Paul Knappenberger

Dec 16, 201349 min

Curia Notes 2013


In Attendance: Arnbjorn, Eva, Albrecht, Moira, Green Jenny, Gabrielle, Abelard, Akira, Kateryn, Hafgrimm, Alice, Myfanway, Corin

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Nordskogen 12th Night was fantastic - great turnout from the Barony. Yule Moot is coming up (Jan 19) - please submit award recommendations. The Bylaws meeting is coming up (Jan 27). The Gawain Event planning meeting is coming up (Jan 21). Jararvellir's Baronial changeover is going to happen at Flesh Wound (Jan 26) and we'd like to give them gifts - if you have gifts we can present, please get them to the Baron and Baroness or Green Jenny. We'd also like gifts and largesse so that we can give the new King and Queen something at Coronation!

Exchequer: We have money. Exchequer will now distribute actual reports at Curia meetings, which will also appear in the Tower. New checks are in. Boar's Head accounting is done, with the exception of an outstanding check. Let's continue to look at ACCEPS as an option for allowing people to pre-reg for events with a credit card.

Quartermaster: Waiting for the weather to clear up before cleaning out the storage locker.

Herald: Went to Nordskogen 12th Night and helped with court, also served as Hall Herald for the event.

Chronicler: Sent her report to the Seneschal. This month is a non-Tower month, so no reports due; however, feel free to send in reports and articles early for next month's Tower!

Webminister: Nothing's broken except the Knights Marshal page. (Abelard's note: Fixed.)

Arts & Sciences: Nothing to report.

Youth: Nothing to report.

Knights Marshal: We'll continue to use Bucketworks until the end of the month, at which point we can re-evaluate - will put out a bucket for collections starting this week to use towards a Bucketworks membership. The colleges start their practices the last week of the month.

Archery: On hiatus until public archery enthusiasm dies down. (The normal practice spaces now have 'league nights' every night except Fridays and Sunday afternoons.)

Rapier: Has been on hiatus, but will have practice this Thursday and next Thursday at a private location. Contact Green Jenny for more information if you want to join them. Will go back to Marquette when it starts again (Jan 28).

Seneschal: Nikea's sick, and Arnbjorn's filling in; nothing else to report.

Chatelaine: Office is open.

Chiurgeon: Office is open.

Old Business:

Gawain and the Green Night: General planning meeting Monday, Jan 21, at Marquette. In the Physics lab on the lower level by the North entrance.

Bylaws Planning Meeting: Sunday, Jan 27. People have asked to not meet in someone's home because it can be too distracting; let's look at possible locations. Bucketworks (would cost money)? Stritch? Anything more western? What about a restaurant's meeting room? We voted to move the meeting, location TBD. Albrecht and Eva will look into the possibility of a restaurant's meeting room and report back. (Suggested location: Edwardo's Pizza in Wauwatosa on Bluemound.)

Brewing and Vintning Practice Wrapup: It was cool. We made beers, mead, cordials, and learned a lot. The beer will be served at the Yule Moot on Jan 19.

Yule Moot: Saturday, Jan 19 at Menomonee Park Beach House from Noon until 11:30. Potluck - bring a dish to share. Lots of activities planned, see the website or Facebook page. ( Note, there is a gate fee at the park entrance of $5 per car.

Boar's Head Survey Results: General results: Don't get rid of Boar's Head. Abelard will send the results to the CAM list.

Boar's Head 2013 Location: We heard back from the Tripoli Shrine and their prices were too high for us. We should look at our backup, Washington County Fairgrounds. We voted: request contract from Washington County Fairgrounds. Also, Kateryn volunteered to head up a committee to find a new site for 2014 and onwards.

Curia Moot: Feb 17, but we need a location which isn't someone's house. What about Willoway or the building behind the archry range at Menomonee Park (where the camping moot was a few years ago)? Kateryn will look into Willoway as it is more central. Someone else will check into the other location.

New Business:

CAM list public or private: Tabled until next Curia.

Need a more permanent location: Tabled until next Curia. Note, however: Exchequer would be more comfortable paying for a 'permanent space' if it could also house the Baronial storage - that is, move the contents of the storage locker to a new 'permanent space' location and fold the costs together. Akira says that Bucketworks has lots of space available for storage, but doesn't know how much it will cost. He suggests a tour and a meeting with Tim to discuss price.

Baronial Freezer: Yes, we have a Baronial freezer. (It's a stand-up freezer.) It has been stored in Alice's garage for many years, but she is moving and can't have it in her new location. Kateryn will take it. (Alice also has a chest freezer available. Abelard might want that.)

Border Skirmish: No news.

Call for Boar's Head Proposals: Due by February Curia, March at the latest.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: A group of B&V folks went to Great Lakes Distillery and had a great time. Recommend a field trip.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Still working on getting a recurring time and location for C&I.

Cooking: Temporarily postponed.

Stritch: Fighting on Sunday afternoons (3-7) and Wednesdays (possibly as early as next week).

Marquette: Classes started on Monday. They will have fighter's practices on Mondays starting Jan 28 and their weekly meetings on Thursdays.



Present: Nikea, Eva, Arnbjorn, Deonysia, Green Jenny, Moira, Akira, Jean, Kateryn, Tatiana, Abelard, Julianna, Christine, Dahrien, Ambrose, Gabrielle

Officer Reports:

Baroness: It's cold out! Albrecht is visiting Texas. We went to SUN and returned to some house troubles, but we have a great SCA contact who works for a roofing company and everything will be okay. SCA-wise it's been kind of quiet.

Exchequer: Paid bills, including the storage unit through June (pending possible move of storage location). One of the bills was the domain registration place, which costs less if we pay for more than one year at a time; would like to renew for a total of five years. Curia voted to renew for a total of five years. Re: reimbursement from legal fees, Exchequer recommended that we ask to receive as much as we can. (Kingdom has given us the choice of leaving the money in the general fund or getting the money back.) We would prefer to donate how much we want to where we want and when we want; we intend to donate money to the general fund, but not necessarily this much and not at this time. Much discussion of this topic occured, which doesn't need to be recorded here. In the end, Curia voted to request the money back.

Quartermaster: We still have a lot of stuff. We donated some to the silent auction at Boar's Head which helped, but Jean didn't go through the whole locker before the event and we still have things to donate. When the weather warms up again he'll go through the rest of it. Planning to build a rack so that we can store banners flat instead of rolled up and leaning in a corner. Will continue to investigate storage locations including Bucketworks.

Minister of Children: Everybody's sick, so nothing to report.

Herald: Names and devices for Katarina Unru and Jean du mal Chance have been approved according to the herald's office, still waiting for official notification.

Chronicler: Next Tower comes out in early March. If you have articles or reports please send them to Tatiana by March 6.

WebMinister: Digest mail may not be working - please report any issues to Also, part of the domain registration (see Exchequer) includes the option to turn on whois registration protection. If activated, this prevents people from seeing the actual name, phone number, email, and snail mail address of the registrant - whois queries will instead return the ISP. First, this contact information should be the Seneschal as the legal representative of the group. Second, we voted to spend the money to get this protection.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Sick. Will post to the CAM list.

Knights Marshal: Sunday Stritch, Monday Marquette, Wednesday Stritch, second and fourth Thursday at Bucketworks, first and third Friday at Bucketworks. Adding new training methods and drills. Akira will be MIC at Border Skirmish this year.

Archery: Still on hiatus until we can find a new indoor site or the outdoor season starts.

Rapier: Picking up momentum now that we have Marquette space again.

Youth Combat: Don't know anything yet.

Seneschal: First, welcome to new person Christine. Chiurgeon and Chatelaine offices are still open. We have lots of loaner garb (Gold Key) - Nikea has gone through it and reduced the volume from six large storage bins to four large storage bins. Even if nobody else takes the office, she needs somewhere else to store these bins. Maybe we can donate some of it to survivors of Sandy or the Hattiesburg, MS tornado? It could also be used as materials for new garb. Will bring some to Stritch Project Day on Feb 24. A woman named Amanda has contacted Nikea about a demo at a Girl Scout function this summer, for which participants may be compensated. Contact Nikea for more information. Also, please look at the moots and events calendar; if you have comments, questions, or would like to volunteer to do something please contact Nikea.

Old Business:

Green Knight: Planning meeting postponed until last week in March.

Bylaws meeting: Rescheduled for March 12 at 6:30 at Bucketworks.

Boar's Head Contract: First, there are some changes to the Washington County contract. We have 'first right of refusal' for Friday before the event - we get the space for free unless someone else wants to reserve it, in which case we can rent it at half price for the day. The catering requirements have changed to include an insurance policy for the food ($150) and 20% charge if we don't use someone from their list of caterers. We also need to pay the site $1 per plate of food served at feast. In addition they want $.50 per person admission fee to the site. We need to commit by March 12 to pay the deposit. We voted to pay the deposit even though we have not yet seen an event bid and do not have an autocrat.

