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Curia Notes: February 16, 2021

Present: Abelard, Arnbjorn, Tatiana, Mysie, Rachel, Geoffrey, Kale, Randall, Belle, Asabella, Sofonisba, Armond, Albrecht, Katie, Rhys, Arthur, Annetje.

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: We hope people enjoyed our court and Their Majesties court. We don't have anything big planned for the immediate future.

Seneschal: Reports are due by the 25th and he will turn his in.

Chatelaine: Not much to report. We've had a new person at archery practices who has been talking to the Chatelaine.

Chronicler: William Blackfox awards - we had three nominations (best overall, best special issue, best article). Bylaws will be published in the next issue. Articles and submissions are due Feb 25 (next Thursday). Read the Tower.

Exchequer: No change in the bank account.

Herald: We had our Yule Moot court. Some people received some awards, so congratulations! Keep sending in award recommendations for Barony and Kingdom.

Knights Marshal: No practices, nothing to report. Is going to give up the Kingdom Siege Marshal position.

Thrown weapons: On hiatus.

Archery: Haven't been able to practice for a couple weeks because of the cold. Maybe Sunday, depending on weather.

Rapier: Nothing to report.

Social Media: Have reported.

MOAS: Queen of Doom Challenge happened! At least two people from CAM submitted things, and Sybillia and Belle both won awards. Vivant! Reports are due soon, so report your crafts. (People have been brewing. People have been cooking. People have been making hats, embroidery, bow bags, repairs on the throne bags, other crafts and whatnot.)

Webminister: Mailing lists are done. Fixed the problem with the coronet email. Making some changes to the website.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish 2021: Larry at the site sent us email - we can have our weekend in June, but we will be on the other end of the fairground because there are other events happening the same weekend at the Fairgrounds. (The fairgrounds have basically said that they don't think we pay enough for our space; we think they will continue to put us in that space. Their statement was that they can make more from other people. We can ask how much it would cost to have our regular space.) We decided that this was not a good space. Also, we still don't know what the status of vaccinations will be. Ravenslake autocrat says she won't be autocrat if the event happens; Ravenslake says that they don't want to do it in 2021 but still want to do it in 2022. Ravenslake also says that they think we're finished with Walworth County Fairgrounds and are looking for a new site. We also need to look for a new site on our side. We are still able to request a refund from Kingdom if we can't get our money back from the fairground. General opinion is that we should cancel because a) not safe, and b) not profitable. We can also look at moving it to another weekend. Motion: We should not have Border Skirmish this year. Vote, approved.

Boar's Head 2021: Still on the calendar.

Baronial Champs 2021: Sometime in September, perhaps. We haven't reserved a date yet. Consider making it a drop site for silent auction activities. Maybe camping (just us) for baronial champs.

New Business:

Fundraiser: Cancelling Border Skirmish means that we're upside down. Need to raise funds. Silent auction? There will still be a Kingdom auction in April, FYI. Maybe we do ours in the fall, so as to not conflict.

Guilds and Groups:

No gathering at this time, but people are working on their own. (See MOAS report.)

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