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September 15, 2020 Curia Notes

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Abelard, Ysolt, Tatiana, Randall, Idonia, Albrecht, Belle, Geoffrey, Idonia, Arnbjorn, Magnus, Rachel, Kale, Rhys, Katie, Merouda

Baron and Baroness: Court on the 26th at 5 PM.

Seneschal: This is Tatiana's last curia as seneschal. Will do signatory changeover this weekend. Will forward all of the seneschal emails to the gmail account so it's all stored. When we're ready we'll change that email account over. It would have been Coronation this past weekend. Even if virtual SCA isn't your thing, do practice what is your thing. Hit the pell, sew, paint, do your thing. Thank you for letting me serve as your seneschal.

Incoming: We're going to get some things done. Covid is putting a cramp on getting new people, though Belle is working to change that virtually.

MOAS: It's the same as it's been - which is secretly awesome, because people are doing stuff. Martial equipment, cooking, textiles, painting, furniture - we're doing all the same things, but that's a lot, and it's awesome... Tatiana Will be teaching a class about glass and textiles on the 26th.  Rhys is looking for a pattern for a coat from 1100 1200 west of Britain. There are two candidates for MOAS - Rhys will be happy to be deputy to either. Will address that at the next Curia.

Exchequer: No activity this past month - no money coming in or going out. Hoping to change signatories this weekend. Still need to send a refund check for Boar's Head.

Quartermaster: Have not officially changed the office yet - will do that before next meeting.

KM: No fighting until February. Haven't heard back from KEM about holding pell practices.

Rapier: Practice at home! Made a pell! Been doing 100

Youth: Working on a plan for a pell.

Archery: This week is our last outdoor evening practice until Spring. Starting Sunday the 20th we'll have archery practice at Menonomonee Park at 10 AM. In October we might alternate with Saturdays. We will also try to have thrown weapons practice in the same area, maybe a Saturday at KK River Parkway.


Herald: Think we've settled on some names to replace the name of Zenith's Guardian. Have an interested party to take over, which we can discuss at next Curia after an official LOI.

Chatelaine: Haven't heard back from the new people she's been working with recently. She's just moved to a new house. Is planning to do a third year, really wants to train a deputy so she doesn't dump everything on a new person.

Chronicler: Articles and reports are due on the 25th. Since court will be on the 26th, anything by the end of that weekend is okay. Will discuss next Chronicler next Curia.

Webminister: When you switch offices let her know so she can reset the password on gmail, and also to update the website.

Old Business:

Boar's Head: A long way away, but don't forget about it!

Border Skirmish: At last Curia we discussed the fact that Stallari said no about giving us the second weekend in June because it conflicts with Castel Rouge's event; talked to someone in Stallari who made some suggestions. Castel Rouge is okay with us using that weekend and Tatiana sent a letter to Stallari asking for an appeal. We can't have the first or third weekend in June. If we decide to move or cancel, we might not be able to get the site back for that weekend next year. We are 800 miles from Castel Rouge.  Waiting to hear back from Stallari...

New Business:

Viking Hiking in October? Would anyone like to organize it? Remember, don't have more people than the state park and Waukesha County restrictions allow.

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