Border Skirmish: Annetje has asked a number of people to cover various staff positions. We still need a merchant coordinator, CAM chief Troll, and CAM setup. Note, Ravenslake is the lead this year and Marie is the autocrat from their side. Ideally we would also like a thrown weapons marshal (Green Jenny will see what she can find) and a siege weapons marshal. Quiet camping will be a little larger. We might build communal benches to put under the shade flies during fighting and around the bardic fire at night. Possibly hay bales?

Private or public CAM list: Tabled in the interest of time.

Bucketworks: Will tour after this meeting; otherwise, tabled.

Bids for Boar's Head: Postponed; due at March Curia.

Spring Moot: Jararvellir, Windhaven, and CAM are discussing a possible three-Barony May Day Moot. In theory this will replace our Spring Moot. Note date conflicts: May 4 is Midrealm Coronation in Chicago and April 27 is Bardic Madness.

Request: Julianna would like to borrow the parking garage and grills for her class reunion the weekend of Sept 15.

Baronial Champs: Bids are due in March. Arnbjorn will get us pencilled in for Rock River Parkway for September 28th. (Money won't be due until August.)

March Curia: Will be at Bucketworks.

New Business:

Request: Julianna would like to borrow the parking garage and grills for her class reunion the weekend of Sept 15.

Baronial Champs: Bids are due in March. Arnbjorn will get us pencilled in for Rock River Parkway for September 28th. (Money won't be due until August.)

March Curia: Will be at Bucketworks.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: There is an opportunity to connect with Amadon and his household, which is heavily into brewing and vintning. More information coming.

Herbal: Shooting for March for the next meeting.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Mysie's work schedule has been very difficult. Deonysia volunteered to try to set something up once a month, possibly at Bucketworks.

Stritch: Fighting on Sundays and Wednesdays. They will host a project day on Sunday, Feb 24 from 10-5 in the Blue Room (the room above the Exercise Room). They intend to have two project days per month for the rest of the semester.

Marquette: Learning things at their meetings - will try to get a list.



Present: Abelard, Arnbjorn, Albrecht, Akira, Eva, Kateryn, Mysie, Annetje, Ambrose, Gabrielle, Green Jenny, Hieronymous, Dahrien

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Going to Coronation, need tokens and gifts to hand out. We really mean it this time. Fabric, pouches, baskets, jewelry, cord, tokens... we can use the Project Day (Sunday, March 24) to make more things for this purpose.

Exchequer: Submitted request to get the settlement money back.

Herald: Filed quarterly report. Put a neat article in the Tower.

Minister of Children: Has a new book: Scrap Craft for Youth Groups.

Chronicler: Presumably a report will be in the Tower.

Webminister: Calendar is being updated regularly.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Filed a quarterly report.

Knights Marshal: The Bucketworks Thursday night practice is moving to Fridays as of March 29. When Marquette wraps up for the semester we'll change Bucketworks to Monday nights. Otherwise, we can have social practice once or twice a month on Fridays as well.

Archery: Still on hiatus. Might go to Jara for a Sunday afternoon practice, otherwise they'll wait until the outdoor archery season starts in mid-May.

Rapier: Submitted quarterly report. There's a new guy (Eddie). Otherwise, various rapier folks have various illnesses so practices have been fairly sedentary. But well-populated.

Seneschal: Seneschal office ends in September and Nikea does not intend to ask for an extension. Letters of Intent are due to the Seneschal, Baron, and Baroness by August Curia.

Old Business:

Green Knight Tournament: Meeting next Tuesday (March 26), 7 PM, Marquette Physics Building, Lab 002 (enter through north doors).Bylaws meeting: Next meeting Thursday April 4, 6:30 PM, at Bucketworks. Notes available on the website, .

Border Skirmish: Still in search of a theme, which will probably be 'Skirmish'. Marshals are communicating and have lots of good ideas. We will have hay (or straw) bales, and marshals are putting together a plan to maximize the fighters' energy from both a physical training perspective and a fun perspective. We will have equestrian and maybe also coursing. $15 per person for the whole weekend, $10 per person for daytrip. Need 275 people to break even. There is an indoor arena - not sure if we've reserved it. Need a merchant coordinator. The site token team has been waiting for a theme. If anybody knows of any large parties which are planned (a la WW), please let Akira know so that he can plan accordingly. We should consider this site for future winter events as well.

Should the CAM list be public or private? Comments: Let's leave it public. Every few years we have dustups but things have quieted down again. Depending on the service we choose, a private system might give other benefits as well such as an online directory and contact list. There is value to knowing that your communications are public - people are more likely to be courteous. Important things can be discussed at Curia or on the private Officer's list. At the least, we'll have the same problems whether the list is public or private. If we go private, we need to privatize the archives as well. If we go private, we need to decide when we kick people out. (When they move? A month later? Six months later? When are they no longer part of the social group we consider to be 'the Barony'?) We voted to leave it public. Note: if you do have something urgent or critical to discuss, bring it up to an officer because they have other avenues of communication. Additional note: We will investigate the option of 'skype-ing' into the meeting so that people who can't be physically present can at least have some kind of presence.

Bids for Boar's Head: Arnbjorn, Mysie, and Fiona have submitted a bid (Fiesta de Cabeza de Toro). The group discussed it and voted to accept the bid.

Spring Moot: Jara isn't available to run the Tri-Barony event any more. We need a volunteer to run the moot and a location. We will discuss it at next Curia. If we don't have any offers/bids, we won't have the Spring Moot this year. If you want to be the steward, please email the Seneschal, Baron, and Baroness. Note, the date is somewhat flexible.

New Business:

April Curia Location (4/16): Decided to ask Alice to reserve Brookfield Library. Fallback position, Bucketworks.

Bids for Baronial Champions Moot: Arnbjorn made a bid for Baronial Champions Moot. September 28, Rock River clubhouse (we're already pencilled in). Fee is $110 plus $50 refundable deposit. We voted yes.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Need to communicate with Amadan and Iron Wood for future plans.

Cooking and Herbal: No news.

Calligraphy & Illumination / A&S: No news.

Stritch: Practices Wednesdays and Sundays. This Sunday (March 24), Project Day starting at noon. Armoring will take place in the Excercise Room, fighting starts at 4. Other crafts in the same room as before. There will be signs posted. Last day of classes is May 17.

Marquette: Monday practices, Thursday meetings. Mysie will be teaching a class about navigating with sunstones. Last day of classes is May 10.



In Attendance: Hafgrimm, Albrecht, Eva, Ambrose, Gabrielle, Akira, Abelard, Carol, Nikea, Moira, Arnbjorn, Tatiana, Siri, Green Jenny, Kateryn, Julianna, Corydon, Typhaine, Alice, Mysie

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: We have a new King and Queen. They are really pumping up Border Skirmish. His Majesty is calling the muster - He wants to clear the borders of the Midrealmers. They're very excited about the opportunity for equestrian activities at the event, too. Border Skirmish will be the Midrealm's first war practice of the season, and we all want it to be a big event.

Exchequer: We have money. (Actual numbers will be listed in the Tower but aren't reported in this notes.) We received our reimbursement from Kingdom.

Quartermaster: No report.

Herald: Nothing to report.

Minister of Children: There's a new plan for children in the future, see YAFA later in these notes.

Chronicler: Next Tower deadline is May 1. We really want to see something from all of our officers, greater and lesser. If a person wants to look at the Tower, they want to see content. So get us some content! May 1 is the deadline, and the issue should be done the following week.

Webminister: Nothing to report. Please make sure to cc: the web minister on upcoming events and meetings. Please check the site to make sure that *your* meeting is listed there correctly. It's up to all of us to make sure that the website is current.

Knights Marshal: We have practice at Stritch on Wednesdays and Sundays, Marquette on Mondays, and Bucketworks on Fridays. Randall is having a practice on Tuesday and Thursday this week as well. When summer arrives (in 6 weeks or so) we'll have Thursday nights at KK Parkway. When Marquette closes for the semester we'll also have Bucketworks on Mondays. Working on Border Skirmish plans. Will be leaving promotional materials in various places like Bucketworks.

Archery: Archery will start on Monday at Gander Mountain on Moreland in Goerke's Corners. Sign the waiver there, pay $5, come shoot.

Rapier: Two new rapier people, and Don Charismos is moving to the Barony.

Youth Marshal: No progress, so nothing to report.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Survived the plague. Reports are in!

Seneschal: Next Friday (April 26) at Bucketworks we're having an organized gathering. There will be fighting and food and projects, and turkish coffee. Also, there is a new social media policy which includes how *not* to talk to the media.

Chiurgeon: Office is open.

Chatelaine: Office is open (as of the reports).

