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Curia Notes 2008

May 20, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Chronicler: Deadline for Tower submissions is Monday, May 26th.

Baron and Baroness: One of the banners at Crown, created a few years ago, features the devices of Baronial members. The Baron and Baroness will get the measurements of these devices so that current members can add their own. Registered devices only, please. (Contact Albrecht to discuss how to register your device.)

Chatelaine: People had fun at Crown, and some new people were present.

Exchequer: There are some outstanding (uncashed) checks. If you have a check from the Barony, please cash it.

Quartermaster: If you wish to donate something to the Barony, please make sure it has a container in which it can be stored. And please don't put staples in banners.

Herald: Heraldic Commenting webpage has been updated. Please attend the A&S /Heraldic Commenting night in June. We will paint banners again after Border Skirmish and before WW.

Web Minister: There's now a calendar view of the calendar.

MoAS: A&S nights are going well. Upcoming events will be posted on the website. June will feature knitting and Heraldic Commenting. July will be free.

Knights Marshal: We're going to look at Bucketworks next week. Sunday practices at Lake Park, Thursdays at Kinnickinnic.

Archery Marshal: Monday's practice (Memorial Day) will be at 3 PM at Menomonee Park and will include a picnic. Plotting evil shoots for Border Skirmish.

Old Business

Crown: Report will be sent out when completed. The event was very good. The food was scrumptious. Thanks to everyone who helped. Attendance was low, but the event ran smoothly. The girdle books were a big hit - we will donate 50 of the remaining books to the Group Heralds, the rest to the Baron and Baroness for largess. We have other leftover materials from the event which will be held for future projects.

Border Skirmish: We are getting the Northshield pavilion. We have some merchants and some teachers, but more are welcome. We will be buying a portable carport for Troll. There is no feast, but we'll have a barbecue on Saturday night - we'll provide potatoes, people should bring other food on their own. (See the website.)

Boar's Head: Please volunteer for positions.

Possible New Boar's Head Site: Baron and Baroness will take questions back to the owner and get answers.

New Business

We will donate some money to the Knightly Quest group, to support Leukemia and Lymphoma research.

We will have a table in the Cultural building at the Highland Games on Saturday, September 6, and have a fighting demo outside.

We will have the Day of Legends Memorial Moot at St. Ed's, to coincide with a demo at their location on Sunday, September 7. The demo will be from Noon till 5, but the moot will start earlier and end later at Caitlin and Murdoch's house.

We will donate money to the Northwatch, hopefully for December.

We will volunteer to do security Friday night at WW.


June 24, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Chatelaine: FrodoFest (Salem, WI, which is western Kenosha County) is scheduled for September 19-20. They have asked us to sign an unofficial contract to a demo. (Fighting and treb, at the least.) They also would like our permission to use our name and photos. We will wait until next Curia to decide. Also, 3 more people want more info about the SCA.

Exchequer: Need more info about where to send money for the donation challenge. Need contact info for the issue of the Northwatch that we're sponsoring. Info was provided. The bill from Crown has arrived. Will follow up with Gwynedd. We've spent money on Border Skirmish already.

Quartermaster: The storage locker leaks. (This is something we already knew.) She proposes that we have a day when people come to help clean out the storage locker, to see what's in there.

Herald: Banner-making weekend, maybe Menomonee Park Rec Center on 6/28. Will report more when it is confirmed. There will also be a class on Tuesday, 6/24 at the Shorewood Public Library, at 6:30. This class will be for Heraldry, Yarn, and C&I.

Chronicler: The deadline for the July Tower is Sunday, June 22.

Webminister: Will move the site to a more advanced server to take advantage of more advanced functions.

MOAS: Nothing to report, except the class (above) on the 24th. Also, time for the mid-year report - please notify MOAS of A&S projects.

