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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes - December 2021

Present: Abelard, Albrecht, Arthur, Sibillia, Ysolt, Geoffrey, Rachel, Randall, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Beatriz, Rhys, Magnus, Annetje, Asabella, Katie, Gustav, Octavian.

Officer Reports:

Baron/Baroness: Thank you for coming to Boar's Head! Yule Court is coming - send in recommendations. Let's talk about regalia at the end of the meeting!

Seneschal: Kingdom Domesday report is done. We have a new member of the Barony. Haven't purchased his membership yet.

Chatelaine: There were new people at Boar's Head, and Belle clothed them!

Chronicler: Submissions for the Tower are due Sunday the 26th. Thank you for everyone who has been reporting this year. Read the Tower!

Exchequer: We have some money in the bank. Need to re-do the event report because qwe used PayPayl, which changes the form. We made money from Boar's Head. We have some refund checks that need signatures. We need to order new checks, which will cost between $115-200. Motion to let him buy checks, voted, approved.

Quartermaster: Will try to get together with Randall to change the name on the storage locker tomorrow.

Herald: Thank you to Dahrien who picked up the books and returned them. Abelard and Ysolt are sending in new devices, and Ysolt also submitted a badge. Arnbjorn updated the Baronial OP with new awards: Astrid received her AoA, Karl received the award of the Black Flame, Geoffrey was put on vigil for the Pelican. Vivant!

Knights Marshal: Lots of fighting at Boar's Head. More marshals than fighters. Everybody seemed to have a good amount of fun, people weren't hitting with excessive force or looking particularly rusty, and reports have been sent in. Maybe practice on Thursday this week. Armond won the Boar's Head Tournament.

Archery Captain: Practice continues on Sundays, weather permitting. Winter Archery Clinic in Jara on Jan 29. If the weather is bad on Sundays, go to Jara. The Aquila of the Barony have taken two yeomen: Astrid and Karl.

Thrown Weapons: On hiatus, but term is ending in six months. LOI due by Feb Curia. Will put in for a third year if there is no other interest.

Rapier Marshal: We had a tournament at Boar's Head. The winner was THL Isaac, who is a newcomer to Northshield. We also had a melee, and the fighting went well. Guiseppe authorized at Boar's Head. No practice this week, and the 30th is a maybe.

Youth Combat: Fighting might start again Jan 1.

MOAS: Domesday has been submitted - lots of things on it. Read the Tower!

Signet: Nothing to report.

Social Media Officer: Nothing to report, but term is ending in six months. LOI due by Feb Curia.

Web Minister: Have been working with Dahrien to set up a hidden crash space coordinator (hospitalier) page.

Old Business:

Storage Locker: We had a cunning plan, but then the baby was born and now we need a new plan. (Will try to meet tomorrow.)

Border Skirmish 2022: Still need stewards/site. Haven't heard from Ravenslake.

Yule Court: Where to have it? January 22. Menomonee Beach House is available, $200. Redeemer is available, $400. (That might include a refundable deposit.) Some of the pavilions in the Milwaukee Park System are $295.68 for four hours. We discussed it and moved to have the event at Redeemer. Voted, passed.

Planning meeting: January. At Yule Court or virtually? Virtually on Jan 25.

New Business:

Boar's Head Wrap-up: Thank you all for coming to Boar's Head - we thought it went very well. We actually made some money. People had fun. 205 people. Largest event since Kingdom A&S (the last big event). Leftover site tokens in the troll box. Asabella has the lost and found. Abelard needs to turn in the heralds report.

Kingdom A&S Bid: Stallari chose to go with Korsvag, which leaves us free to submit other bids for other events.

Collecting Site Info: We still want to put together a database/wiki of potential sites, using Baroness Kateryn's data as a basis. Abelard will reach out to Kateryn to gather that information, and we'll figure out the place to store it next. The actual mechanism about how to update that information will depend on where we store it.

Chatelaine Office vote: We voted, and Beatriz is the new Chatelaine. Hooray!

Minister of Regalia: We have a lot of regalia, and we don't know what it is or the stories behind it. We should have both an inventory of items and a collection of stories. Quartermaster (Exchequer) has a spreadsheet list of what's in the storage locker - we should add the regalia (things the Baron and Baron have, things the champions have, etc). Maybe also a historian? Perhaps a regalia team / committee? Perhaps a database, rather than an inventory. We want the history, the inventory, and the things. Should be up to each champion to record / account for the regalia in their areas. Possibly something like Omeka. (Much conversation ensued.) For now, let's do an inventory. Motion to have a regalia committee? Voted, passed. We'll have one. Arnbjorn volunteered to be on it.

Crown 2022: Kingdom wants Fall Crown, Fall Coronation, Fall SUN. We will discuss this at the planning meeting on Jan 25.

Guilds and Groups:

A&S West Group: On hiatus

Brewing Guild: On hiatus

Cooking Guild: On hiatus

Fight Practice: Thursday nights.

Shop Night: Tuesday nights, but let Randall know.

Student Group: On winter break until January.

Woodworking: By appointment.

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