Old Business:

(Arthur And The) Green Knight Tournament: We're fleshing out details. We had a meeting last week. The site is the DeKoven center in Racine, WI. We'll be reserving Taylor Hall so people can stay on site - $85 for a triple, $65 for a double, $55 for a single. People will sign up when they register for the event. Working on a deal to provide breakfast as well. The site is going to be retiring their trestle tables (which are over 100 years old) and replace them with plastic tables, so we're discussing the possibility of building tables to use instead of those. Need to sort out the details of who would pay for them and what to do with them afterwards.

Bylaw Meeting: At the last meeting we discussed addendums but still haven't discussed the financial piece. May 5 will be the last meeting, from 1-3:30 at Bucketworks, and we will be voting on the bylaws at that time. Officers, please try to attend or send proxies. If you can't attend, please send comments to someone who can. If we can't finish these up at the May 5 meeting we might have to postpone the process until the next annual bylaws review at the end of the year.

Border Skirmish: Meeting Sunday 4/21 from 2-4 at Perkins in Kenosha. We're light on volunteers from CAM. There's a website at . The tavern (food) will be running, serving breakfast and lunch as ala carte meals and dinner as a pre-registered feast. Tatiana could use help in the kitchen. Mysie will need help with waterbearing on the list fields.

New Business:

Spring Moot Letters of Intent: With no actual letters of intent, it was proposed that the May Moot be a Friday night potluck and Spring Court at Bucketworks. Kateryn will be in charge. Akira will check the calendar and get back to us as to available dates.

Letters of Intent for Chatelaine: We've had three Letters of Intent for the office. The officers reached a tie when discussing it and brought it to the Curia for a vote. The Curia voted on the three applicants and selected Asabella. She is our new Chatelaine and will begin the paperwork process. Vivant!

Boar's Head: Please tell Mysie what cool things you're doing and how they might tie into Boar's Head In Spain. For instance, based on someone's research we're going to have hobby-horse bull runs at upcoming events - make your own hobby-horse bull and bring it to Boar's Head! So, what cool things are you doing, and what articles can you write to that effect?

YaFA: (Youth and Family Achievement Program) The SCA is going to institute a new age-based youth program, which will award merit badges for youths and mentors. It's in the rough stages and should roll out in the next 4-6 months. Different Kingdoms will have different levels of involvement, and Northshield is planning to participate. Also, the SCA is releasing a new Kingdom Seneschal Handbook which includes this program.

May Curia: May 21 at Bucketworks.

That's Amare: Tatiana and Geoffrey have space in their vehicle if anyone wants to go to That's Amare on June 22.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Various folks have hooked up with Ironwood. People are posting information to the Facebook page.

Cooking: Typhaine's house won't be available until June, but if anyone wants to volunteer their house we can have a meeting before that.

Herbal: Nikea has been making herbal teas. If anyone wants to make teas, tinctures, or cordials they should contact her.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Mysie isn't teaching this summer, so her schedule should allow her to organize something.

Stritch: Still fighting Sundays and Wednesdays. No practice this Sunday, though. Gabrielle and Ambrose are going to switch to UWM, but someone will maintain the Stritch group.

Marquette: All but two members are graduating this year, so they will need some help with recruiting next semester.



In Attendance: Abelard, Akira, Eva, Asabella, Green Jenny, Nikea, Carol, Corydon, Typhaine, Kateryn, Moira, Tatiana

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Welcome to a busy summer. Albrecht is unable to attend tonight because he's in Indiana for work. Please sign up to help with Border Skirmish - Ravenslake has filled all of their slots, and we should be able to fill the others. At this point His Excellency and are not planning to put in our names for Baron and Baroness this time around. We encourage people to think carefully about the job, and to consider submitting letters of intent.

Exchequer: We have money. Actual account information will be in the Tower. Exchequer quarterly report has been submitted.

Quartermaster: We still have stuff. This office might be open soon - need to verify the date that Jean started.

Herald: The herald's office is bored and has nothing to report. Typhaine needs some help with her device, so that's something to work on, but otherwise - please ask for help with your devices, names, or other heraldic things with which you might need help! Also, office will be open in December - please submit letters of intent by August Curia.

Minister of Children: Received a couple tubs of boffer equipment. Some of it needs to be repaired. Corydon does not have a youth combat warrant yet.

Chronicler: Tower came out this month, the next one is will come out in July. Also, office will be open in December - please submit letters of intent by August Curia.

Webminister: Nothing of note to report. We're trying to find a good solution to the calendar pages.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Please tell the MOAS what you're working on. Typhaine is working on an incentive program - coins or pouches or something. Will be at Border Skirmish and Mermaids.

Knights Marshal: Welcome to Spring. Monday nights heavy practice at 7 PM at Bucketworks, with a separate space for rapier at 7:30. Tuesday night's armoring and heavy practice at Randall's at 6:00. Thursday nights combined heavy/rapier/archery practice at Kinnickinnic River Parkway starting at 6:30. Fridays we'll have a heavy practice at Bucketworks or at Leif's. Sundays will be a barbecue and heavy practice at Hamish and Fiona's new place in Racine. Border Skirmish is coming - we need a way to transport 90 bales of straw. We also need help making some banners for the event, and six foot lengths of rattan to use as banner poles.

Archery: The schedule is in the Tower and on the website.

Rapier: Off and on lately, but the primary practice is now Thursday nights at 6:30 at Kinnickinnic River Parkway.

Seneschal: Letters of Intent for the office of Seneschal were due today. Rumor has at least one in the works. Nikea's last meeting as Seneschal is August. The Curia voted to shorten the length of interim time from four months to three months. We will look for Letters of Intent at June Curia. Also, Nikea sent in the reservation for the Green Knight Tournament. (We already gave them a deposit.)

Chatelaine: Welcome Asabella! Went to fighter's practice last week, and will be talking to some people about demo opportunities. Leone offered to hand out business cards of flyers at PrideFest. The Curia is okay with that. What about cost? If she needs help with printing, talk to Nikea. We'll leave the details to Asabella. Coronation (Sept 14) is *not* a conflict with the Bayview Bash (Sept 21). Curia voted to do Bayview Bash again this year. Asabella will talk to Julianna to make reservations, etc. We voted to give her $150, which should cover the registration and incidentals. We have lots of loaner garb - some of it will stick around, some will be donated to auctions at other events.

Old Business:

Green Knight Tournament: The contract to reserve Taylor Hall (lodging) has been signed. Will schedule the next meeting for after Border Skirmish.

Bylaws: The bylaws were edited and passed. They are posted and are available on the website.

Border Skirmish: Morning court has been changed to evening court. Heavy weapons inspections will start at 10 on Saturday, with fighting at 11, until 4 or 5. Torchlight tournament Saturday after court - Round Robin format, with prizes donated by artisans. We're also asking for donations for the Kicking Cancer's Ass Campaign. We need to move roughly 90 bales of straw from a farm to the site, and then will need to move it around the site. Storage locker question - where are the heavy weapons wooden field constructs (the 'corners')? We need to transport the corners, the garage, the pavilion, list poles, and possibly other materials from the storage locker. Rapier is setting up their town scenario and will be dying sheets for it. We have a working fountain! The rapier scenario is 'A pox on both your houses', the Montagues vs Capulets in Verona. Populace will be invited to 'interfere' with the battle as not-entirely-passive bystanders. We hope to get lots of people to the event - this is a Midrealm heavy weapons regional practice as well as a Midrealm rapier regional practice. Hope to open the rapier field at 10 and start fighting at 11. We'll fight until we all fall down. His Highness Hrodir will be attending, but not camping. Their Majesties Northshield and Their Majesties Midrealm will all be camping. Her Majesty is having a sari-wrapping mimosa party on the battlefield on Saturday morning. Court will start in the evening, 'close to sunset'. Remember, financial questions and comments should be directed to the local exchequer. Food: Friday and Saturday dinner are pre-reg only. Breakfast and lunch will be a la carte. No food Sunday. Friday dinner ~ 6 PM, Saturday dinner ~5-8 PM. There will also be merchants in the food hall. Asabella is running Gate and needs volunteers. FYI, Nikea will not be at the event.

Spring Moot: Friday May 24, Bucketworks, 6:30. Potluck. Bring projects. Prizes for the best Spring/flower item or presentation.

New Business:

Legends Moot: Letters of Intent for the Legends Moot due today. Thinking about a Friday evening in the park thing. Asabella will look into running this, perhaps as a 'bring people' kind of demo. We will table this conversation until the next Curia.

June Curia: Brookfield, June 18.

Baronial Transition: Their Excellencies have chosen to step down. We need letters of intent by June 14 (before June Curia). Email and snail mail addresses for Nikea are in the Tower, and she will be at Spring Moot and Mermaids if you want to hand her something. If you have questions, please ask. Nikea won't reveal the names before June Curia.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing: Beer tent at Border Skirmish. Posted details for WW Brewing and Vintning Challenge.

Cooking and Herbal: Have been experimenting with teas. Roasted coffee demo at Mermaids. Probably no cooking until fall.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Waiting for Deonysia.