Knight's Marshal: The road between here and Jara is washed out, and will be for a few weeks. Also, Murdoch will be out of town for 10 days. He encourages fighters to keep practicing in his absence. We can have practice Thursday and Sunday as scheduled. Also, Tuesday nights at Glenbrook North. Tiggod has offered his barn in a few weeks - we'll do a Sunday practice there to try it out. His Majesty has asked that all fighters read the tactical information at <a href=""></a>. Please pass it along to all fighters.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish report: We would like to reschedule. Tentatively looking at the weekend of Aug. 15-17. We will use the same location.

Boar's Head: We will start meetings soon.

Bucketworks: We have not heard back from them.

Brewers and Vintners: Oeach mead rocks.

C&I: Twice monthly meetings for C&I at Marquette. They've been projecting Illuminations on the big screen, which makes a big difference. And, we will still be doing a demo at Marquette.

New Business:

There will be a picnic at Marquette University on the 4th of July (Laumier field), starting between 3-4 PM. Fighting and treb!


July 15, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Seneschal: WW was fun. Don't forget that Border Skirmish and Boar's Head are still coming up.

Baron and Baroness: WW was fun. There were awards, and Ian passed his fighter's authorization.

Chatelaine: WW was fun. FrodoFest (Salem, WI, which is western Kenosha County) is scheduled for September 19-20, and they would still like us to sign an unofficial contract to a demo. The group approved this, pending the Seneschal's review of the contract.

Quartermaster: We've cleaned stuff out of the storage locker. Maybe we can have a potluck and go through the locker front to back, so we can decide what else we can get rid of and what needs to be replaced. The old keyholders' devices are still there (painted on 2'x3' pieces of plywood), for instance, and some old 'wardoor' shields. Let's do it in September or October.

Herald: More people have submitted devices. Banner making was cancelled, and we'd like to do it informally instead of formally. Probably after Pennsic. And, the badge and name for Caer Anterth Mawr are approved.

Exchequer: It's been slow. We have money.

Chronicler: Reports are due July 25. Please send them on time or early. Think about things we might distribute at demos, such as flyers. (That is, think about what you might want on the flyers.)

Web: Test the new award recommendation system at <a href=""></a>

MoAS: Report is in on time. Everything's fine. No A&S meeting in July, there will be a C&I meeting for Pennsic (she thinks) at which we'll be doing actual painting. A&S will restart in September. Something coming up is an outdoor cooking activity.

Side note: Banner Crafts is going out of business and everything's on sale. Store is in Fox Run, near Alasdair and Kateryn's house, at the corner of Sunset and St. Paul.

Knight's Marshal: Practice Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Congratulations to Ian.

Old Business

Border Skirmish is still on. Ravenlake's attendance will be low because they're not available, but we can cover it from our group. We still need people to cover Troll on Friday. We still have the land permit and the portajohns ordered.

Boar's Head 08: Probably meeting in late August. Getting paperwork in order.

Legends Moot (Sunday, Septemer 7): The church is meeting tomorrow. The press will be in attendance at the moot/demo, so be spiffy. A German vendor will be there selling potato pancakes. There will be a German beer garden, serving Sprecher's beer and rootbeer. They plan to have a jailer again. They'd like us to bring banners (and banner stands). At 5 they'll have their own feast, at which point we'll move to Caitlin and Murdoch's house for a potluck dinner and Court. We'll table the Crestfallen tournament until next year.

Highland Games Demo (Saturday, September 6): We'll have a table inside, with fighting from 4-5.

Bucketworks: We'll talk to them and see if we can try it out for three months or six months. But we need something from them on paper first.


August 19, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Border Skirmish was fun. It was beautiful. It rained a little, but the weather was kind to us - it waited to rain until the NS Pavilion was down. Yay for Tatiana for autocratting! Baronial Champions is coming up in September - get in your award recommendations! (Please re-submit any from the last few months, because the Baron's computer ate itself.)

Chatelaine: We had several new people at the event, who had a good time.

