Present: Abelard, Amanda, Albrecht, Ysolt, Sybillia, Randall, Magnus, Annetje, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Katie, Rhys, Jeff, Asabella, Octavian.
Officer's Reports:
*Baron/Baroness: Working with Their Exellencies Jararvellir about a combined May Day Moot.
Seneschal: We had a Border Skirmish planning meeting yesterday, and will have another one on 3/28. It is the go/no-go meeting. We need an event steward for Border Skirmish. Rachel would be interested in working with someone to learn how to do it, but we would need a primary from CAM. Ravenslake is also planning to have two event stewards. No more contact tracing required.
*Chatelaine: Student group had a good turnout for geek week.
*Chronicler: Submissions for the Tower due Friday, Mar 25. Has received information for the next directory - has sent them to FedEx/Kinkos for printing, and should have them ready on the 26th. Is printing 40 copies, and will also email PDF versions.
*Exchequer: We have money, need to receive the fighter fund income, one outstanding check. Will pay for the storage locker in June.
*Quartermaster: Has been contacted about doing inventory - was waiting for the weather to get nicer, which it's becoming, so we should take care of it. Will compare the contents of the locker with the latest inventory. Intends to send email to the current champions to find out what they have so he could add it to the inventory. Can keep an inventory in our google library.
*Herald: Nothing to report. We hope to have an event soon. Congratulations to Arthur who is now a THL.
*Knights Marshal: Nothing to report. Practices are happening. We had an injury which was reported.
*Archery Captain: On the 20th we'll be at Menomonee, followed by Viking Hiking. Sunday the 27th is Jara practice. In April we'll alternate between Menomonee and Kinnickinnic River Park. Two months away from resuming twice weekly archery practices.
*Thrown Weapons: Practices should resume next month. Sent a letter to the officers requesting an extension of 1 year for TW marshal. Moved, voted, passed.
*Rapier Marshal: Nothing to report. We have practice and people! Princess's Sleeve in April. Come to practice so you can authorize!
*Youth Combat: Youth combat is happening! We had one LOI, from Rhys. We moved, voted, and passed - Rhys is the new group youth marshal.
*MOAS: Will be working remotely, but still working. Glad to see that the UWM Student Demo showed off arts and sciences.
*Signet: Nothing to report.
*Social Media Officer: Still have a facebook presence - no big changes.
*Web Minister: We still have a website. Should update some of the photos.
Old Business:
*Fall Crown '22 Bid: Updated the bid from last year. Found an 'in case of rain' site at St Johns Military Academy. Has a meeting scheduled on Saturday the 19th at 10 AM to look at the site and talk to the reservations person in person. Once he has that information he will finish the bid and can then send it to the Curia; following that he can send it to Stallari.
New Business:
*Border Skirmish 2022 – Need stewards/site! Rachel volunteered as a co-steward, but would need someone to teach her the ropes. We had an exploratory meeting last night to review Circle K, and
*Border Skirmish Exploratory Meeting 4
Monday, March 28 · 7:15 – 9:15pm
Google Meet:
*Viking Hiking: Sunday March 20 at Mequon Nature Preserve. Bad weather site: Lapham Peak.
*Turm an dem See: Randall intends to request Zip codes for West Bend / Washington County (where Boar's Head is). Is there a reason to _not_ all of the lands? Not that we can think of. Randall will also request the rest of the lands, including the ones between our current northern border and TADS current southern border.
*Event sites: Camp Sinawa (where Mermaids has been) is under new management. There are cabins, a dorm, a kitchen, a hall for 100 people or so. Maybe a Baronial Border War with Windhaven, or a camping coronation. 80 indoor beds plus the indoor cabins. $1000 per night for the full camp. (Can in theory fight indoors between the rafters.) More information at The site is available all year. If we can't have Border Skirmish, maybe we can have a Baronial Skirmish. If we do, Tatiana will volunteer to be event steward.
Bylaws Review:
Remove a few descriptions of the lesser officers in the bylaws, as follows:
B) The Lesser Officers of the Barony shall be:
• Archery Captain, a deputy of the Knight's Marshal
• Emergency Deputy Exchequer, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Minister of Youth, a deputy of the Seneschal
• Quartermaster, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Rapier Captain, a deputy of the Knight's Marshal
• Signet, a deputy of the Herald / Pursuivant
• Social Media Officer, a deputy of the Chatelaine
• Thrown Weapons Marshal, a deputy of the Knight’s Marshal
• Youth Combat Marshal, a deputy of the Knight’s Marshal
Arnbjorn recommends removing "a deputy of the Knight's Marshal" from archery captain, rapier captain, TW marshal, and youth combat marshal; removing "a deputy of the Seneschal" from the minister of youth; and "a deputy of the Chatelaine" from the social media officer. None of these offices actually report to the baronial officer they are "deputies" of. They report directly to a kingdom deputy officer. It is at the kingdom and Society levels that reports are routed to a greater officer.
Emergency deputy exchequer, quartermaster, and signet don't have separate reporting channels and should continue being listed as deputies of their respective greater baronial officers.
So, change it to this:
B) The Lesser Officers of the Barony shall be:
• Archery Captain
• Emergency Deputy Exchequer, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Minister of Youth
• Quartermaster, a deputy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Rapier Captain
• Signet, a deputy of the Herald / Pursuivant
• Social Media Officer
• Thrown Weapons Marshal
• Youth Combat Marshal
....we moved, voted, and passed this change.
*How do people feel about changing the Honor of the Domestic Goddess to the Honor of the Domestic Deity? There is some resistance, and it might bear conversation.
Guilds and Groups – Indoors with masks.
*A&S West Group: On hold.
*Brewing Guild: On hold.
*Cooking Guild: On hold.
*Fight Practice: Thursday nights. Kenosha practices should be resuming soon.
*Shop Night: Tuesday nights. Contact Randall.
*Student Group: Meeting on Wednesday nights.
*Woodworking: By request.