Stritch: Ambrose and Gabrielle have moved to UWM. Luis and Theresa (Marsella) will be in charge next year.

Marquette: Alyson and Amanda have graduated. Nelson (Quintus) and Jacob (Jacques) will be in charge next year.


6/18/2013 - Brookfield Public Library

In Attendance: Albrecht, Eva, Nikea, Moria, Kateryn, Corydon, Tatianna, Hafgrimm, Typhaine, Guenievre, Asabella, Corin, Myfanwy, Cicilia, Alice, Margaret Malise, Dahrien, Katlin, Rathbones the Younger, and Arnbjorn (acting note taker)

Officer Reports:

Baron & Baroness: Border Skirmish was a great success. Baron Albrecht read a card from Their Majesties Midrealm.

Exchequer: Barony has money- Actual numbers will be in the Tower. We are now being assessed a new fee from the bank. Moria determines that it is not enough to merit changing banks at this time.

Quartermaster: Everything taken from the locker for BSX is back, except a Northshield banner and the baronial water cooler. Given that the baronial water cooler is leaking and there is a general need for water coolers for the major events, Kateryn moved that new coolers be purchased. Cicilia will price them and present the costs at next curia.

Herald: Nothing to report, read the Tower. Office is open for letters of intent.

Chronicler: Plans to have next issue out on July 1<sup>st</sup>. Deadline for articles is June 27, by 6 pm.&nbsp; Office is open for letters of intent.

Webminister: We have a website. Nothing else to report

MOAS- Quarterly report has been submitted to kingdom, late due to family medical emergency.

Knight&rsquo;s Marshal: Monday &amp; Friday practices will continue at Bucketworks until Pennsic. Friday practice may move to Kenosha, near Gray Fox manor. Sunday practices are being help at Hamish &amp; Fiona&rsquo;s manor. No Friday practice at BW on 6/21 [after curia note, practice will be in Kenosha, near Gray Fox manor]. Reminder: Friday practice and potluck next Friday (6/28) at BW.

Archery: No report

Rapier: Green Jenny broke people at BSX, with the rapier activities. CAM has 14 rapier fighters. Some MSOE rapier fighters are coming to practice.

Seneschal: Letters of intent for seneschal are due today. Two applicants, Countess Guenievre and Lady Cicilia. Their LoI will be published in the July/August Tower. The populace can submit any questions for the candidates to Nikea by Friday, July 12. A Q&amp;A will be held at the July curia, and the vote will be at August curia.

Chatelaine: The loaner garb, along with many other donations, raised over $1000 for the Astrid fundraiser at BSX. The booth space for the Bayview Bash (9/21) has been paid for.&nbsp; The booth times are 11a-4p. Akria will be organizing a fighter demo. Baronial business cards were handed out at Pride Fest. Asabella is suggesting we hold a &ldquo;Newbie Night&rdquo;, perhaps in October, and encourages people to bring a friend/newcomer. Details are pending the fate of Bucketworks.. She is looking for contacts for the Marquette and Cardinal Stritch student groups. She is also exploring other summer festivals that we can do demos/have a booth at. Mysie suggested having a picnic &amp; demo during the South Shore Park farmers market.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish X: Estimated 300-350 in attendance. Up from approx 270-90 last year. Currently estimating $700-800 in profit, to be split between the two groups. Final fiqures are not in yet.

Bayview Bash: covered in Chatelaine report

Boar&rsquo;s Head: Budget has been submitted to the Baronial Financial Committee (the greater officers).&nbsp; Some concern expressed over the &ldquo;Bull&rsquo;s Head&rdquo; name and the $5 fee for <u>pre-assigned</u> daycamp/presence space (such space is also available without per-assignment for free). Asabella requested space for a Chatelaine point. Mysie request that people save/procure the rounds for office hole punchers for the &ldquo;fireworks&rdquo; at BH feast. Arnbjorn will follow-up with the WCFP about whether or not we can have confetti at the site.

Green Knight: nothing to report

Day of Legends Moot: Cicilia suggested a picnic at Hawthorn Glen Park (between Milwaukee &amp; Wauwatosa, on State St.). Corydon &amp; Alice recommended a demo &amp; potluck at Alice&rsquo;s new residence. Corydon would wear Price&rsquo;s surcoats, representing all the Legends, and fight all comers. Cicilia was voted as moot steward. She will work with Corydon &amp; Alice on their idea, with Hawthorn Glen as a back up plan if Alice&rsquo;s residence doesn&rsquo;t work. Looking at either the second or third weekend in August.

New Business:

Yule Court: Letters of Intent for moot steward are due by August curia

Request from Walworth County: They are holding an &ldquo;Old World&rdquo; Farmers Market at the Walworth County Fair Grounds (Border Skirmish site) Labor Day weekend. If the SCA agrees to host a demo with artisans, and possibly fighters, during the market, we could have the horse arena for free (a $700+ value) for next years Border Skirmish. There are some additional details that are need, that Baroness Eva will follow-up on, but the curia was very open to the idea. The Wisconsin Highland Games is on the baronial calendar, but no one has volunteered to be the demo coordinator for that event, and Arnbjorn is not involved with Wisconsin Scottish this year, so curia agreed to forgo the Games in place of the Farmers Market, pending more information.

July Curia Location: William Wehr Physics Building. Marquette University on July 16<sup>th</sup>.

Baronial Candidates: Two sets of volunteers: 1) Mistress Kateryn of the Amber Mists and 2) Lady Deonysia of Rye and THL Arnbjorn Karlsson

Baronial Candidates Question &amp; Answer session: August 8- Location TBD.

Guilds &amp; Groups:

Brewers &amp; Vinters Guild: They will be serving some of their wares at WWXX

Cooking/Herbal Group: Cooking on hiatus, herbal meeting in the fall.

Calligraphy &amp; Illumination: Kateryn is doing stuff, no formal activities planned.

Cardinal Stritch: Ambrose &amp; Gabrielle are transferring to either UWM or UWP.&nbsp; Marcella and others are leading small group at CSU.

Marquette Medieval Society: Two graduates this year. MMS down to 2-3 students, but they may get some grad school members.

After motion was made &amp; seconded, Curia was adjourned.



In Attendance: Abelard, Arnbjorn, Cecilia, Nikea, Mysie, Albrecht, Dahrien, Rubyn, Julianna, Kateryn, Green Jenny, Hafgrimm

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Went to WW - it was amazing. Everyone did a fantastic job. Katerina and Jean rocked with their brewing and cooking - Jean was declared brewing champion, and Katerina was declared early period cooking champion. The weather was amazing, too. Also went to Minot, and everyone should go there if you have a chance. And you can take the train!

Exchequer: We will receive a check from Ravenslake for our portion of Border Skirmish. We're still waiting for the event report to officially close it out.

Herald: Nothing significant to report.

Quartermaster: No report.

Minister of Children: No report.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: No report.

Chronicler: Report will be in the Tower.

Webminister: Been learning stuff and making behind-the-scenes changes.

Fighting: BucketWorks on Mondays, KinnickinnicK Park Thursdays, BucketWorks or Leif's Fridays, Hamish and Fiona's Sundays.

Archery: We'll be outside through mid-September.

Rapier: Thursdays are doing well. We've got new people and lots of interest.

Seneschal: This is Nikea's second-to-last meeting in this office. We have two candidates for the position of Seneschal.

Chriurgeon: Office is open.

Chatelaine: Bayview Bash needs to be added to the web calendar for 9/21 from 11-4. Setup at 9:30 am. We're checking on stage time. We also needs ideas for the booth, tables, the garage (and someone to get it to the demo), fighters for the demo. Will be in touch with Akira about the fighting portion. Still wants to do a demo at the farmer's market. Planning a 'newbie night' in October or November once we have a regular meeting spot again. Has been working with Typhaine to restart the dancing guild, which will really start once her softball season ends.

Old Business:

Boar's Head 2013 update: Bull's Head budget is approved. We'll have a planning meeting after Pennsic.

Green Knight Tournament: We'll have a planning meeting after Pennsic.

Walworth County Demo: Eva did a phone 'interview' with the committee. We have lots of space available - a corner of the fairgrounds. (Not quite sure which corner yet - will do a walkthrough after Pennsic.) Fair would like to see us set up a village. They will allow us to camp. This is during their County Fair, so we'll have lots of spectators. We can also do equestrian. (Eva has contacted other groups, notably Jara re: equestrian activities.) The Fair is eager to see what we can bring. Depending on where we are we might be able to bring archery (with nets behind the targets) and siege weapons, fighting, the scriptorium, whatever. It's Labor Day weekend, Aug 29-Sept 2 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). Talk it up, find out when people are available, and once we have enough for each day we can commit to those days.

Legends Moot: Cecilia hasn't been able to reach Corydon to find out if/when we have Alice's place, but has a backup plan. We took a brief recess so that Kateryn could call Alice directly. Confirmed: August 11 (Sunday) from 1-4 at Alice's place. Potluck, demo, possible fighting, other Legends Moot activities.

