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May 2019


Present:Abelard, Ysolt, Asabella, Cecilia, Armond, Sofonisba, Joanna, Belle, Arnbjorn, Mysie, Winifrede, Rhys, Jean

Remote: Octavian

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Thank you for all the help at Crown. It was amazing, and now we have heirs! Everything went very well.

Seneschal: Various things to mention as they come up.

Chronicler: Reports and articles due by May 25.

Webminister: Did some mockups on Wix. Also investigated SquareSpace and WordPress. (Wix: $8.50 per month for the first year, then $17 per month. SquareSpace: $12 per year. WordPress: $10 per year, but needs more back-end work.) We looked at the Wix mockup and people liked it. Note, transferring the domain could be an issue. Additional note: Make sure that the non-website-specific files get backed up somewhere else (maybe google docs under the account), because there's more in that space than just a website. We moved, we voted, we approved the purchase of a year of Wix.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: We did a great job cooking for Crown. People are sewing for Border Skirmish, WW, and Pennsic. Other A&S is also happening! We should make more banners, not just Barony-specific or Kingdom-specific, but general medieval-looking banners - Jara's banners look great, and ours look less great by comparison.

Knights Marshal: Crown went well. We have a fighter visiting for the summer. Come to combined practices on Monday (KK Park) and Thursdays. Weather permitting, we will start having practices outdoors on Thursday nights (moving inside when weather is bad, or to use the bathrooms, or when it gets too dark).

Archery: Started the two-times-a-week practice schedule. Monday nights, combined heavy\rapier\archery practice at Kinnickinnick River Parkway. Wednesday nights alternating between Menomonee and Whitnall.

Thrown Weapons: Will have a practice at Redeemer soon.

Rapier: On hiatus until Arthur returns, first week in June.

Youth Combat: Some gear was donated. Otherwise, bring your kids!

Chatelaine: New people at Crown were clothed! Special thanks to Ysolt for making some pins (to fasten garb) and belt rings (to belt garb) so that larger garb can fit smaller people. One of the new people reached out afterwards and had a fantastic time; she intends to fight rapier and we should expect her at practice. (She painted the picture of Sybillia we saw on facebook.)

Exchequer: Asabella (the deputy) has the checkbook. Email her directly if you need anything. Can do tax exemption forms for Border Skirmish. Pre-reg and merchant checks might be filled out incorrectly; weeding through that.

Quartermaster: Paid storage locker, need to get the trailer out by June 15. (No problem - we just won't take it back after Border Skirmish.) Need to replace some tubs. Need to have a cleaning party.

Herald: Baronial tabard has been found, library is still missing. Armond entered on the Scroll of Honor as a Meat Magician. Needs $45 to send award submissions to the Keythong Herald. Read the Tower!

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: Scavenger Hunt and class list are nearly ready and will be available at gate. Heavy: Going to set up on Thursday. Tournaments (including Torchlight) on Friday. Saturday will be melees, including an unbelt melee practice (3-person, 5-person, or 10-person melees), field battles, bridge battles, Hadrian's Wall. Will give out tournament prizes after the tournament itself, winners' names will be read in court. Jean will send a request for prize donations, John has a scroll for the torchlight tournament winner. Marshals and observers will need safety glasses for Saturday because of combat archery. Abelard is running the armor swap. The handbook is being assembled, including a map. Trying to find hay/straw bales for under $5 per bale - last year's source is now charging $6 per bale, which includes dropping them off at site, and that's our fallback position. (General feeling is that we will pay the extra money if we need to, but if there's less expensive options available we should use them.) This will be War Maneuvers for Midrealm, so we should make sure that Northshield unbelts show up. There will be a Stallari meeting, and we need to find a place to put them. Need a youth coordinator who has a background check. (Instructions for background checks are on the Northshield website.) We will have a Tolkien / medieval manuscripts tour at Marquette. Jean wants to talk to Idonia about tying string to site tokens. Deadline for Longshoreman requests is June 1. Need a place for Youth Central (not youth combat, we have that.) There is also a rodeo happening on site on Saturday.

Crown: Thanks for all the help! Belle, Maureen, and Altair were indispensable for the feast. We sent the food from the royalty room home with the royalty, and they're still eating it a week later.

Boar's Head: Did check with the site - the wall can be closed to divide the room in half, which takes between 15-30 minutes. We can also dim the lights. Rhys submitted a feast bid to be included with Arnbjorn's bid, and we reviewed it; his budget is $900 for 75 seats and 10 head table. (60 tickets at $15 each.) We moved, and voted, and it passed. Arnbjorn will send a revised bid.

Baronial Changeover: Not accepting letters yet.

New Business:

Practice Picnic at South Shore Park: Pick a Sunday this summer and Mysie will make this picnic happen. Pseudo-equestrian activities (hobby horses), fighter's practice, hands-on demo. Saturday is the Farmer's Market (until noon), Sunday is not. If we do it on Saturday, we can shop for the picnic food during the Farmer's Market and eat it after or during the demo. Need to pick a weekend, maybe in July. Maybe July 6?

Silver Dishes: We have a set of silver dishes which are used by head table at Boar's Head (and sometimes other events), and they aren't in great shape. Ysolt has been doing research about how to do repairs on them. There are ten dishes, fourteen missing stones (which are actually glass). They appear to be made out of silver-plated brass, with bezel cups attached with soft solder (probably lead) and not sealed. That needs to be cleaned off. Tatiana can make replacement stones. One option (re-finish): can clean up the bezels (removing them, re-sealing them) and glue the stones back in place, and re-do the silver plating with an at-home kit. Another option (restore): Can remove the bezels, buy or make 80 new stones, buy or make 80 bezel cups, re-silver-plate them, and actually close the bezels around the stones. Also, ~ $40 for 80 lapis stones of the right size. If Ysolt does the work, she will also make sleeves for the dishes so they don't bounce around in the Rubbermaid tubs any more. There's some concern about the bezels trapping bacteria, which Ysolt admits might be a problem in their current state because the bezels are poorly attached; if she does the work she will re-seal them so no food can get in as part of either restore or refinish options. After discussion it was decided that Ysolt will experiment with a couple of the plates; we voted to give her up to $50 to experiment.

Baronial Champions: If we have the event on the weekend of September 21/22, we can have it at Jean and Katerina's.

Business Cards: Came from Vista Print. Tatiana will look at re-ordering them.

Curia Schedule: June and August at Brookfield, no meeting in July.

Guilds and Groups:

A&S West / Woodworking: May 22.

Student Group: On hiatus for the summer.

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