In Attendance: Present: Abelard, Armond, Sofonisba, Tatiana, Winifriede, Birna, Nikea, Juliana, Sybilia, Magnus, Arnbjorn, Akos, Rhys, Arthur, Jean, Mysie, Dahrien, Octavian, Joanna, Mysie's Dad
Remote: Ysolt, Rachel
Officer Reports:
Baron & Baroness:Boar's Head is coming up. His Highness Midrealm will be joining us there. T-Bone is also coming, as he won the Boar's Head Champion tournament last year. Remember that Boar's Head we will begin our final year - keep it in the back of your mind that we will be stepping down at Boar's Head 2019. Please bring largesse for Their Excellencies to give as gifts at Boar's Head!
Seneschal: Things to say, but they all fall into later categories. Remember that most reports for most offices are due November 25. If you are an autocrat, please read the contract for your site well in advance; some sites require that we purchase additional insurance, and other contracts are okay with our standard insurance. Standard insurance can be downloaded from the SCA website, but adding additional insurers carries a cost. This cost increases as the event gets closer, so do it as soon as possible. (The increase is from $50 to $225.)
Chronicler: Articles are due by Monday, November 26. This is Arnbjorn's last issue as Chronicler, and Idonia will succeed him. Will send Domesday report next week. Read the Tower.
Webminister: We have a website. Webminister has updates for the Boar's Head website, will be updated tonight. The Crown website will also be up soon.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Send in reports of what arts and/or sciences you have participated in in the past three months. Some people taught at SUN, and thank you if you were one of those.
Knights Marshal: We had a really good turnout a few weeks ago, then very few people for the next couple. Come back and fight! Working on Domesday report.
Youth Marshal: We've only seen one youth combatant in the last few weeks. Come back and fight! Office is open in six months - will probably re-apply.
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Hiatus until the weather gets nice again.
Archery Marshal: Great turnout lately - 5-6 archers on average. Winter Archery Clinic is December 15 in Jaravellir. After Boar's Head we'll start the winter shoots.
Rapier Marshal: One new person. Just sent in the Domesday report.
Chatelaine: Office is open.
Exchequer: We have money. Still trying to sort out Kingdom-level signatories; has resolved to re-do the whole thing. If you have receipts for Boar's Head, the deadline to turn them in is four days after the event (December 5).
Quartermaster: Putting together a list of what we need from the storage locker for Boar's Head. Will fill the trailer Thursday night (11/29) at 5 PM. Location of the locker is roughly Brown Deer and 76th. If you want anything, tell Arthur or Armond. Will be bringing list poles, ropes, and some of the wooden corners.
Herald: Nothing heraldic has happened. We have one applicant to be the permanent new herald: Arnbjorn. There was a motion to approve him, which passed.
Old Business:
Boar's Head: We are having a Boar's Head! If you're not already doing something, please volunteer. Need retainers, troll, takedown, setup, kitchen cleanup, and so on. Nikea will be the onsite merchant steward. We're having lunch as well as feast. Lunch will be medieval stew and bread bowl. The pre-cook last week went well, and the remainder of the advance cooking is also doing well. Lots of recipes from the past. Christopher is in charge of the youth activities. Doing the Cookie Caper as a fundraiser for Their Highnesses. Please bring cookies - as many as you want to bring. The rapier field will have the King's Prowess Rapier Tournament. Everything should be on the website. No silent auction. Setup Friday (11/30) from 9-5. Bar opens at 11. Bring receipts; deadline to turn those in to the Exchequer is December 5. FYI, Jois and Touissant will step up as the new Baron and Baroness Jaravellir at the event.
Spring Crown Bid: We will be hosting Spring Crown on May 11 at the Mandt Center in Stoughton. (This is in Jaravellir's lands, but we have permission.) Also, Their (incoming) Excellencies Jois and Touissant will be on hand to act as liaisons between us and the site, as they have run events there as well. Tatiana is the royalty liaison. Feast by Armond and Sofonisba ("Outback Steakhouse"). Asabella will be autocrat. Will write the check for the insurance tonight. We should tell the site that we don't want the boards up. We need a facebook liaison for Crown - Arnbjorn will do it. Mysie will look into a Friday field trip to Marquette to look at medieval manuscripts.
Border Skirmish 2019: The contract is on the way. We decided not to change the weekend for a number of reasons, primarily because we don't want to lose the weekend to other events. (We *are* approved for the current weekend of June 6-9.) Last year the charge for the equestrian was $350 per day for the arena and $15 per stall per day. We expect to have equestrian this year. We have two bids for the event, one from Rachel and one from Jean. We listened to their letters and selected Jean to be autocrat. He will be working with Baroness Kristiana in Ravenslake. The website and facebook page for Border Skirmish are already up (hosted by Ravenslake). Will also add a field trip to Marquette to visit the library.
Note for future autocrats: If you are an autocrat, please read the contract for your site well in advance; some sites require that we purchase additional insurance, and other contracts are okay with our standard insurance. Standard insurance can be downloaded from the SCA website, but adding additional insurers carries a cost. This cost increases as the event gets closer, so do it as soon as possible. (The increase is from $50 to $225.) Also, there is a handbook. It needs to be updated - want to include a checklist and some mention of social media.
New Business:
Taxes: We should pay $250 in taxes at Boar's Head. This was moved, passed, and voted on.
Yule Moot: We've put in a deposit for the Legion Hall (Delafield Legion Hall, 333 N. Lapham Peak Rd. Delafield, WI 53018). Some people will chip in for a half-barrel of Blue Moon. We will have the bar & bartender. Event from 12-8. Autocrat is Belle. Motion to provide $250 for incidentals, passed, voted, approved.
Boar's Head 2019: Event bids due by January Curia.
Guilds and Groups:
A&S West: Next one is November 30. Come on out! Sewing, woodworking, cooking - bring your favorite. Please let Sofonisba know if you're planning to be there.
Student Group: Geek Week will be March 6, and they would like to host a demo.