Baronial Q&A: Greenfield Park (124 & Lincoln) outdoor picnic shelter, Thursday, Aug 8, 7 PM.

Old Business:

Date for Border Skirmish 2014: Should we look at June 7 or June 14? (June 21 is Ragnarok Rampage in Midrealm.) We voted to select the weekend of June 14 (actually June 13-15). Nikea will contact Ravenslake and the Walworth Fairgrounds to verify that this is okay.

Q&A for Seneschal: There are two candidates for the office of Seneschal: Lady Cecilia di Cefalu (known as Cecilia) and Comtesse Guenievre du Dragon Vert (known as Green Jenny). The Barony asked questions of them. This is a summary of their answers. Any mistakes or misinterpretations are mine (Abelard).

Opening Remarks:

*(Cecilia): I've been in the SCA for two years. In the real world I'm used to leading large groups, where my job is to listen to people and gather information and use that information to make decisions.

*(Green Jenny): I've been in the SCA since 1987. I've held a variety of positions, including seneschal, herald, and rapier captain. In real life I work with a number of not-for-profit groups. I've been in the Barony for five or six years.

Q: Why would you like to be Seneschal for Caer Anterth?

*(C): Would like to serve the Barony in a greater capacity. Has prepared for it by gathering materials such as handbooks and advice. Is a good neutral party.

*(GJ): Would like to give back to the Barony. Thinks she can do the job and do it well. Experience in the real world and in the SCA. This is a time of transition - want to help lead the group into the future.

Q: What do you hope to achieve as Seneschal?

*(GJ): There has been tension lately, but it's been getting better. Has been both the Baronial and Kingdom Seneschal. Has helped other groups. Want to help grow the Barony and get new people in. Plug into the social niches so we can get and keep people.

*(C): Want to maintain the level of organization that the current Seneschal has established. Make it an attractive place to bring in new people. Thinks the Barony is needed in the world today, so we should do what we can to keep it alive. Will work to make the Barony more visible.

Q: What would your approach be in working with other officers?

*(C): Find out what they need and provide it. They know what they need and want, so will help support it. That's what she does in the real world too. We have a rich resource here in the people, so we should use it.

*(GJ): Two-fold matter. To serve the Barony as a coordinator, to corral the kittens. With regard to the officers specifically, the Seneschal is required to know what everybody's doing - not to tell them what to do or how to do it, but need to know. Guide conversations, summarize, keep track of the laws, be the objective person who can put on the brakes. The bad part about being an officer is putting your personal opinions aside and doing what the group wants do to.

Q: What is a weakness you have that may come into play?

*(C): Has horrible bronchitis in the winter. Her fear is that she may miss meetings if she's too sick.

*(GJ): Not a native to the Barony. Her history is with the Midrealm, with Nordleigh, and with Nordskogen, which means she has different perspectives than the experienced people in the Barony - which could be a weakness but also could be strength. Also, just stepped down as Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal and wouldn't object to a break. Also, no personal email or facebook during the business day.

Closing comments:

*(C): I've said what I wanted to say. This is just the cherry on top of the cupcake.

*(GJ): We're heading into a transition period with a new Baron/Baroness or Baroness, and I'm confident that I can work closely with any of them. I've got a wide background and strong experience base, and I can do it, but so can Cecilia.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Took B&V to WW and won stuff!

Herbal: Will meet when things get cooler. We should grow herbs and things near Charlie's bees once Bucketworks moves. (Charlie keeps bees on the roof of Bucketworks.) Also, Green Jenny has lots of oregano and people are welcome to it.

Cooking: Waiting to organize something.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Mondays or Thursdays in the Marquette Physics building once the semester starts.

Stritch: Will need support in the fall.

Marquette: Will needs support in the fall. Also, Annamarie and Cyrus are getting married this weekend.

Additional note: Happy birthday, Baron Albrecht!



In Attendance: Albrecht, Hamish, Eva, Asabella, Arnbjorn, Dahrien, Ceclia, Kateryn, Tatiana, Moira, Abelard, Rhys

Officer Reports:

Exchequer: Presented the minutes from the Financial Committee meeting. To summarize: We are a nonprofit organization, which does not mean that we cannot or should not make money. It means that all profits are used to further the objectives of the business, as opposed to being shared among the owners. The Exchequer will report monthly on income, expenses, and balances at the Curia meeting. A "happy place" financally would be to have $20,000 in the bank before major expenditures would be undertaken. We need to consider fundraising as a means to get us to our "happy place", and continue to do fundraising to keep us there if necessary. Expenditures which do not require a financial committee decision are as follows: Any expense over $100 that does not involve site fees. Any site fee for meetings, moots, etc that does not exceed $200. All other expenditures must be approved by the financial committee. Fundraising idea: Scrips. These are basically gift cards for stores at which we all already shop, which we would purchase for an amount slightly below face value. For instance, a $100 gift card might cost $95. Note, we would buy these cards all at once and pay in advance. (The Barony can't afford to purchase them as an investment.) The Exchequer can provide us with an order form - will try to put it in the November Tower. It might be possible to open this opportunity to people who will be attending Boar's Head - this will require further discussion. Another possible fundraiser idea: Griffin's Hub (car dealership) offered cars to be test-driven; for each test drive we would receive $20.

Baron and Baroness: Attended Coronation, which was wonderful. The site, the people, everything was great. Spectacular weather. If you get a chance to go to Skerjastrond, you should definitely go. Court was on the riverbank and was very picturesque. There was fighting and fun, and we now have a new King and Queen. Feast was really good too. There is currently a facebook conversation about the division between the heavy and rapier fighting communities, which began with a letter about a cadet (rapier student) being ridiculed in the rapier community for accepting a squire belt (marking him as a heavy weapons student). Do we want to have this conversation at the Baronial level? How do we facilitate the division? General conclusion: we don't need to have this conversation because our fighting community members get along; there is good-natured teasing back and forth, but not divisive teasing. Suggestion: Possibly our fighters get along because they share a practice space and the communities' personnel overlap.

Quartermaster: Office is open.

Herald: Green Jenny has had life issues arise and is no longer available to be considered for the position of Baronial Herald. Abelard has submitted a letter of intent. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia. Also, the Herald is working with a member of the populace who wishes to change her name.

Minister of Children: Corydon was not available. No report.

Chronicler: The Tower is posted. The Baronial Transition information has been published there. The next issue will be in November, then January. It would be great if we had photos from Boar's Head and/or moots and other things. The office of Chronicler is open; if there are no applicants, Tatiana has offered to remain in office until someone replaces her.

Webminister: About to publish the URL for the Transition website.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Please send her anything A&S related for her report.

Knights Marshal: We are currently looking for an indoor practice space. Ironwood is hosting the last outdoor fighter's practice on Thursday night, September 19 (rapier and heavy, no archery). Is investigating possible new spaces in conjunction with other people who no longer fit at the potential new Bucketworks location. Office is open, one applicant has sent a letter of intent: Hamish. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia.

Archery Marshal: Indoor archery practice began this week at Gander Mountain. Gander Mountain will give us a discount on the 30-day pass. Office is open, one applicant: Rhys. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia.

Rapier Marshal: Green Jenny has had life issues arise and is no longer available to be the group Rapier Marshal. Office is considered open - please send letters of intent to the Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, and Rapier Marshal.

Chatelaine: Need contacts for the schools. It's a big market and we want to tap it.

Seneschal: This is Ceclia's first Curia as Seneschal!

Chiurgeon: Office is open.

Old Business:

Bayview Bash: The Bash is Saturday, 9/21. People can arrive as early as 8:30. Asabella will be there between 9 and 9:30 with breakfast. Cars can drive on the street until 10:15. Our booth must be set up by 10:45. The Bash starts at 11. We will close our booth down at 5 PM, though the Bash goes until 11 PM. We have stage time for a fighting demo from 2:30-3:30, and we need fighters and an MC. We will also put out a donation jar. Be aware that we are cross-promoting with the Turkish dance group. Kateryn is providing a fire extinguisher, and CDs.Tatiana is providing another EZ-Up (10'x10'). We're also setting up a photo area again, and we need a fancy chair. (Albrecht will bring the Baronial seat.) Bring whatever looks cool - armor, books, etc. If you want parking nearby, get there by 10 AM.

Boar's Head update: Next Tuesday (September 24) at 7 PM at the Marquette Physics building. Positions left to fill: Gate coordinator (Troll), youth activities, event herald, ministers of the lists, kitchen coordinator. Ads have gone to the Northwatch and the Pale. The website will be up soon. Pertinent information is on the Northshield website and a facebook page. Ceclia's name is now on the contract, which we had to renegotiate to rent Friday night (for setup) in addition to Saturday.

