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Curia Notes: December 15, 2020

In attendance: Abelard, Rhys, Tatiana, Rachel, Ysolt, Arthur, Randall, Octavian, Arnbjorn, Asabella, Joanna, Magnus, Geoffrey, Katie, Idonia, Albrecht, Sofonisba.

Officer's Report:

Baron and Baroness: We missed Boar's Head. We hope to have Yule Court Jan 23. (Jan 16 is Castel Rouge's virtual winter event.)

Seneschal: Not much to report for December. Hope everyone is finding the google meets and the PDF'd agenda useful. If you ever have anything to add to the agenda, let Randall know.

Chronicler: Arnbjorn is the new Chronicler. Due dates for articles will still be the 25th of the month except when it isn't. For instance, this month articles are due Monday the 28th. People will now have free access to the Kingdom newsletters - they are available under the member services tab of Send me stuff and read the tower!

Webminister: Nothing to report. No events. If people want things, please let me know. Also, need to transfer emails from Chronicler, Herald, and MOAS. Also need to change the statement on the website to declare no activity until June.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: People are doing things. Read the Tower! Have submitted the change of officer paperwork online, the paper copy will happen soon.

Marshals: A new Marshal's Handbook came out in July 2020. Go look it up!

Knights Marshal: Nothing to report. No practices until June. Can we put pictures in the Tower? (Yes.)

Archery: We had five newcomers (two families) at practice on Sunday, plus four of our regular archers - we had a really good time and hope that our new archers can join us in the future! Next practice is Saturday the 19th (unless the weather is bad in which case it might be moved to Sunday) at Kinnickinnic River Parkway.

Rapier: Nothing to report. No practices until June.

Youth Combat: Taught three classes: How to build boffer weapons, how to be a youth marshal, general overview of youth combat armor.

Thrown: Weapons On hold until March.

Chatelaine: Had one newcomer (Tanya). Baronial Social on Jan 7. Hoping to get a deputy Chatelaine.

Exchequer: Paperwork is easy because we're not spending anything and we don't have any income. The job is open this month - nobody has submitted LOI for the job. Is willing to take another two-year term. We moved to accept, voted, and approved Arthur for a new term as Exchequer. Asabella is willing to take another term as deputy. Moved to accept, voted, approved. We should also do an audit because it's about that time.

Quartermaster: We still have stuff.

Herald: We have the paperwork switched over. Nobody in the Barony received any awards came from the Boar's Head court.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: The Ravenslake team isn't sure if they want to hold the event because of health concerns - since there's no vaccine for kids, we don't know for sure if it will be okay for them. Has reached out to Northshield Kingdom Seneschal to find out if we might need a Crown location, and they expect Blachmere to put in a Crown bid for a weekend other than that. Not sure when Midrealm crown would be, but Midrealm will keep us in the loop. Also, we haven't locked down the date with the campground because we didn't want to push the fairgrounds administration if we don't have a date locked in.

Boar's Head: We expect to have Boar's Head 2021. We'll find out more as the year progresses. Same details as 2020.

New Business:

SCA has suspended all activities until June 1.

Guilds and Groups: Everything is suspended.

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