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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes for October 17, 2023

Present: Abelard, Charlotte, Rhys, Arnbjorn, Armond, Sofonisba, Eva, Joseph, Beatriz, Tatiana, Magnus, Albrecht, Katie, Thora, Thorbrandr, Ysolt, Gilchrist, Geoffrey, Jean, Theresa.


•Opening comments: Valerius is currently in the hospital. Please keep him in your thoughts.

•BARONIAL CORONET: Melee practice potentially at St Johns? We have a new Prince and Princess! Please consider what we might give as gifts for Their Highnesses and Majesties when they come to Boar's Head.

• Knights Marshal: Two practices per week. Things are going well.

• Rapier Marshal: Nothing to report.

• Archery Captain: Practices on Sundays rotating between KK and Menomonee. We have loaner gear. Come shoot!

• Thrown Weapons Captain: We probably have two more thrown weapon practices this year, after the KK practices on Sundays.

• Youth Combat: We have a youth fighter, and we have youth fighters on Thursday nights. We will have youth combat at Boar's Head. Jara's monthly youth practice is this weekend. We should make a push to get all of the heavy fighters authorized in youth sparring.

• Chatelaine: We've had a few people come out from Meetup, and a couple from the tv show, and a couple from posters.

• Minister of Arts and Sciences: Classes for SUN have been posted. Taught a class at the Grohmann demo.

• Social Media Officer: All quiet on the proverbial western front.

• Exchequer: We have money. We haven't finished paying for Haustblot yet (just got the last set of receipts), but appears to have made a profit. Need to handle new signatories soon. Need bank statements, too - will get those at practice.

• Quartermaster: Need to review what's in the storage locker with the previous quartermaster; will coordinate timing with dropping off stuff from Haustblot with Geoffrey and Armond. (Geoffrey will drop stuff off at Armond's.)

• Herald: Nothing new. We have a replacement herald (Beatriz) taking over in December. Lots of awards to publish in the Tower.

• Chronicler: This month, before Oct 25, please send in reports for the Tower. Also write articles.

• Web Minister: Link to the Boar's Head website should be up. Please send changes or updates to webminister.

• Seneschal: Finally taking over from Arnbjorn. Nothing new to report.

• Minister of Youth: Office is open.


• Haustblot: A Norse Harvest Celebration – Sept 22-24, 2023 (Sofonisba & Tatiana): The event happened, and it went well. If there's anything you want added to the wrapup report please let us know. People loved the feast. Turned in the last receipts. Next year we need to ask to get on site earlier and leave later. Next year we'll be allowed to camp in the grassy space in front of the lodge building. Prices for cabins might go up next year too. Six merchants, 138 adults, 13 children. We sold 77 feasts. Thank you all for helping to clean up. Were there noise complaints? Only for the horn that was blown in the middle of the night.

• Boar’s Head (Beatriz): It's coming! We still don't have anyone set up to do lunch. The people who did it last year haven't heard back. Tatiana, can you reach out to Myra? We have submitted insurance. All of our staff positions are filled. Need volunteers for royalty room guards and gate. Will be checking out the kitchens this week to find out if they're working. We have a payment coming up by November 19. (If that can be done by Thursday, Beatriz can drop that off when they check out the kitchen.) Joya will be elevated at Boar's Head and would like to have some banners hung if possible - Eva and Arnbjorn have portable walls which could be used as support for those. (After the event Eva might donate some to the Barony. Do we have a form or something for those?) Eva will also be auctioning some dolls to raise funds for youth activities and distributing those at the event.

• Job Descriptions (Information on offices): Will revisit this next month.

• Kingdom looking for Spring Crown/Coronation ‘24 bids: Arnbjorn has been emailing with Dwayne about Fall 2024 Crown. Will get back to us with the numbers. Should have more information by the planning meeting.


• 2024 Planning Meeting: November 8th at 7 PM. Moved, voted, approved.

• Chatelaine - LoI: Charlotte has applied. We moved to accept, voted, and accepted her letter.

• Advertising- Joseph: We have had a number of successful advertising campaigns recently. I would like to emulate the process used by the Houghton-Hancock group. He proposes Facebook Tailored Campaigns, and Instagram advertising. Would be willing to make a donation to help fund these, up to a certain amount; if it costs more, would like the barony to invest as well. A stumbling block might be that these endeavors require a 'business' account. Would also like to hammer out who we target - a list of which activities we want to advertise, possibly prioritized. Wanted to use this meeting to evaluate interest, and if there is, would present more next month. Suggestion: Would like to see what the ads look like. Maybe a meeting between the knight who did it before and Joseph and a few others from the barony. FYI, on facebook an add would run for five days for $25, and you can add multiple tags.

• Meetup: Beatriz was charged for six more months. We moved that she be reimbursed and we will re-evaluate when it's due for renewal again.


​•Brewers & Vintners Guild (on hiatus)

•A&S Nights- UWM Student Group is hosting, the third Wednesday of the Month, back in the Union.

•Shop Night: (Randall’s) Tuesdays. Someone has returned to the shop to finish his project.

•UWM SCA (Wednesdays): Meeting on Wednesdays, back in the Union.

•Woodworking (Armond’s): by appointment


Rapier Captain- Letters of Intent are due by October Curia

Minister of Youth- Vacant- Open until filled

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