The Honorable Lady Sibillia d'Orange
The RAPIER MARSHAL, a lesser office and deputy of the Knight's Marshal, is responsible for overseeing unarmored combat in the Barony. This office includes the duties of organizing and running tournaments at local events and practices, including a tournament at Baronial Championships. The Rapier Marshal
Shall be a warranted unarmored combat marshal or marshal-in-training
Should have a desire to study and promote unarmored combat in the Barony and the Society
Reports on a monthly basis to the Baron, Baroness, and the Curia and is responsible for all written reports to Kingdom Officers as well as the Baronial Seneschal.
Schedules & locations for unarmored combat practices can be found on the Calendar of Events page. We're having fun, and all are welcome to join us!
2021 - Present: The Honorable Lady Sibillia d'Orange
2017 - 2021: Arthur Angus
2013 - 2017: Albrecht of Caer Anterth
2013 - 2013: Guenievre du Dragon Vert
2007 - 2013: VACANT
2007 - 2007: Giovanni/Veronica di Cosenza
2004 - 2007: VACANT
2003 - 2004: Grecia de Caunteton
2000 - 2002: Kou no Toshikage
1995 - 1995: Mihri