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September 2018


In Attendance: Armond, Sofonisba, Tatiana, Idonia, Rachel, Adriana, Winifride, Arnbj?rn, Arthur. Remote: Ysolt, Kateryn

Officer Reports:

Baron & Baroness:No one has died, they have received only one award rec for Baronial Champs. Please email recs directly to them.

Seneschal: There is a lot on the agenda, so she may cut-off discussion to make sure we get everything in. She read out load the Society's anti-bullying policy (found at ). This needs to be posted at all our events.

Chronicler: The baronial history article was printed in the October Northwatch. Submissions for the October Tower are due Monday, September 24th. One letter of intent was received, from Mistress Idonia Tait. She has previously served as baronial chronicler, as well as editor for the Pale and the Northwatch. Application accepted unanimously. She will step up in December, producing the January Song of the Tower.

Webminister: Regional Fighter practice webpage set-up. Waiting for info for Boar's Head webpage. CAM Facebook page and group updated to be in compliance with new SCA social media rules. Facebook event pages set up for Stenciling & Regional Fighter Practice, Regional Archery Practice, and Boar's Head.

MOAS: No one died. Quarterly report submitted. One letter of intent received from Lord Rhys ap Ishmael Llygad Odd. Application ccepted unanimously. He will step up in December.

Knight's Marshal: Nothing to report

Archery Captain: Practice has moved indoors to West Town Archery, on Mondays at 7 pm. Outdoor practice was nice when it didn?t rain. Will be holding a regional archery practice on Sunday, Oct. 7th.

Rapier Marshal: No letters of intent received- Third year extension approved for Arthur.

Youth Combat: No practice on 9/20. 1 youth fighter is regularly attending, who wants to fight someone other than Abelard. Bring your children. We can also do Youth Sparring authorizations at practice, if you let Abelard know in advance.

Thrown Weapons: Had TW practice a few times in August, thanks to the encouragement of Akos, an transplant from Dranchenwald. Will bring TW to Baronial Champs. After that TW goes into hiatus locally until May 2019.

Exchequer: We have money, checks to be signed. Ravenslake Border Skirmish check mailed out. Still waiting to hear from kingdom regarding insurance for the trailer. Curia recommends contacting SCA Corp, to see if trailer can be insured through SCA , using VIN number.

Quartermaster: Found the tie downs for the carport. Nothing needed from the storage locker for Baronial Championships.

Herald: Due to case of Real Life, office is open - Letters of Intent due by November curia (11/20/18).

Old Business:

Compensation Bylaws: The following three paragraphs were approved to add to bylaws article XI.

Financial Policies and Procedures:

<i>14) The reigning Northshield Crown and Heirs will be granted admission to events and feasts held by the barony at no cost to Them. Visiting royals

from other kingdoms and principalities may be granted the same privilege, subject to curia approval. Event stewards may elect to waive site fees for

designated chamberlains, subject to curia approval. All other requirements for admission will be observed.

15) In recognition to Their past service to the barony, previous bearers of the baronial coronet will be granted admission to the baronial Boar's Head event, at no cost to Them. All other requirements for admission will be observed.

16) Members of the non-SCA media attending events held by barony, for the purpose of reporting on the Society, per prior arrangement with designated baronial officers or event steward, will be granted admission at no cost to them. All other requirements for admission will be observed.</i>

Boar's Head: Kateryn will be sending info to the Webminister for event website. Event is on the kingdom calendars of Northshield, Midrealm, and Calontir. Her Excellency is talking up BH to people in person. Well start a broader media blitz soon.

Baronial Championships & Birthday Party: Weather looks perfect for the moot on Saturday, 9/22. Times are 12-8 pm. Schedule posted on Facebook and the CAM List. Bardic competition will be held through-out court. Please bring an ingredients list for the potluck.

A Day of Stencils & Stamps Making and Regional Fighter Practice: The Oct. 6th moot is free at the Delafield American Legion. Plenty of room for fighting. Cash bar opens in the evening. Let Tatiana know if you need help with ideas or questions for stenciling and stamps.

Spring Crown Tournament- May 11, 2019: The Mandt Center in Stoughton (Jara) is available for Spring Crown. The Barony will submit a bid with Asabella as steward and Armond & Sofonisba as feast stewards.

Turm an dem See Demo: TADS will be holding a demo on October 6th at Camp Sinewa (Mermaids site). Any fighters and merchants are welcome.

New Business:

Border Skirmish Dates: Ravenslake has suggested to move Border Skirmish from the second to third weekend of June. They hope to avoid conflicting with other Midrealm groups that have also started to pull MK royals away from BS. There are concerns that moving to the third weekend will conflict with Northern Realms War, if not in 2019, then likely in future years. This would likely pull NS royals away from BS. With almost ten years of holding BS on the second weekend, changing from the usual weekend would likely negatively impact attendance. Barony prefers keeping it on the second weekend.

Guilds and Groups:

UWM Student Group: First meeting on 9/19/18?5-7 pm (likely will go later)- Union Room 250. Baronial members welcome to attend. Faculty advisor is a former SCAdian, Dr. Andrew Larsen. Adriana is looking for instructors for classes during their Wednesday meetings. UWM is holding a Natural Dying workshop in November. Want to hold a garb making day and to thin the loaner garb closet.

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