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November 17, 2020 Curia Notes

November 17, 2020

Attendees: Abelard, Ysolt, Belle, Arnbjorn, Albrecht, Tatiana, Randall, Geoffrey, Rhys, Idonia, Armond, Octavian, Rachel, Magnus, Kale, Arthur, Sofonisba, Theresa, Asabella, Brandy, Katie.

Officers Reports:

Baron and Baroness: We will be holding a Yule Court in January, so please send in award recommendations - if we don't have award recommendations, we can't have awards. We watched Kingdom Court with the student group via their Google hangout and it was lovely.

Seneschal: Received paperwork to make Magnus official. Hope everyone was able to find links to the Curia meeting easily.

Chronicler: Deadline for articles Nov 25. This issue is for Her Majesty. It's based on the preferences on TRM's website. This is Idonia's last issue and Arnbjorn will be taking over. Can we upload the Tower archives? Yes, we should be able to put them on a google drive or something.

Webminister: Will look into where we can have an archive of old files. Is having an attack of life so might not be able to do that right away. Added another email address ''. It currently goes to Beatrice as an unofficial liaison.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: We have arts and crafts. SUN was last weekend - we had a number of people who taught classes, and a number of people who attended classes. Wide breadth of classes and resources - we had people from all over the knowne world teaching. We're cooking, we're brewing, we're fibering - crafts have not diminished. Want to call out Kale for her amazing scrolls.

Marshallate: Technically time is passing. We are still making new marshals and MITs.

Knights Marshal: Build more siege engines. Have sent in a Tower article. Practice on your own.

Archery: Alternating Saturdays and Sundays between Kinnickinnic and Menonomnee Parkway. As we enter December it will get more play-it-by-ear as the weather gets colder. Domesday report has been submitted.

Rapier: Domesday reports are in. MITs for Rapier need to also send theirs.

Youth: There will be three classes at Virtual Fighter Symposium.

Thrown Weapons: This weekend is the last one for the season. Domesday report has been submitted.

Chatelaine: Nothing really to report. Next social will be December 3. Would like to request a one year extension.

Exchequer: Nothing going on with the church at this point. No income or payments. LOI for Exchequer is due next month - is already in his third year, but might apply for another full term (because that's the way the bylaws work).

Quartermaster: We have stuff. Everything looks okay.

Herald: Last curia as herald. Domesday report is filed. TRM are holding virtual Boar's Head court on December 5. Badges for Tyr Mawr, Commander's Castle, Order of the Mullet, and Order of the Boar's Head have been approved. The names for the Battles Wall and Battles Star should be finishing at the Kingom level and moving on to Society. Katie has filled out the online changeover. Needs to get the paper copy signed.

Old Business:

MOAS Office: Two candidates - Albrecht and Sofonisba. Albrecht: really like to teach, really like to encourage, really like to learn. Been here a long time, done lots of things, would bring a different perspective. Moved, voted, Albrecht will be new MOAS. Sofonisba will be his deputy.

Border Skirmish: No new developments at this time - they haven't gotten back to us. We still don't know if we can have an event in 2021.

Boar's Head: Asabella will still run it if it's happening, but we don't know.

Baronial Champs: Usually in September to coincide with the Barony's birthday, but could hold it any time (once we can have events). If we have champions who wish to step down, please let Their Excellencies know and we'll work something out.

Chatelaine: Belle is still Chatelaine until February; will be asking for a third year.

New Business:

New awards: See herald report.

Planning meeting: Tabled until we know we can meet again. But, expect Boar's Head, Border Skirmish, Baronial Champions are things we expect. Maybe one viking hike per quarter?

Flyers to hand out: Randall has some, Abelard has some, and maybe we can combine them. Remember, publications go through Chronicler so give them to Arnbjorn. Business cards: Tatiana ordered the last ones.

Guilds and Groups: No formal meetings until at least February.

Students: Had a google hangout to watch SUN court and will do that for future royal courts as well. They will have virtual meetings next semester.

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