Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Magnus, Arnbjorn, Charlotte, Beatriz, Rhys, Gilchrist, Arnora, Geoffrey, Tatiana, Jean, Randall.
*Baron and Baroness: We will have our next court at War Practice. Please look for new sites for fighter's practice. Please let us know if you have new gifts for Their incoming Majesties at Their Coronation in April.
* Chatelaine: We continue to have new people. We had a new person at archery. We've had people come to practice on both Thursday and Monday nights.
* Social Media Officer: Things are going well. We continue to have weird spam from facebook spammers. Everyone's being awesome and following the rules, and thank you for doing those things. If you have access to the social media tools, please let Beatriz know. Don't get scammed!
* Exchequer: Low activity the last couple of months. Reimbursed Tatiana for the deposit for Haustblot, some money came in from fighters, paid the church for fighter's practive sites. Has received information for the pre-reg sites for several upcoming events.
* Quartermaster: When the weather gets nicer we'll have
* Herald: Court was held at Gulf Wars, but we haven't seen the reports yet. We don't have anyone from the Barony submitting names or devices (as far as we know).
* Signet: Working on scrolls. Please let her know if you are available to create some. And, please go to the doodle poll to vote on when you might be available for scribal night (if you'd like to).
* Chronicler: Would really appreciate it if people submitted things for the Tower, especially officers. Next deadline will be next month.
* Web Minister: Seneschal email is being bounced from the google group email - needs to be added to the CAM list. Contact Dahrien.
* Knights Marshal: Nothing to report.
* Rapier Marshal: During C&T one of the fighters broke the tip of his finger. He is recovering fine and all the reports have been filed.
* Archery Captain: Archery practice continues to be held Sunday mornings at 10, rotating between KK Park and Menomonee River Parkway. We have another month of the Winter Shoot and started the Spring Shoot. Arnbjorn won two of the tournaments at the Archery event last month.
* Thrown Weapons : On hiatus until May, and Karl is officially warranted now.
* Youth Combat: We have a youth who attends every other week. We have gear in good working order.
* Seneschal: Everything is going swimmingly. Remember, you can update site information and inventories in the CAM google areas:,,,
* Minister of Youth: Not active.
* Job Descriptions – Information on offices: Pretty much set.
* Advertising: Nothing new to report. It pops up pretty frequently. Beatriz will check the metrics.
* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Beatriz): Let Jean know when we need checks. The contract is signed. Everything is ready to go for pre-reg, which will go live August 1. The website is underway. We will make a bigger push after War Practice.
* War Practice at the Roost II (Deonysia): Pre-reg April 1. Deo will put together a website soon.
* Haustblot (Tatiana): Looking for people to run different positions. Looking for a heavy MIC because Armond won't be available. Alasdair might do feast. If you want to volunteer for a position please let her know. Will work with the PayPal deputy to start pre-reg in May. We will have the cabins again and will increase the price for cabins a little bit. If you're interested in a cabin let Tatiana know, maybe before pre-reg starts.
* Scribal Night: Mysie would like to host a Scribal Night and would like input on dates. Please send her ideas. Beatriz will put together a doodle poll to select dates:
* By-Laws Review: We need to review the Bylaws. If you have any changes you'd like to make, please let Magnus know.
* New fighters site: Looking specifically for indoor sites for inclement weather. We also need to stay in our price range, and would prefer something close to the expressway and on a bus route. These locations have been informed that we would be doing 'medieval combat', using 'sporting equipment'. Some places have been responsive and some have not. What about the lot next to the church for the summer? Has tentative agreement from schools in Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, and West Allis. Schools tend to run about $100 an hour, but elementary schools cost less. Various locations might object to people fighting from their knees. Many locations' rates are variable depending on how in-demand they are and if people are residents of the school district. Warehouses, dead malls, empty storefronts - Keep looking!
Brewers & Vintners Guild : On hiatus
Shop Night at Randall’s on Tuesdays: Conor wants to build some leg armor.
Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment