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Curia Notes: August 20, 2024

Present: Abelard, Magnus, Tatiana, Sibillia, Arnbjorn, Geoffrey, Charlotte, Arthur, Arnora, Asabella, Gilchrist, Katie, Ysolt, Svena, Randall.


* BARONIAL CORONET: Send in your polls. Champions, let us know what championship formats you want for your tournaments. Send in award recommendations.

* Chatelaine: demo! We're getting more and more people from Meetup. Will ask the new people where they heard about us.

* Social Media Officer: Please interact with the posts on facebook. We have a few spammer things happening or bots trying to join the group, but they are being filtered out.

* Exchequer: We need to pay taxes. We had a motion to pay our $250 at Coronation, voted, and it passed.

* Quartermaster: We still have stuff!

* Herald: Will be making more visible announcements to connect with folks to support name and device registration. We have three in our barony (myself included) in process now. Please do award recs at least 8 weeks out. Boar's Head is NOT too far away. People are doing awesome things and I've seen them. I know others have seen cool stuff also.

* Signet: Has a number of scrolls to do.

* Chronicler: Send in articles. Office is open.

* Web Minister: Position will end in December. Looking for help with WordPress for the new site. Is making some changes on the current website (officer names), and will also look into adding the question to the 'Connect with CAM' page to ask where you heard about us.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences: Please let her know what projects you've been working on.

* Knights Marshal: Nothing to report.

* Rapier Marshal: Doubled the number of rapier spear auths in our group.

* Archery Captain: Office is open - send in LOI by September Curia. Planning to have championships the Sunday before Haustblot. Has ordered new archery targets. Quarterly report has been submitted.

* Thrown Weapons Captain: TW once or twice a month. Karl and Alva have plans for the championship. Lots of atlatls.

* Youth Combat: Potentially three youths starting up soon - Bennett and two others.

* Seneschal: Nothing that hasn't been covered, except the offices which will be open soon.

* Minister of Youth (open)


* Haustblot (Tatiana): We need classes and/or demonstrations. Tatiana will be hosting a breakfast. No more cabins or bunk space left. Please let Tatiana know what the championships are. Site is discretely wet - no lines of bottles. Not allowed to drive on the grass, even near the fighting field. (That is, you can pull off the road a little, but don't go further.)

* Renaissance Fair 9/14-15 (Charlotte): Has visited the site. We have about ten volunteers to talk about A&S and fight. Deadline to sign up is Friday. We could use a shade fly - can borrow Magnus's tent and Arthur's 10x20. We want to put together a decent mini-museum display. Want to use list poles / ropes. Will send the schedule out to the participants, which won't be iron-clad. Possibly a cooking area.

* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Svena): Website is up. Please let us know if there are typos. Pre-reg is live through August 30. Arthur will be gate coordinator. Will reach out to Their Highnesses chamberlains. Moneyer's Guild is doing the site tokens.

* Boars Head (Asabella & Arthur): Brenda has left the Washington County Fairgrounds. We should owe them a payment - Magnus will check with them tomorrow. We also need to take care of the insurance. There's a very basic website up. Working with PayPal Deputy to get that set up. Need to put an ad in the Northwatch. Still have open positions: Gate, setup/teardown, Armored MIC, class scheduler, lunch steward (if we want a lunch), Belle Otte might be putting in a feast bid, merchant row (if we want it), auction coordinator (if we want it). We have a rapier MIC, Tatiana will do cookie caper. Tatiana will get them in touch with the food truck people. We don't currently have a theme. Feast can run long and late. What feast options do we have? Family style, buffet style? Maybe feast theme of hits from the past? (Abelard has a backup of the old website and can provide it.) Let's wait and see what bids come in. Need site tokens. Need to change the prices listed on the website.

* Advertising on Facebook – Do we want to renew?: The ad was running under a card that is no longer valid. We know that we were getting visibility from the facebook ad, but the people who have been coming to practices have been doing so from Meetup (anecdotally, at least). We do have Crown and Boar's Head coming up soon, so this might be a good time to turn it back on. Magnus is willing to pay for some time. He will talk to Joseph.

* New Fighting Site: The sun is setting sooner and sooner! Charlotte has reached out to people so she can visit some sites and they haven't called back. WAWM (West Allis) is currently leading the charge. If you have free time during normal business hours, please contact the places on the spreadsheet that are listed as potential. Will send the spreadsheet again.

* Baronial Transfer: Polling ends tonight! Physical letters must have been postmarked today; if you haven't polled yet, do it tonight (but only fill out one form, either paper or electronic). A Q&A session would be a good time to ask questions or congratulate them, even if people think they know them. Tatiana, Geoffrey, and Magnus will discuss setting up a zoom meeting for this, maybe Sept 3. Maybe Friday night at Haustblot if people want to do it in person.


* CAM 50th: We started as a shire in 1975, so we're something like 13 months from our 50th Anniversary. Also, the 50th Boar's Head is coming up. If you'd like to be part of the planning for that, please join one of the groups doing it. (Arnbjorn will re-advertise the anniversary planning groups.)


* Brewers & Vintners Guild: on hiatus.

* A&S Nights- UWM Student Group Mtg- Third Wednesday of Month: on hiatus.

* Shop Night- Randall’s (Tuesdays)

* UWM SCA (Wednesdays): on hiatus.

* Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment

* Scribal Night – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the coffee shop

* Fiber Arts/A&S – 1st Tuesday at the coffee shop.

* Bead Making – Mondays at the Roost. Might not work during winter months.

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