Exchequer: It's too soon to say whether we made money from the event or lost any. Get receipts and bills to him as soon as possible. What message do we want on the issue of the Northwatch which we're sponsoring?

Quartermaster: Other people now have keys to the storage locker. And the Exchequer now knows where it is.

Herald: Accepting letters for Herald.

Chronicler: Please turn in articles by August 24. We'll have spare copies of the newsletter at the three demos in September, so if you want to write something extra for this month's issue of the Tower please do so. Also, in the process of looking at old, old newsletters it's amazing how much we've grown up.

Webminister: Still moving to a new server. Also, the Highland Games location has been changed on our website to reflect the actual location - Waukesha Expo Center.

Knight's Marshal: Still having fighter's practice.

Seneschal: Need to schedule the next planning meeting, so come to the next Curia with dates in mind to do that.

Old Business:

Border Skirmish: The event went well. It was nice and small. The site was happy with us. Thank you to the staff for all their hard work. It's probably too expensive to rent a shower for this site, though we do have showers at the Beach House just up the road. The park is planning to run water to the camping area we used and install some sort of toilet facilities, to make it a more 'finished' camping area. Ravenslake might have a new location closer to the IL/WI border, but we'll wait and see. Tatiana has begun the process of finding a site for next year (we can re-use this site if necessary, but we would like options), though she isn't planning to be autocrat. She suggests that we re-use this site if a new location has not been found by January.

Boar's Head: Sign up for jobs. We'll be in the Washington County Fairground, which has a new building. It's 4000 sq ft bigger than the old building, though the size increases aren't in places where they're obvious. There are no pillars, so it does look larger from the inside. (Also, the carpeted rooms that we've used for rapier and court in the past have been absorbed into the larger room.) There is a big sliding wall which splits the big room into two smaller ones, but it may not be in place by the time of the event. Perhaps we should bring artificial dividers to break up the room somehow, so it doesn't get too loud and overwhelming, such as the latticework from last year, carports, or banners. We should at least use something to differentiate the fighters' space from the populace space. (One of the autocrat's goals is to provide more populace space.) The floor is the same (slippery) floor as the other building. Alasdair will set up another time to look at the space. And hey, we might have a staff room for a change. The date of the event is December 13. There will be a Boar's Head meeting sometime in September.

Highland Games Demo: September 6. We have the interior (table) space from 9-6. (This space will be 10'x20'). We have the outdoor fighting demo space from 4-5. The names of the seventeen participants have been sent to the Highland Games people, and those people should receive more information in the mail.

St. Ed's Demo/Day of Legends Demo: September 7. They would like us to set up 5-6 pavilions. They'll be roasting pig for their feast. We'll have the Mama Kat Tourney as the fighting demo. There will also be a Bier Garten, Root Beer Garden, and Pastry Tent. ("Hope it doesn't rain and ruin the pastry tent." A black-and-white copy of their flyer is <a href="">here</a>. (It's nicer in color.)

FrodoFest Demo: September 19-20 at the <a href="">Salem, WI library</a>. This event is on the library's calendar at <a href=""></a>. They sent us a contract.

Baronial Championships: September 27 at the Beach House, from Noon till 10. Mikea is the moot steward.

October Moot (Festival of Changelings): October 25. Need a moot steward.

Bucketworks: They said they'd get us a proposal package. We haven't seen one yet.

Marquette: Working on getting us a space for fighter's practice, but we haven't heard anything yet.

New Business:

Caitlin needs to get a couple more people to help her at the Griffin's Needle Challenge this weekend. (She needs people who can do hand-sewing.)


September 17, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Boar's Head is coming up. Baronial Championships is coming up. We have received award recommendations, but feel free to make more. We have new people, as well.

Chatelaine: Scrambling to keep FrodoFest stable amidst changes. She needs someone to run the 'garb petting zoo' on Friday and Saturday. Office expires in January - accepting applications now.

Herald: Read the Tower. What does everyone think of the Crestfallen Tournament idea?

