In Attendance: Abelard, Ysolt, Arnbjorn, Geoffrey, Tatiana, Sofonisba, Winifrede, Rachel, Beatrice, Adriana, Arthur, Sybillia. Via Skype: Armond, Serena (Dingo)
Officer Reports:
Baron & Baroness:We have a new Prince and Princess. Hurray! We have a moot this weekend - May Day Moot. Yay! Armond will get the dragon wing shadefly and Baronial pavilion for the moot so we can do necessary repairs before Border Skirmish. He will also look for the 'cracker baskets'. A number of people are bringing meat to the moot, so maybe someone could bring vegetables?
Seneschal: Everything will be covered later in the meeting.
Chronicler: Articles due Monday, May 21. Northwatch has requested articles about the histories of the Baronies - CAM will be in October. If you have information to provide, please send it to the Chronicler (songs, photos, etc.). He also has information in old Towers.
Webminister: Website updating is ongoing. Will have time now to push out changes and updates. Emails should also be correct at this point. Award recommendations appear to not be going through, so she'll look at that. Locations and calendar need to be updated for the summer - send additional changes and updates to webminister.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: We had a work day on May 6, which was productive and reasonably well attended, and August got a shirt made. Please provide a list of A&S projects for the quarterly A&S report.
Knights Marshal: We will be moving Thursday night practice outside to the lawn next to the church, but still have the building available for people who don't want to fight outside, so we can keep fighting after dark, and so we can use the bathrooms. (We'll walk it this week to make sure it's clear and no holes have developed over the winter.) If there's interest we'll have some combined discipline practices at KK River Parkway on Wednesday nights, concurrent with archery practices there.
Archery: Outdoor practices started this week. Mondays will alternate between Menomonee and Whitnall Parks, Wednesdays at Kinnickinnick River Parkway. CAM had a good showing at Schutzenfest - Arnbjorn and Rhys both got into the finals. Office of Archery Marshal will be open in six months - bring letters of intent to August Curia. We will have loaner archery gear at May Day Moot.
Rapier: Nobody has died. Office will be open in seven months. Looking for someone else to become a rapier MIT to take over the position.
Youth: New handbook coming out soon. Might be a new kid at practices. Might have youth available at May Moot.
Thrown: Corydon is making some target faces. Will check out the stumps (aka wooden targets) to bring them to the moot.
Chatelaine: Lots of contacts lately. Newcomers, yay!
Exchequer: We have money. Need to schedule the audit - possibly the Friday of Border Skirmish.
Quartermaster: We have stuff.
Herald: Nothing to report. No acceptances or returns on the LOAR for our group. Abelard will be herald at May Moot.
Old Business:
Boar's Head: We have a bid - a few people with experience have put one together. Proposed event staff: Kateryn, Nikea, Elsbeth, Moira, Tatiana, Julianna, Arthur, Ysolt, Edward, Deja, Deonysia, Idonia, Michael, Mysie, Abelard, Asabella. The financial component should be ready by next Curia, but based on last year's numbers it should be profitable. Curia moved and voted to accept the bid.
Border Skirmish: If you are on staff or somehow involved in planning and have NOT received an invitation to the Google Group, contact Sybillia immediately. If you have things that you want to happen, add them to the group. There's a big folder in the group of documents and forms. We have reserved porta potties which will be cleaned. Fill out the longshoreman form if you need things for your areas. Site tokens are small pouches - will be working on them at May Moot. (They are cut out and ironed, just need to be sewn.) We will have a meeting at the Moot sometime in the afternoon.
May Moot: Saturday May 19, Brandybrook Manor (Armond and Sofonisba's house). Setup at 10 AM, moot from 11-9. Yes, there will be fighting. Also a potluck.
Dance Seminar Report: It was lovely.
New Business:
Coronation: Now that we have event staff for Boar's Head, we should consider putting together a bid for Fall Coronation. Kateryn will investigate the Schuetze Center (where we had Yule Moot) - fighting in the small gym would be okay but might be cramped, and we would like to use the large gym; however, we would need a floor cover. Nordskogen might be able to loan us theirs. A possible fallback or backup or alternative site is UWM - fighting might be okay if we can get advance clearance from the building staff and security. Let's see if we can put together a bid by next month which we can submit to Stallari. Even if we don't do this one, it would be good to have a site in our pocket.
Discussion Topic: Do we want to stop doing either Border Skirmish or Boar's Head in favor of smaller 'niche' events? Is it worth the time and energy? Maybe Boar's Head without a feast? What will happen to the local student population without a local large camping event? What will happen to the surrounding groups? Things to consider.
Guilds and Groups:
Scribal West: Fourth Wednesday of the month.
Woodworking: Fourth Wednesday of the month.
UWM: First and third Wednesday of the month.
Scribal East: On demand - talk to Beatrice.
Dance: On demand - talk to Beatrice.
Sign up to teach classes at Border Skirmish!
Sign up to teach classes at WW until the first of June!