Walworth County Demo Recap: The days of the demo were beautiful - all the weather we had came after 4 PM (when the 'demo' was over for the day). We almost got nailed by a flying parking garage. Lots of really intense interest, lots of great questions, lots of people who crowded our area so much that people behind them had to wait to talk to us. People told us that they hadn't come to the County Fair in years but did just to see us. If nothing else, we've planted some seeds. Next year this conflicts with the Known World Cooks and Bards event and the Glass and Metalworkers Symposium. We will begin discussing next years demo starting in January. And to stress the pont, the interest was real.

South Shore Farmer's Market Demo Recap: Didn't quite work out as planned. Mysie and Asabella were there and will try it again on September 28th. Another possibility is October 10.

Green Knight Tournament: Waiting on layout information from Kaitlin.

Date for Border Skirmish: Waiting for Toramassa to get back to us about the weekend we chose because we need a 'second weekend of the month waiver'. He might be waiting for Crown. (Note: This date is already listed on the Midrealm website.)

Bylaws 'tweak' Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 , 7 PM, location TBD.

Curia Meeting Space: The Seneschal would like us to have a regular, recurring meeting space which does not change from month to month. She would like to recommend Brookfield Library for this, and would like us to reserve the space through January at which time we can revisit the question. Note, Stritch has offered us space for November 19.

New Business:

Baronial Poll: Polls have been sent out. The TANG reports that some people have already replied. Please fill out your poll and return it. More information is on the website and in the Tower. Their Majesties have expressed an interest in interviewing the candidates themselves.

Yule Moot: We need a steward for this moot, or it will not happen. Seneschal will post it to the CAM list.

Knights Marshal submission: Hamish spoke about his qualifications for the office. He is well qualified and interested. We will have a Q&A session for him next Curia.

Rapier Captain: His Excellency Albrecht is investigating the process of becoming an MIT for rapier, with the intention of applying for this position.

Next Year's Planning Meeting: We will discuss this at the next Curia. Bring your calendars.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Ironwood is hosting a brewing and vintning symposium in Coille Stormeil on Saturday, September 28.

Cooking: Nothing to report.

C&I: In January Eva will start a (probably travelling) monthly C&I meeting.

Dance Guild: Asabella hopes to start a dance guild in January.

Stritch: Had their organization festival. Waiting to hear the results. No current students are heavy weapons fighters, so we don't have practice space there at the moment.

Marquette: Has lost their group status due to a paperwork snafu, and are working to get it back. They might be functional again by January. Mysie is working with them.



In Attendance: Albrecht, Hamish, Eva, Asabella, Arnbjorn, Dahrien, Ceclia, Kateryn, Tatiana, Moira, Abelard, Rhys

Officer Reports:

Exchequer: Presented the minutes from the Financial Committee meeting. To summarize: We are a nonprofit organization, which does not mean that we cannot or should not make money. It means that all profits are used to further the objectives of the business, as opposed to being shared among the owners. The Exchequer will report monthly on income, expenses, and balances at the Curia meeting. A "happy place" financally would be to have $20,000 in the bank before major expenditures would be undertaken. We need to consider fundraising as a means to get us to our "happy place", and continue to do fundraising to keep us there if necessary. Expenditures which do not require a financial committee decision are as follows: Any expense over $100 that does not involve site fees. Any site fee for meetings, moots, etc that does not exceed $200. All other expenditures must be approved by the financial committee. Fundraising idea: Scrips. These are basically gift cards for stores at which we all already shop, which we would purchase for an amount slightly below face value. For instance, a $100 gift card might cost $95. Note, we would buy these cards all at once and pay in advance. (The Barony can't afford to purchase them as an investment.) The Exchequer can provide us with an order form - will try to put it in the November Tower. It might be possible to open this opportunity to people who will be attending Boar's Head - this will require further discussion. Another possible fundraiser idea: Griffin's Hub (car dealership) offered cars to be test-driven; for each test drive we would receive $20.

Baron and Baroness: Attended Coronation, which was wonderful. The site, the people, everything was great. Spectacular weather. If you get a chance to go to Skerjastrond, you should definitely go. Court was on the riverbank and was very picturesque. There was fighting and fun, and we now have a new King and Queen. Feast was really good too. There is currently a facebook conversation about the division between the heavy and rapier fighting communities, which began with a letter about a cadet (rapier student) being ridiculed in the rapier community for accepting a squire belt (marking him as a heavy weapons student). Do we want to have this conversation at the Baronial level? How do we facilitate the division? General conclusion: we don't need to have this conversation because our fighting community members get along; there is good-natured teasing back and forth, but not divisive teasing. Suggestion: Possibly our fighters get along because they share a practice space and the communities' personnel overlap.

Quartermaster: Office is open.

Herald: Green Jenny has had life issues arise and is no longer available to be considered for the position of Baronial Herald. Abelard has submitted a letter of intent. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia. Also, the Herald is working with a member of the populace who wishes to change her name.

Minister of Children: Corydon was not available. No report.

Chronicler: The Tower is posted. The Baronial Transition information has been published there. The next issue will be in November, then January. It would be great if we had photos from Boar's Head and/or moots and other things. The office of Chronicler is open; if there are no applicants, Tatiana has offered to remain in office until someone replaces her.

Webminister: About to publish the URL for the Transition website.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Please send her anything A&S related for her report.

Knights Marshal: We are currently looking for an indoor practice space. Ironwood is hosting the last outdoor fighter's practice on Thursday night, September 19 (rapier and heavy, no archery). Is investigating possible new spaces in conjunction with other people who no longer fit at the potential new Bucketworks location. Office is open, one applicant has sent a letter of intent: Hamish. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia.

Archery Marshal: Indoor archery practice began this week at Gander Mountain. Gander Mountain will give us a discount on the 30-day pass. Office is open, one applicant: Rhys. A Q&A session will be held at next Curia.

Rapier Marshal: Green Jenny has had life issues arise and is no longer available to be the group Rapier Marshal. Office is considered open - please send letters of intent to the Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, and Rapier Marshal.

Chatelaine: Need contacts for the schools. It's a big market and we want to tap it.

Seneschal: This is Ceclia's first Curia as Seneschal!

Chiurgeon: Office is open.

Old Business:

Bayview Bash: The Bash is Saturday, 9/21. People can arrive as early as 8:30. Asabella will be there between 9 and 9:30 with breakfast. Cars can drive on the street until 10:15. Our booth must be set up by 10:45. The Bash starts at 11. We will close our booth down at 5 PM, though the Bash goes until 11 PM. We have stage time for a fighting demo from 2:30-3:30, and we need fighters and an MC. We will also put out a donation jar. Be aware that we are cross-promoting with the Turkish dance group. Kateryn is providing a fire extinguisher, and CDs.Tatiana is providing another EZ-Up (10'x10'). We're also setting up a photo area again, and we need a fancy chair. (Albrecht will bring the Baronial seat.) Bring whatever looks cool - armor, books, etc. If you want parking nearby, get there by 10 AM.

Boar's Head update: Next Tuesday (September 24) at 7 PM at the Marquette Physics building. Positions left to fill: Gate coordinator (Troll), youth activities, event herald, ministers of the lists, kitchen coordinator. Ads have gone to the Northwatch and the Pale. The website will be up soon. Pertinent information is on the Northshield website and a facebook page. Ceclia's name is now on the contract, which we had to renegotiate to rent Friday night (for setup) in addition to Saturday.

Walworth County Demo Recap: The days of the demo were beautiful - all the weather we had came after 4 PM (when the 'demo' was over for the day). We almost got nailed by a flying parking garage. Lots of really intense interest, lots of great questions, lots of people who crowded our area so much that people behind them had to wait to talk to us. People told us that they hadn't come to the County Fair in years but did just to see us. If nothing else, we've planted some seeds. Next year this conflicts with the Known World Cooks and Bards event and the Glass and Metalworkers Symposium. We will begin discussing next years demo starting in January. And to stress the pont, the interest was real.

South Shore Farmer's Market Demo Recap: Didn't quite work out as planned. Mysie and Asabella were there and will try it again on September 28th. Another possibility is October 10.

Green Knight Tournament: Waiting on layout information from Kaitlin.

Date for Border Skirmish: Waiting for Toramassa to get back to us about the weekend we chose because we need a 'second weekend of the month waiver'. He might be waiting for Crown. (Note: This date is already listed on the Midrealm website.)

Bylaws 'tweak' Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 , 7 PM, location TBD.

Curia Meeting Space: The Seneschal would like us to have a regular, recurring meeting space which does not change from month to month. She would like to recommend Brookfield Library for this, and would like us to reserve the space through January at which time we can revisit the question. Note, Stritch has offered us space for November 19.

New Business:

Baronial Poll: Polls have been sent out. The TANG reports that some people have already replied. Please fill out your poll and return it. More information is on the website and in the Tower. Their Majesties have expressed an interest in interviewing the candidates themselves.

Yule Moot: We need a steward for this moot, or it will not happen. Seneschal will post it to the CAM list.

