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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

February 2022 Curia Notes

Feb 15, 2022

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Randall, Sibillia, Rachel, Arnbjorn, Geoffrey, Katie, Corinne, Asabella, Sarah, Sigrid, Kale, Tatiana, Arthur, Beatriz.

Officer Reports:

Baron and Baroness: We're happy to see that we might get to have Border Skirmish after all.

Seneschal: We have a possible Bo rder Skirmish site, haven't been to visit it yet. More about it when we get that far into the agenda. Kingdom Seneschal has stated that there are currently no plans to continue the lockout after March 1.

Chatelaine: No report.

Chronicler: Reports are due Friday the 25th, please get them in on time. Working on updating the directory. Contacted everyone from the 2016 version, waiting until everyone is in place. Some new people moving in and won't have their addresses until March, so directory will come out in April.

Exchequer: Major checks have all been processed.

Quartermaster: No report.

Herald: Nothing new to report, but looking forward to the awards and badges for Their Excellencies which are in the pipeline.

Knights Marshal: Turned in the group report for the quarter. Nothing else is going on.

Thrown Weapons: Reports submitted. On hiatus until Spring. Karl might apply to be group thrown weapons marshal. Office is open - LOI due next month.

Archery: Reports submitted. Will resume March 6. Had interest from a couple new people.

Rapier: Submitting report tonight. Will resume March 3.

Youth: Maybe starting March 1. Office is open - LOI due next month.

MOAS: Kingdom A&S Online Display through Feb 27 (! Send reports for what you're working on to Albrecht!

Signet: Will have court for Lupercalia, but nothing new for the barony this month.

SMO: We still have facebook pages and groups. Office is open. LOI due by April Curia.

Webminister: We have a website. It works. Updated the award page with the graphics from Arnbjorn. Need to turn in receipt from website renewal.

Old Business:

Fall Crown 2022 Bid: Working on putting the bid together. Got prices for 2022 from Armond and Sofonisba. Reached out to St Johns Military Academy and Kushing Elementary as backup locations (in case of weather). Kushing is not available, St Johns is working on their calendar and will get back to us in a week or so.

New Business:

Border Skirmish: We have a possible site, they have a possible site, meeting on the 28th. We also need an autocrat on our side.

Viking Hiking: Looking for holding it Sunday March 20. Trying to finalize where.

Geek Week Demo: They have been talking to UWM Event Services. March 2. From 12-3, with an hour to set up and an hour to take down. They will provide 3 10 foot tables and barriers. They want to have people fighting, but also people demonstrating arts and crafts. Laptops showing videos, such as The Dream and Off the Cuff. We need to know who can come. (Need people who can stand around to show things off, people to fight, and people to just hang out.)

Turn an dem See: We have been contacted by the seneschal of TADS to tell us that their group is dissolving. They would like to know if we want to absorb some of their zip codes. We should take back Washington County and Jefferson County. Should check Kingdom Law. Should check what zip codes we want, work with Windhaven, then bring it back to a vote. Historically this should be a thing for the baron and baroness to decide.

Experimental Arts and Sciences: Geoffrey and Tatiana invite everyone to an event in Mare Amethystinum. (

Guilds and groups: On hiatus.

Student group: We want people to teach! Medieval dance! Games! Illumination / scribal! Meetings Wednesdays at 6:30 at the student union. They need new people; their officers are graduating.

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