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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes: January 16, 2024

Present: Abelard, Magnus, Arnbjorn, Sofonisba, Beatriz, Charlotte, Joseph, Armond, Arnora, Gilchrist, Rhys, Jean, Thora, Katie, Randall.


* BARONIAL CORONET: Yule Court on Sunday! Schedule has been posted. We will have court, and a potluck, and White Elephant.

* Chatelaine/ Charlotte: Looking forward to 2024! (Officer changeover at Yule Court?)

* Social Media Officer/Beatriz: Mostly monitoring facebook. We've gotten some spam messages which we've reported and deleted. If you see a message about a post violating facebook copyright, that's a phishing attack.

* Exchequer/ Jean: We have money. Working on the Domesday. There's one outstanding issue which he's working on. We are in slightly better shape this year than we were this time last year.

* Quartermaster/Gilchrist: We have stuff. The storage locker cashed the check, so we know that's paid. Need to get the quartermaster email switched - need to have

* Herald/ Katie: We'll be doing the office changeover at Yule Court.

* Signet- Mysie: Working on scrolls!

* Chronicler/Tatiana: Nothing to report.

* Web Minister/ Geoffrey: Nothing to report.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences/ Sibillia: Nothing to report.

* Knights Marshal/ Armond: We are having practice and everything is going well. We've had some new people showing up. We'll lose the church in May. We can switch to the Roost, but not for two practices. We can use KK when we get kicked out, but please keep your eyes open.

* Rapier Marshal/ Arnora: Rapier is going on as usual. We have some people from Jara who come regularly. Her Highness Ansteorra will be at practice on the 25th or the 1st.

* Archery Captain/Arnbjorn: Archery for Jan and Feb are at West Town Archery in Brookfield. We have one of the ranges to ourselves at 7. We'll go to Jara on the 28th for archery and thrown weapons practice.

* Thrown Weapons Captain/Karl: Locally on hiatus until Spring.

* Youth Combat/Rhys: We are prepared to have youth practice when youths attend. There was Youth Combat at 12th Night and will also be at Fighter's School.

* Seneschal/ Magnus: Getting better as Seneschal. More information in the business sections.

* Minister of Youth: Office is open.


* Boar’s Head- Beatriz: Close the books! And claim your lost and found! Reach out to Washington County Fairgrounds for the site contract.

* Job Descriptions – Information on offices: Ysolt is reviewing and cleaning up the job descriptions and sending them to the CAM Officers mailing list for a final review. We can vote on them next Curia.

* Advertising- Joseph: We have ten or so photos to use in advertising. The photos we've gotten aren't as diverse as we would like, so Joseph looked around and found the SCA photo gallery. These have all been authorized for re-use. We looked at them to narrow it down to five. We'll then need a headline and a short description. We spent some time selecting photos (with the realization that we can change the photos in a month or so), a description, and a 25 character headline. Let's see how this one does, and next month we can look at changes. He moved the drop point around to cover the entire barony with a 50 mile radius. Will put the ad up on Thursday.

* Yule Moot- 1/21/24- Asabella: Sunday at the Delafield Legion Hall, starting at 1 PM.

* Fall Crown 2024 Bid- Arnbjorn & Beatriz: Waiting on a few more Stallari officers to vote on the bid.


* War Practice at the Roost II Bid-Deonysia: Received the updated bid, which identifies the event steward (Deonysia) and feast steward and adjusts the budget for food slightly. Moved to accept, voted, accepted the bid.

* Spring Crown 2024 Bid- Thora & Beatriz: It's not far from the Roost. Has a big hallway (10 feet by 150 feet), 30 yard square gymnasium (with astroturf), showers, bathrooms. Armond would be MIC. Beatriz would be event steward. Can open site Friday night for an hour or two. Open at 8 Saturday morning. Site closes at 6. Can have drinks in the hallway but not food. We'll find out the maximum capacity of the gym space. No alcohol, no smoking, no pets (except service animals). No restriction on knives or weapons. There's no kitchen, but we can do a cold lunch (which we would prepare in advance and bring in in coolers); also plenty of fast food places around. We moved, voted, and approved sending this bid to Stallari. Note, this is just a bid and we might not get it.


*Brewers & Vintners Guild: hiatus

*A&S Nights at UWM campus: Third Wednesday of Month

*Shop Night: Randall’s-Tuesdays

*UWM SCA: Wednesdays

*Woodworking: Armond’s by appointment

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