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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes - November 15, 2022


Present: Abelard, Rhys, Syvillia, Sofonisba, Armond, Siri, Asabella, Ysolt, Kale, Geoffrey, Randall, Magnus, Beatriz, Annetje, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Albrecht, Theresa, Katie, Arthur, Eva.

Officer Reports:

*Baron/Baroness: Lots of stuff going on, lots of opportunities to volunteer.

*Seneschal: We had a seneschal meeting and it wasn't very well attended. Randall told people about the opportunity for free google space. Reports are due.

*Chatelaine: Chatelaine email has been very quiet. Looking at a few events like comicons and other nerd events - we should be able to have tables there. Maybe Geek Week or Midwinter Gaming Convention.

*Chronicler: Submissions for the December song of the tower due November 25. Just sent the last domesday. Read the Tower.

*Exchequer: Exchequer report is in. The church won't charge us for December. We've never gotten a receipt from the church - we need to either get receipts or take a vote that we don't need one. What about the rental agreement? Abelard will find that. For next year we'll do check drops quarterly. Need to add the new Kingdom Exchequer to the bank account - Randall, Asabella, and Arthur will work on that.

*Quartermaster: Preparing to find out what we need for Boar's Head.

*Herald: Raymond turns 1 shortly. Birthday party after Boar's Head. Not much to report. See you at Boar's Head!

*Knights Marshal: Turned in the last report - worked with Armond to do it. Armond steps up in December. We have a new Monday night fighter's practice, which may also feature rebated steel. We still have Thursday night practices as well.

*Archery Captain: Continues on Sundays, alternating between KK and Menomonee until we get consistent snow on the ground. Once that happens we'll move to KK exclusively. In December we'll just have two practices (skipping the day after Boar's Head and Christmas morning).

*Thrown Weapons: On hiatus until spring.

*Rapier Marshal: We now have two rapier practices. Filling out domesday soon.

*Youth Combat: We've had four kids in the last month, which brings us up to six kids for the year. Rhys expects to be finished with his marshal warrant next Monday, so he'll be an actual marshal for Boar's Head.

*MOAS: Lots of people are doing lots of things, and it's all amazing. Looking forward to seeing people at Boar's Head.

*Signet: We have people making scrolls (though she'd like to hear from more people). Kale herself prefers to do scroll blanks more than calligraphy, so she's hoping for more calligraphers, but any help is welcome. Materials are available too!

*Social Media Officer: Arnbjorn submitted the domesday report on his way out the door. Need a new SMO - office is open.

*Web Minister: All is well with the website. She has made all the updates she's aware of - Except for the back history on the baronial champs. Need to reformat the list from Abelard so she can paste it in without retyping everything. She's added a schedule of events for Boar's Head to both the RSVP page and the main page. The only things listed so far are lunch and melee. If anyone wants any other events listed, please tell me the time and the name of the event. Also - office is open.

Old Business:

*Boar's Head: Dec 3, 2022. Event stewards: Shawnah/Rachel/Asabella. Royalty Room: Deonysia. Gate: Asabella. Prereg: Arthur Angus. That's, like, now. Lined up a vendor for lunch for purchase between 11-3. We have the rapier and heavy tournament and schedule. His Majesty would like to hold melees (walls and bridges in particular); we're not sure there's enough space and we're not sure the floor is going to be safe. Need a small alcove for bardic - can use the alcove between the classroom and the storage room. Need to pay taxes ($250) - moved, voted, approved. No vigils or peerage meetings planned. Bring cookies or bars for the Cookie Caper. Also, silent auction. Bring stuff to auction! If she knows what to expect Sofonisba can fill out auction sheets in advance. (Eva will also help with the auction.) Exchequer will provide $200 for Gate. If anyone wants to work gate, please let Asabella know. Beatriz would also like a bunch of banners. Note, use lattices to hang banners from.

*Midwinter Melee Practice and Command Staff Meeting: Jan 21, 2023. Event stewards: Sofonisba/Armond. No potluck. Randall needs to send the contract and check. The insurance for the event has been paid too. Arthur is listed as pre-reg. Need someone to run gate - Tatiana and Beatriz have volunteered. Exchequer will get a gate check to Tatiana. No paypal pre-reg for this event. Schedules and plans forthcoming.

*Known Heralds and Scribes 2023: June 23-25, 2023. No updates.

*Haustblot: A Norse Harvest Celebration: Sept 22-24, 2023, Camp Sinawa. Did a walkthrough. Will be getting golf cart insurance, since they now have golf carts. Can do viking hiking there too - there's a primitive camping site at the end of one of the paths (to the right, past the archery range). Might cost extra to use that space for camping. Need to get that on the Kingdom calendar.

*Turm an dem See – Zip codes: We're waiting for an update from Kingdom Cartographer.

is he is waiting for kingdom to sign off on things.

*Yule Moot: Arnbjorn will be moot steward. Sofonisba reserved Jan 22, 2023, from noon till 7. Need a $100 deposit. Moved to pay that, voted, approved. White elephant, potluck, court, socializing.

New Business:

*2023 Planning (November 16): Also the budget. Also discussing PayPal.

*Chronicler position: Tatiana volunteers to do it, but she'll only publish every other month (unless we need a special issue). We've done that before, it meets the Kingdom requirement (of at least once per quarter), and it's not against our bylaws. Moved to accept Tatiana, voted, passed.

Guilds and Groups

*A&S West Group (aka Sewing @ Tatiana's): This Thursday (11/17).

*C&I East Group: On hiatus.

*Brewing Guild: On hiatus.

*Cooking Guild: On hiatus.

*Dance Guild: On hiatus.

*Fight Practice: Thursdays, 7 PM, Redeemer Lutheran Church.

*Fight Practice West: Mondays, 6:30 PM, The Roost.

*Shop Night Central: Tuesdays.

*Shop Night West: Mondays, 6:30 PM, The Roost.

*Student Group: Meeting on Wednesdays at UWM at 5:00pm. Currently meeting in W147 until December. Can we get someone from the group to attend Curia?

*Woodworking: On demand.

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