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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

January 18, 2022

January 18, 22

Present: Arthur, Abelard, Arnbjorn, Randall, Belle, Geoffrey, Katie, Ysolt, Albrecht, Tatiana, Kale, Danielle Bailey, Octavian, Beatriz, Rhys, Rachel, Rosamund, Magnus.

Officer Reports:

Baron/Baroness: We are sorry to not be holding the Yule Moot in person. Make sure your membership is up to date.

Seneschal: Welcome to 2022. Randall is still sick with covid.

Chatelaine: Will arrange to meet Beatriz to sign paperwork and hand off the gold key.

Chronicler: Articles due January 25. Do we want to do a new directory? We haven't had a new one since 2016. There is some concern that we might be inviting trouble that way. If we make it a document which is not posted on the website, it should be okay. Arnbjorn will start working on updating the directory and then we can figure out how distribution works. Perhaps we can also do a printable version and an online version (stored in the google storage).

Exchequer: It wasn't a good year for us in that we lost money, but fortunately we didn't lose a lot of money. Got the new checks and check folder.

Quartermaster: Storage locker has changed hands.

Herald: No new news. We'll have a new member shortly, now that Raymond is officially a person.

Knights Marshal: Nothing to report.

Archery Captain: Sundays, weather permitting. (Air temperature needs to be 25 F or higher.) Through January and February we will just be at Kinnickinnick Parkway because it's a shorter walk to the shooting line and the berm makes it easier to find the arrows.

Thrown Weapons: On hiatus. Letters of intentn are due next month. Winter Archery Clinic was cancelled for next week.

Rapier Marshal: There was one brief injury at practice but he walked it off.

Youth Combat: Has not re-started yet. Hopefully March 1.

MOAS: Nothing to report.

Signet: Nothing to report. If anyone has gotten an award, please send photos. Trying to keep the records up to date. Please send photos to

Social Media Officer: We still have facebook pages and groups. Office is open - LOI due next Curia.

Web Minister: Not a heck of a lot to report. Arnbjorn, received the information you sent; need to figure out how to rebuild the page to include the information.

Old Business:

Storage Locker: Has been switched over. Got the confirmation email.

Border Skirmish 2022: We need to find a site, and we need people to be autocrats.

New Business:

Baroness's birthday! Happy birthday, Ysolt!

Chatelaine Office Changeover: They will meet at practice.

Cancel practices?: Look at local DHS numbers. We should be at or near peak. We have fewer people than Jara. Will we still get charged for it? Let's continue to have practice, and if you're sick, stay home.

Viking Hike: Jan 22. Arnbjorn put a poll on the facebook page. Lions Den Nature Preserve in Grafton had the most votes. Forecast is to be cold and windy. Will discuss on facebook.

Yule Court: Cancelled

Caer Anterth Mawr 2022 Planning Meeting: (Tuesday, January 25 · 7:15 – 9:00pm) The link is different because it's a one-time event.

Budget: We discussed the budget. Moved to accept, passed, voted, agreed.

Guilds and Groups – Indoors with masks.

A&S West Group: On hiatus.

Brewing Guild: On hiatus.

Cooking Guild: On hiatus.

Fight Practice: Still happening.

Shop Night: Can happen when Randall is healthy.

Student Group: Not sure if they're back in session yet.

Woodworking: By appointment only.

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