Knights Marshal submission: Hamish spoke about his qualifications for the office. He is well qualified and interested. We will have a Q&A session for him next Curia.

Rapier Captain: His Excellency Albrecht is investigating the process of becoming an MIT for rapier, with the intention of applying for this position.

Next Year's Planning Meeting: We will discuss this at the next Curia. Bring your calendars.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Ironwood is hosting a brewing and vintning symposium in Coille Stormeil on Saturday, September 28.

Cooking: Nothing to report.

C&I: In January Eva will start a (probably travelling) monthly C&I meeting.

Dance Guild: Asabella hopes to start a dance guild in January.

Stritch: Had their organization festival. Waiting to hear the results. No current students are heavy weapons fighters, so we don't have practice space there at the moment.

Marquette: Has lost their group status due to a paperwork snafu, and are working to get it back. They might be functional again by January. Mysie is working with them.



In Attendance: Cecilia, Eva, Albrecht, Abeleard, Arnbjorn, Kateryn, Typhaine, Alice, Hamish, Rhys

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: We attended the Brewing and Vintning event, which was very nice. Good classes, amazing feast. We also went to Crown, which *also* had a great feast. Welcome to our new Heirs, Siegfried and Elizabeth! Cardinal Stritch has voted to disband as a group - we're not sure of the reasons. Marquette is also not a viable student group, at least for this semester. So, please think about possible meeting sites, especially for winter fighters practices. Maybe meetings in places of worship? Maybe it's time to go back to Sunday afternoon gatherings, whether we fight there or not. We'll figure it out. (Some meeting ideas: Sons of Norway, Moose Lodge, Serbian Hall...)

Exchequer: Posted expense report on the CAM Officers list.

Quartermaster: Office is open.

Herald: Gabrielle wants to change her name. Hafgrimm wants a new device. Heralded court at Baronial Championships, heralded a little at Crown. Office is open. (Please see New Business, below.)

Minister of Children: Nothing to report, but Corydon thinks he still owes the Barony two banner stands.

Chronicler: Nothing to report. Reports are due for the Tower by October 31.

Webminister: Nothing to report.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: If you have A&S activity which you'd like to appear on the MOAS quarterly report, please let Typhaine know. Also, Griffin's Needle Challenge is this weekend. And, SUN is February 8.

Knights Marshal: Looking for help finding a site. Karl might be able to get us the sand volleyball court at The Horny Goat in Bayview. Office is open. (Please see New Business, below.)

Archery: Mondays at Gander Mountain. $30 for 30 days. Office is open. (Please see New Business, below.)

Rapier: Need a new rapier marshal. (Please see New Business, below.)

Chatelaine: Nothing to report.

Seneschal: Working on the money for the Boar's Head reservation. Will double-check the dates and locations for November and December Curia.

Old Business:

Green Knight Tournament: On hold until after the first of the year.

Border Skirmish: Dates are approved: June 13-15.

Bylaws Meeting: Shorewood Library, October 29, 6-7:30.

Baronial Poll: Polling is closed. Met with Cedric the TANG briefly at Crown; Their Majesties would still like to interview the candidates.

Curia Meeting Space: Maybe we can change meetings to Sundays? We might be able to still get space at Marquette. Maybe Fey can get us space at the Milwaukee Public Library downtown?

Baronial Championships: Great event, great turnout. New champions: Heavy weapons: Armond. Mama Kat Tournament: Murdoch. Archery: Karl. Rapier: Corin. Bardic: Akira. Also, we did well on site collections.

Boar's Head: Her Highness Elizabeth would like to hold the Rapier Princess' Sleeve Tournament at Boar's Head. Will plan accordingly. Next planning meeting is Tuesday October 22 at Marquette. Also, we're having a project day on Sunday, October 27 at Marquette to make props for the event.

Bayview Bash: Collected some money in the collections plate.

New Business:

Yule Moot: Nikea has offered to steward this event at Alice's place on December 14, but we can't get the space until 7 PM. Cecilia will ask Nikea to either look for another date or change from a potluck to hors d'oeuvres/dessert. Note, January 11 is the next most likely date.

New Group Knights Marshal: We held a Q&A for Hamish as a candidate for office. We voted, and approved him as the new KM.

New Archery Captain: We held a Q&A for Rhys as a candidate for office. We voted, and approved him as the new Archery Captain.

New Herald: We held a Q&A for Abelard as a candidate for office. We voted, and approved him as the new Herald.

New Rapier Marshal: Albrecht submitted his name as a candidate for this office. We will hold a Q&A for him next month.

Alverno: Alverno College has a program by which members of the community can sign up to teach classes. It's possible that we can use this as both a recruitment tool and a method to hold fighter's practice. Albrecht has done this, but has lost his contact there. Keep this in mind for future educational possibilities.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Members of our B&V community attended the recent event. They had a great time and learned things.

Cooking: Has some dates for possible meetings. Will post them to the CAM list.

C&I: After the turn of the year we'll have monthly C&I meetings, which will likely move from place to place (probably in peoples' homes).

Cardinal Stritch: Stritch has decided to disband their group.

Marquette: Marquette is still on hiatus while they try to re-form their group in the eyes of the University.



In Attendance: Mysie, Fiona, Hamish, Hafgrimm, Abelard, Rhys, Julianna, Nikea, Saphira, Catherine, Albrecht, Eva, Tatiana, Kateryn, Moira, Arnbjorn, Maureen, Cecilia, Asabella

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: This is our last Curia sitting up front. Thank you to everyone for all your hard work, especially those who have served as officers in the last few years. And thank you to the populace, and to everyone who helped the events run smoothly, and everyone who we're forgetting. We really appreciated the opportunity to serve as the Baron and Baroness, and we're looking forward to the transition and the new Baroness, Kateryn.

Exchequer: Contact the Exchequer for the current balance (not published on this public website), but we do have money. We are officially part of the scrip program - Moira brought a sample order form with her (attached to the Exchequer report). Be aware that we're still getting everything set up, and in time we'll be able to order online. Moira will hold orders until we have enough to pay for shipping. This is a non-fundraiser fundraiser, so let's make it work! Note, office will come open in a few months. Letters of Intent are requested at the January Curia meeting.

Quartermaster: Office is open, please submit letters of intent to the Seneschal.

Herald: One remaining job before stepping out of the office: Hafgrimm's new device, which is almost done. Has sent Gabrielle her documentation for her new name. Will hand off the office to the new Herald (Abelard) in court at Boar's Head.

Minister of Children: No report.

Chronicler: Q&A for Arnbjorn tonight. The Tower came out. I hope Arnbjorn can get more response than me - by my deadline I only had three officer reports to publish, so ... we have to do better. If it wasn't for the Curia notes the Tower would almost be empty. I didn't take the job to be an investigative reporter and write the articles myself. And thank you to everyone who contributed.

WebMinister: We have a website, and we have a Boar's Head website. Note, office will come open in a few months. Letters of Intent are requested at the January Curia meeting.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Can't find parking, so can't attend the meeting tonight. No report. Note, office will come open in a few months. Letters of Intent are requested at the January Curia meeting.

Knights Marshal: Barony's group report is filed. We don't currently have an indoor fighting site, and our outdoor fighting site is Hamish and Fiona's backyard on Sunday afternoons, weather permitting. People are otherwise going to Jaravellier (Madison) and Ayreton (Chicago) for practice. Suggested practice location: Redeemer Luterhan Church at 19th and Wisconsin has a gym and other large rooms and they rent their space.

Archery Marshal: We continue to have practice at Gander Mountain in Gehrke's Corners. Attendance is three or four people. Looking for other opportunities and events to shoot at over the winter. Archery marshal reports are due December 1.

Rapier Marshal: Q&A for Albrecht tonight.

Chatelaine: Turned in her report. 35 email addresses came out of the Bayview Bash - will send them links to the new Newcomer Portal. Still want to set up something social for January.

Seneschal: Nothing new to report.

Chiurgeon: Office is open.

Old Business:

Boar's Head: Boar's Head is two weeks away. Meeting tonight after Curia. Apparently we will have lots of court and at least four vigils during the day. We've sold 13 merchant spaces and there are more available. Some pre-reg already - please pre-register! Feast is $16 for high feast. Still need a kitchen cleanup person, and people to help load the truck after the event. Friday's setup is from 8-5. Various staff members will post additional volunteer opportunities. Tatiana has the hospitality baskets. Please bake cookies (or bread) for the cookie caper! Money will be donated to charities.

Green Knight Tournament: Meetings postponed until after Boar's Head.

Border Skirmish: The dates are set. We need an event steward. We are the lead this year.

Bylaws Changes: We voted and approved these changes: Added V.m: [An individual may hold no more than one Greater Office at a time.] Added VI.K: [In the event that there is a single applicant for an office that Curia determines is qualified, Curia may elect to abbreviate this process.] Change XII.B.2 to: [Neither the Seneschal nor the Chancellor of the Exchequer may be an Event Steward for an event during their tenure. This policy does not restrict these officers from serving as Moot Stewards. This policy also does not affect other local Officers or anyone holding a Regional, Kingdom, or Society Office.]. These changes will be published to the website.

