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May Curia Notes 5/17/22


Present: Abelard, Amanda, Sofonisba, Rachel, Randall, Asabella, Ysolt, Arnbjorn, Beatriz, Magnus, Geoffrey, Katie, Annetje, Tatiana, Eric, Rhys, Albrecht, Kale, Deonysia.

Officer Reports:

*Baron/Baroness: Congratulations to Hanman and Guinevre, Prince and Princess of Northshield! Their Excellencies enjoyed the May Day Moot and apologize for having to leave early. Their Excellencies stepped up two and a half years ago, and must announce their intent for the future. They feel that they have more left to do, and want to extend ther tenure.

*Seneschal: There is a new Kingdom Seneschal. Hasn't heard anything about the zip codes from Turn an dem See.

*Chatelaine: We had three new people at May Day Moot. Chatelaine has followed up - they are trying to get to more events. Has finished cataloging all of the gold key but hasn't uploaded it to the inventory photo album.

*Chronicler: Submissions for the June Song of the Tower due May 25. Has six copies of the directory available. June 1 steps up as Kingdom Chronicler. Office is open - will not be applying for a third year.

*Exchequer: We have some money. We'll need a check for June for the church. Should we also write it for July? Let's find out when Redeemer will be closed. Eastern Regional Exchequer has uploaded the last couple of quarters to the official records.

*Quartermaster: Need to quantify the inventory, including regalia. Someone will send the list of what we have in inventory so they can be compared to reality. Photos and descriptions and other documents can be stored in the file shares that Seneschal set up.

*Herald: There were some awards at Crown: Sybillia is in the Order of the Pyxis and Geoffrey was made a Venerable Griffin.

*Knights Marshal: Quarterly report is in. Both injuries from the last quarter were reported. Practices continue at the church or else at Thorbrandr's. He and Thora have extended the offer of holding practices at their house; we will discuss it. We could potentially have Sunday practices as well.

*Archery Captain: Practices are Wednesdays at 6:30 at KK, Sundays at 10 at Menomonee. We have loaner gear. We will be losing Astrid when she moves back to Germany, but we have reacquired Bill. No practice this weekend because of Schutzenfest.

*Thrown Weapons: No established schedule yet.

*Rapier Marshal: Practices continue.

*Youth Combat: We had a youth and we will have a youth again, but are currently youthless.

*MOAS: People are doing things. Read the Tower!

*Signet: Nothing to really report - office is open.

*Social Media Officer: We're pretty well-behaved, so haven't had to do much. Office is open. We are the only barony which doesn't have a discord channel; if there's interest we could have one. SMO will investigate.

*Web Minister: Please use your baronial accounts and storage areas for files. As officers turn over, it's important to have a throughline. Webminister will provide a list of who hasn't logged in to their officer mailbox lately.

Old Business:

*Fall Crown: Our bid was accepted. Currently drafting the contract and provided contact info for that. Arnbjorn will list what jobs he has available. Also, need to get that on the kingdom calendar.

Turm an dem See: Zip codes sent for Washington Co and areas to make contiguous area. Their Excellencies have sent their letter to TADS to invite them to join the Barony; if they accept, we will also request those zip codes.

*Border Skirmish 2023 – Need stewards/site. Next meeting Sep 6, 2022. Ravenslake has asked us to decide by June 8 whether or not to reserve this site for the weekend of June 23-25, to the tune of $500. Estimated $5,000 total site fee, but still working out the details. Alexander de Seton wants to be steward. Do we want to try to have Border Skirmish 2023 with them, or try something different this year? We voted and the majority would prefer not to have Border Skirmish 2023 with Ravenslake this year.

*KWHSS: Still waiting for response from campus housing, and then it will go to Stallari, and then it will go to College of Arms.

*Demos: Last year we did National Night Out Family Fun Night with the Milwaukee Police Department, but haven't heard from them this year. Also, Scottish Days has invited us back - Arnbjorn and Beatriz will work on that. What about Greendale Village Days 2022 ? Greendale Gazebo ?

*Baronial Champs: We have a reservation at the American Legion, but we haven't paid yet. September 18 from 10-8. We should discuss giving them a deposit at the next Curia.

New Business:

*Storage Unit: Randall found a different storage unit (A Space Place, in Jackson WI) for $85 per month, with a 10% discount if we pay six months. We would have to be out of the current storage locker ($146 per month) by June 30. We would have to give them three days warning. Motion to change storage lockers, seconded, voted, passed. Randall will contact them to see if they still have a space, and then we can move.

*Boar's Head: Need event steward/volunteers. Beatriz and Rachel will put together a bid for the June Curia. Asabella will run gate. Deonysia will do the royalty room.

*June event proposal: Deonysia, Sofonisba, and Tatiana are all willing to run an event at Camp Sinawa. $1000 per night, $900 if we're a 501C. Thursday through Sunday, $2700 (possibly less). Possible title: War Maneuvers: Land vs Sea. Information about the site at . Hypothetically the weekend of June 16-18. Need to bring us a bid and a budget and then we can go for it. Note: Potential conflict with Known World Heralds and Scribes (late June to early July) - so we need to make sure the autocrats of both events are in communication.

*Baronial Transition: Their Excellencies would like to extend their tenure by two years, which Kingdom law allows. They need to have a vote of confidence, and then Their Majesties need to approve it. The Baronial Bylaws say that we have to have a poll. So, let's have a poll with the options of: extend their tenure, end their tenure, or run against them and have a poll. If we do a poll and the majority says their tenure should be extended, then it will go Their Majesties and they will approve it.If people want to run against them, we can have a full poll. So, Seneschal will create ways for people to vote before the June Curia, and can also have a poll at the actual June Curia meeting. (If anyone wants to run against them, they should be at Curia, but they don't have to be.)

Guilds and Groups

*A&S West Group: On hiatus

*C&I East Group: On hiatus

*Brewing Guild: On hiatus

*Cooking Guild: On hiatus

*Dance Guild: On hiatus

*Fight Practice: Thursdays

*Shop Night: Tuesdays

*Student Group: Meeting on Wednesday 6:30. Student Union will be closed for the summer, so they will look into a library space.

*Woodworking: On demand

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