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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Meeting Notes: June 18, 2024

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Magnus, Tatiana, Sofonisba, Deonysia, Charlotte, Svenya, Arnborn, Armond, Gilchrist, Arnora, Annetje, Katie,


Baronial Coronet: We have potential heirs! Thank you for War Practice, which was great! And we had court! Send in award recommendations at Haustblot, and you can write award recommendations for the new peerage.

* Chatelaine: The usual crowd. Deandre has been at lots of stuff recently.

* Social Media: Lots of good stuff happening in social media. Some spam has been coming through from a vent cleaner, but Svenya deletes those as soon as she finds them. If you see forms or surveys come up, please interact with them because they're helpful.

* Exchequer: No report.

* Quartermaster: We got some things out of the locker for War Practice, and everything is back except the cash box. Arnbjorn will bring it to practice. Magnus has the spare cash box and Rhys was talking about making new banner stands for Their Highnesses; we might loan a spare to TRH. We also have shelves to assemble in the lockers.

* Herald: We had court at War Practice - we handed out ciphers to Sofonosba and Tatiana, brassards to Marcial and Deandre, and the Order of the Mullet for Magnus. And Their Excellencies received gifts.

* Signet: Should be hanging out at the coffee shop next week, will be teaching acanthus leaves. Has scroll blanks to create.

* Chronicler: Please send your articles and reports in by tje end of the month for the next Song of the Tower. Office opens at the end of December, so letters of intent are due now.

* Web Minister: Office is open and letters of intent are due by December. Learning WordPress.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences: No report.

* Knights Marshal: We continue to have practice. Nobody's been hurt. Some people are still looking for an indoor site. We're open to anywhere.

* Rapier Marshal: Everything's been going well. We've been playing with spears and learning how they work. Work on handling the heat!

* Archery Captain: Archery continues to be held Wednesdays at KK Park and Sundays rotating between Menomonee Park and KK.

* Thrown Weapons: Thrown Weapons practice should happen this Sunday at KK after Archery practice. Six people threw stuff

* Youth Combat: Bennett hasn't been available, but Reznor should be there this week and next.

* Seneschal: We found someone to submit a letter of intent for Baron and Baroness!

* Minister of Youth: Office is open.


* War Practice at the Roost II (Deonysia): Everybody seemed to have an awesome time. Except for the weather, it was great. Waiting for numbers.

* Haustblot (Tatiana): Asabella will run gate. Need Heavy MIC - we'll sort that out at practice. Will have a breakfast on Saturday - nothing elaborate. Tatiana will get the insurance straightened out. There's one cabin and one bunkhouse space left.

* Renaisance Fair Demo (September 14-15 - Charlotte): We received five responses, including stuff to lend. Note, this is the same weekend as Coronation. Should we ask for a rate? We would like to request free parking and free admission as the payment.

* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Beatriz): We'll start ramping up now that War Practice is over. Arnbjorn will send the wording to Magnus for insurance. Need a gate coordinator and royalty liaison. Moneyers Guild is doing the site tokens. We have the American Legion in Delafield rented out from 3:30 or so until 10 PM. We can have a potluck or whatever. Armond is covering that.

* Boars Head (Asabella & Arthur): We got a response back from the Fair Park with the layout. Information needs to go to the Kingdom Calendar as soon as possible. Last year we did two payments and the first one was in the summer; Magnus will contact them to ask.

* Advertising (Joseph): The ad is still up and running. Nobody lately has mentioned it. It's bringing a lot of traffic to our facebook pages.

* New Fighting Site: Has anyone contacted any of the potential places? Charlotte hasn't had time because of her new job. Magnus has time and ability and can do so.


* Baronial transfer: Tatiana and Geoffrey have submitted a letter of intent. Would people like a Q&A? Will ask on facebook and via email. (Should include potential dates and times for the Q&A; Magnus will work with G&T to set up those times.) Magnus will also ask the TANG (Mistress Wu) if she wants to be involved.


Brewers & Vintners Guild: On hiatus

Bead Making Class: Monday nights at the Roost

Possible Fiber Night: 1st Tuesday of the month at Qamaria Yemeni Coffee Co.

Scribal Night: 4th Tuesday of the Month at Qamaria Yemeni Coffee Co.

A&S Nights/ UWM Student Group Mtg : On break

UWM SCA- Wednesdays: On break

Shop Night at Randall’s (Tuesdays)

Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment

Letters of intent due for Chronicler, Webminister, MOAS, Archery Captain, and Youth Minister.

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