Baronial Polling: The polling process is complete, and Their Majesties have chosen Baroness Kateryn to be the new Baroness of Caer Anterth Mawr.

Yule Moot: Nikea has secured a new date and time of December 15, from 3-9:30 PM at Alice's. The space is reserved. We voted and approved this change.

Rapier Captain Q&A: We have a letter of intent from Albrecht. It was suggested that we abbreviate the process and skip the Q&A, and the Curia will vote yea/nay on his appointment at the January Curia meeting.

Chronicler: We have a letter of intent from Arnbjorn. It was suggested that we abbreviate the process and skip the Q&A, and vote tonight. We did 'eyesies-closies' to vote secretly, and the result was that Arnbjorn will be the new Chronicler. He will assume this office in January.

Curia meeting space: Maybe alternate between Brookfield Library and Marquette? Since Marquette no longer has a student group, we can't reserve it; we might get bumped with little or no warning. Proposed reserving Brookfield Library for January, March, May, and August; February, April, June tentatively at Marquette.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: People are still making new beverages.

Cooking: People attended the cooking last Sunday and it was great. The next one is December 22 at Corydon and Typhaine's, and the theme is 'Nordic'. No lutefisk, please. The theme for March is 'encased in bread'.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Will begin in January.

Dance Guild: Will begin in January. Looking for teachers!

Clothier's Guild: Since three out of the five advanced teams at Griffin's Needle were from CAM, we should have a gathering to sew. The clothier's guild will meet one Sunday per month at a location to be determined. Maybe Marquette.

Note: Alice has been under the weather and would appreciate visits! But you should call first.



In Attendance: Albrecht, Abelard, Arnbjorn, Tatiana, Alice, Kateryn, Moira, Nikea, Cecilia, Juliana, Saphira, Teb Tangris, Hamish, Fiona, Myfanwy, Corin, Mysie, Siri, Dahrien

Officer Reports:

Baroness: I'm the new Baroness. Boar's Head was a great success. Feast was a great success. Lunch was a great success. Fighting was a great success. Merchants were a great success. Cookie caper was a great success. Well done everybody. Albrecht now has free time again, and is working on belt tokens again; he has finished and handed over the one for Seneschal.

Exchequer: We have money. (Talk to an officer to find out how much.) We are set up with the Scrip program. Copies of the order form were handed out at the meeting and will be uploaded to the website - Moira picked what she thought would be the most popular items and put them on the form, though there are many other stores available. Talk to Moira if you want more. When you're ready to order, tell Moira. Note, we will not place an order before it's paid for. We have already made money with this program. Scrip is here: <a href="">page 1,</a> <a href="">page 2</a>. Term of office is up in May - send letters of intent to Exchequer, Baroness, and Seneschal by January Curia. Moira is willing to stay for another year if necessary. Note: a private fundraiser which does not go through court can go straight to Kingdom. Also: Found an inexpensive nesco. Donating it to the Barony. Also: Need another signatory. Abelard will be the new signatory.

Quartermaster: Position is open. Need to get Cecilia's name on the contract - she will make arrangements to get there and sign the paperwork.

Herald: We had a Baronial Court at Boar's Head and another at Yule Court. Court reports will be in the Tower.

Chronicler: Doing a January issue - send pictures from Boar's Head, articles, etc. The deadline is January 2. We need reports from each officer. If we publish photos, waivers must be signed. (Tatiana will take care of the waivers.) Note from the Baroness: Officers MUST report to the Tower.

Webminister: Website is up and running. Hafgrimm is temporarily incapacitated but has left the officer in the hands of his deputies. Term of office is up in May - send letters of intent to Exchequer, Baroness, and Seneschal by January Curia.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: No report, but don't forget A&S day January 11 at Shorewood Library from 10-3. Term of office is up in May - send letters of intent to Exchequer, Baroness, and Seneschal by January Curia.

Minister of Youth: No report.

Youth Combat Marshal: No report.

Knights Marshal: Boar's Head fighting went pretty well. We have a newly authorized fighter, and have seen a general renewal in fighting. There's lots of loaner armor in the room full of loaner gear - we'll go through it and clean up what we can, catalog it, and throw out whatever needs to be disposed of. (Also, one fighter has mixed his personal armor in with the contents of the room and he needs to get his stuff out.) We're working on a possible new fighting site (Redeemer Lutheran Church at 19th and Wisconsin). Special thanks to Abelard for helping get the new fighter trained, clean the storage room, and co-MIC the fighting at Boar's Head.

Archery: Nothing to report except practice, Monday nights at Gander Mountain in Gehrke's Corners. FYI, a few people are looking for 15 pound bows.

Rapier: We have a newly authorized rapier fighter: Corin. Working on a regular practice space.

Chatelaine: Still working on followups from Bayview Bash. Working on organizing a meet-up for new people in January or February.

Seneschal: Received a thank-you letter from Sandy Held, the coordinator at Washington County Fairgrounds (where we just had Boar's Head).

Chirurgeon: Office still open.

Old Business:

Boar's Head Recap: A&S display went very well. Next year we'll give them more time. The scribes were particularly thankful to have their own room. Artisan Row was excellent and very well received. Thank you to Abelard and Hamish for taking over as Marshals In Charge of the heavy combat list when Akira had to drop out due to work conflicts. We should make staff baldrics (like what we use at Border Skirmish). Some hiccups involving sales of feast tickets - people at Troll said we were sold out, but we had 40 tickets left. We also had a person who tried to buy a number of tickets but was told that he couldn't because everyone in his party had to be trolled in first. Complaints about the site and feast prices, which is explained by estimated attendance: Midrealm now has conflicting events. Why wasn't BH on the Midrealm web calendar? Because we got it into the Pale and assumed the two were tied together (like they are in Northshield) but they aren't. We did make a profit. Note: Reimbursements are now closed. Feast came in under budget because some of the food was donated. Got a message from Kaydian (winner of the Boar's Head Champion/Crestfallen Tournament): Very glad that we played along with the crestfallen tournament antics - he hasn't had that much fun in a tournament in a long time. The cookie caper was a big success and earned money. The fundraiser for kidney research also raised money for each of its charities. Suggestion: Coffee was a huge hit - a third of the money (from the kidney fundraiser) came from coffee. If you were staff at Boar's Head please see Arnbjorn to receive a bead. We did have negative feedback about how court was done, especially the court on the rapier list field. The Marquette students were on site until we kicked them out at midnight, still washing dishes and cleaning. So was Karl Kellar. Thank you to everyone who stayed - we couldn't have gotten out without them. If anyone knows when the Marquette students will be at a moot, please let Kateryn know in advance. The fact that we had populace space was great, but we weren't as crowded as previous years; could have used a smaller space.

New Business:

Boar's Head 2014: Voted to request a contract for Washington County Fairgrounds for December 5/6, 2014. In the meanwhile we will investigate the Marian Center in Bayview/St. Francis. Used to be St. Mary's. Not entirely wheelchair-accessible. They have an auditorium and a gym and kitchens. If we do a straight rental it's $50 per hour per room. If we become members we would get a discount ($100 for the day for the gym, $25 per hour per other rooms). $98 per month to become members. $150 per month will get us storage space (300 sq ft). Note, it's a not-for-profit organization. Nikea will organize a trip to see it.

Border Skirmish 2014: We have a bid from Nikea to host the event. Reviewed the bid and voted yes.

Baronial zip code: We own 53095 (West Bend). When Lub Siochail's status was lowered the zip code became available and we acquired it because the Washington County Fairgrounds (where we sometimes hold Boar's Head) is there. The Cartographer says we own it. Mommy Mommy lives there, and wants to be considered a member of Turn An Dem See (that is, wants her presence to be registered as living in their lands). His Majesty asked us to give the zip code to TADS with a contract stating that we could have rights to use the Washington County Fairgrounds whenever want to unless parties want to renegotiate. After some discussion it was decided that the actual proposed language is too 'squishy' and, ultimately, the Curia voted not to give the zip code to Turn An Dem See.

Guilds and Groups:

Brewing and Vintning: Nothing to report.

Cooking: Nothing to report.

Calligraphy and Illumination: Eva will start this again in January. It will likely be a travelling thing.

Clothiers Guild: Will meet January 11 at Shorewood Library from 10-3 as a sub-set of the A&S day. First meeting will include planning for the future, but please bring projects for sewing and sharing. Sofonisba (used to be known as Gabrielle,) is working on a tabard project which will be the focus of the February meeting. If you're interested in helping with the tabards, Sophisba will also be at Flesh Wound at the end of January.

Dance Guild: Thursday nights at Kateryn's starting in January. Nikea or Asabella will teach the first class. Will post more information when it becomes available.
