / We would treat this as a demo. This is also the weekend of Thorbrandr and Thora's coronation in Korsvaag. Charlotte will send out a potential sign-up sheet, and if there's enough interest we can participate.
* Storage locker: Rent is due in June. Would like to pay the rent. Moved, voted, approved.
Brewers & Vintners Guild: hiatus
A&S Nights- UWM Student Group Mtg- Third Wednesday of Month: On summer break.
UWM SCA- Wednesdays: On summer break.
Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays: Shop has been cleaned up! Made a bunch of circlets and coins!
Woodworking: Armond’s by appointment