Present: Abelard, Albrecht, Sybillia, Asabella, Ysolt, Kale, Geoffrey, Randall, Tatiana, Annetje, Sofonisba, Rachel, Arnbjorn, Magnus, Rhys, Octavian, Katie.
Officer Reports:
*Baron/Baroness: Thank you for coming to Crown. Looking forward to Boar's Head and possibly melee event, and we'll have to select a weekend for Yule Moot.
*Seneschal: Reported on zip codes (see below).
*Chatelaine: Will report in the Tower.
*Chronicler: The Tower due Oct 25. Office is as open as it can get. Read the Tower and please apply. Next month is his last month, and we need a chronicler to have a barony.
*Exchequer: He couldn't be here tonight but sent out the spreadsheets. He had to correct an error and has re-sent the Crown report, which Asabella shared to the meeting. We made a profit! Making an effort to get a budget around Thanksgiving.
*Quartermaster: Nothing to report. Almost everything from the event got back to the locker except the gate box, tablecloths, and silverware. Those things will go to practice for handoff.
*Herald: Report will be in the Tower.
*Knights Marshal: Practice is still happening, at the church most of the time, funds are still coming in and going into our account. Nobody's gotten hurt. Had a great time at Crown.
*Archery Captain: Continuing archery on Sundays at 10 AM, alternating between Menomonee and Kinnickinnic.
*Thrown Weapons: Practice this Sunday at Kinnickinnick. Loaner gear available.
*Rapier Marshal: No injuries and nothing much to report - but Princess' Sleeve will be at Boar's Head.
*Youth Combat: Impromptu youth practice this past Sunday, and a CAM youth fighter was at Jara practice on Sunday, and we've had a couple other kids at practice.
*MOAS: Let Albrecht know if you're doing arts and sciences for his report, and read the Tower!
*Signet: Has sent out email looking for scribes and illuminators for scrolls for Yule Court. Please let her know if you want to help!
*Social Media Officer: Office is open.
*Web Minister: We have a new page for champions, attached to the officers page. Added names based on previous Tower articles. There is a page and event for Boar's Head. Some of the data there is filler data. Sent a test email to the boar's head email group. Office is open in December - send in letters of intent. Will not apply for a fourth year.
Old Business:
*Boar's Head: Event steward/volunteers - Shawnah/Rachel/Asabella. Royalty Room: Deonysia. Gate: Asabella. Prereg: Arthur Angus. Rapier field will host two rapier tournaments (OVC tournament and Princess' Sleeve) and melee practice. Classes: should have a list of classes for Boar’s Head scheduled by November 1st. If you want to teach a class and have not contacted Mysie yet, please let me know the topic and duration you want for your class. At the moment we have 8-10 classes during the day. Pre-reg form is being tested. Positions are all filled, including youth combat.
*Known Heralds and Scribes 2023: Working on finding staff, and Beatrice has reached out again to try and reach the contact for campus event housing.
*Haustblot: A Norse Harvest Celebration – Sept 22-24, 2023 at Camp Sinawa. Now that we're less than a year in advance we should look at a budget.
*Turm an dem See: Zip codes sent for Washington Co and areas to make contiguous area. Cartographer reported back - he's waiting for clarification from the crown. The current thinking is that CAM will get some and Windhaven will get some, but Randall will go back to him.
New Business:
*Fall Crown Review: Thank you all for your help with the event. Thought it went very smoothly. Nothing but praise for the event. Went very well for a rain backup site. Exceeded target attendance, made a profit. Congratulations to their highnesses. The only complaint Rhys heard was that the stalls in the women's room were very small and ran out of toilet paper. There is another women's bathroom past the locker rooms, FYI. Did we not invite merchants or did nobody ask to merchant? We weren't sure if there would be space for them, and didn't nail down with St Johns if there was a restriction about what could and couldn't be sold. Decided not to push it. The potluck went over well - potlucks appear to be a favorable choice right at this time. (Drachenwald also had a potluck at a major event.) Was it advertised that the postrevel was street clothes? It was not widely published, but a few people were told.
*January Melee Practice: His Majesty would like us to host a melee practice in January - January 21 was available and doesn't conflict with any Northshield events. We can hold it for $100 per hour, with same site rules as Crown. Proposal was emailed to the CAM list. 65 people is the break-even point, at $15 each. HRM is actively recruiting for this. Site would be from 9-5. (Might want it from 8-5.) He wants melee for rapier and heavy for both. Sybillia offered to be rapier MIC. Parking might be an issue in January. Does "live steel" preclude rapier? We think not, but will clarify. (Do they have an archery range?) Need to make it very clear that a bone dry site is bone dry, and also no smoking/vaping means no smoking/vaping. We moved to have the event with the caveat that rapier can happen, voted, passed. Let's get it into the January Northwatch (which comes out mid-December).
*St Johns Future Planning: Would like to set up a demo (perhaps at January Melee Practice), and would like to extend that to boffer practice. Abelard will talk to his superiors about how that would work, waiver-wise.
*2023 Planning (Maybe in November): November 16 (Wed). If you have anything you want to plan or ideas for moots or events or whatever, bring it to that meeting.
*Yule Moot: Sunday Jan 22? Sunday Jan 29, Feb 4? Sofonisba will look at those dates. Arnbjorn will steward. Court, gift exchange, potluck?
Guilds and Groups
*A&S West Group – Sewing @ Tatiana's: October 26.
*C&I East Group: On hiatus.
*Brewing Guild: On hiatus.
*Cooking Guild: On hiatus.
*Dance Guild: On hiatus.
*Fight Practice: Thursday nights at Redeemer.
*Shop Night: Tuesday nights at Randall's. Thorbrandr is working on getting his shop up and running too.
*Student Group: Wednesdays 5:00pm, meeting at the Union or Physics building for sewing night.
*Woodworking: Lothar is opening his workshop on demand. Armond's workshop is available on demand.
*TeslaCon 2023: Is the same weekend as Boar's Head 2023. Let's send a poll to the Northshield facebook group or the TeslaCon facebook group and see what impact their event will have on us. We don't know if we can even move Boar's Head's date. Best bet is to roll with the punches.
*Border Skirmish: Will we have the event in the future? Not in 2023, at least, but we shouldn't rule it out entirely. Do we want to make some kind of announcement about 2023? We think not (but someone should mention it to the Seneschals group).