Chronicler: Deadline for the Tower is September 28. No extensions this time! There are three more directories available for purchase at $1 apiece. The October Tower will also include the bylaws.

Webminister: Nothing to report. Please let me know if there are problems with the website.

A&S: Next week (Sept 23), Mysie will teach a class about Gutenberg as a dry run of the class she'll be teaching that Thursday at Marquette. The docents and representatives from the Haggerty and art clubs at Marquette would also like to see some of our artwork - fiber arts, metal arts, armor, etc. This might lead to an exhibit of some sort at the Haggerty.

Knights Marshal: Thursday is the last outdoor practice. Where will go next? Marquette's Sunday practice is cancelled. Magnus will talk to a possible warehouse in Waukesha. Tatiana or Geoffrey will talk to St. Mark's. Deonysia also suggested a school on the northeast side.

Exchequer: There is money in the accounts. We lost some money on Border Skirmish. We will share that loss with Ravenslake.

Old Business

Legends Moot: It was fun. The Baron fought, even with a twisted ankle. Alice went over the wall.

Baronial Planning Meeting: October 28, Shorewood Library. Time TBD.

Next Boar's Head Meeting: September 24. Location TBD. We need someone to do lunch. We have a rapier marshal. Dahrien will build the website sometime.

<a href="">Frodo Fest:</a> Might have archery. We'll have people there from Noon until 5 or 6 on Friday, and 10 AM until 5 or 6 on Saturday. Fighting is at 11, 1, and 3. (Fighters, remember to get there early enough to put on gear.)

Clean Storage Locker Party: TBD.

<a href="">Baronial Champs</a>: Site opens at noon. Two tournaments. First tournament: Potential Champions only. Second tournament for everybody. The first tournament will begin at 1 PM, but all fighters in that tournament must first fight the Baron. He'll be in armor at 12:30 to face all comers. There will be a drum circle, so bring your drums. And your kids. Potluck feast - more info forthcoming. Court is at 6. Meetings with Orders between the tournaments and court.

<a href="">Changeling Moot</a>: Eva and Albrecht are 'cratting. "Come as your own worst nightmare, or your own worst enemy." 5-10 PM, Oct. 25.

Talk to Alice about hurricane relief. Maybe we can donate proceeds from the auction at Boar's Head?


October 21, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Went to Creating the Creative. TRM Raito and Aesa are looking for award recommendations, and mentioned specifically awards for "spreading the wealth, spreading the knowledge" - people who travel, people who teach, people who share, people who contribute in meaningful ways. You can make award recommendations for any level of service and any award. Please fill in the 'Where will this person be?' area so they know where to expect to find the person. Next year's Mermaids will feature an Iron Chef-style feast challenge. Remember that Boar's Head is coming up.

Chatelaine: Things have been quiet. Stepping down in December - submit letters of intent to the Baron & Baroness.

Exchequer: We have some money in the bank.

Quartermaster: We'll put off the 'cleaning out the locker' party until Spring.

Herald: Stepping down in January - submit letters of intent to the Baron & Baroness.

Chronicler: Articles for the Tower due by Sunday, Oct. 26.

WebMinister: Nothing of note to say. Let me know if there are problems with the website.

A&S: No meeting this month because of the Baronial Planning Meeting.

Knight's Marshal: We have a fighter's practice. The Earl Marshal is trying to ensure that the database is up to date, so please visit it at <a href=""></a> and do so. See below for more information about the fighting site.

Old Business

Boar's Head: Scheduling another walkthrough. Setting up another meeting. Turn an dem See is doing lunch.

Bucketworks still hasn't gotten back to us.

Changeling Moot: This Saturday night (Oct. 25) is the Changeling Moot. Don't forget to make guesses about who people will dress up as, since the theme is 'come as your own worst enemy'.

New Business

St Mark's Rental: The group decided not to continue practice at St. Mark's in November because turnout is too low to justify paying for it. Recommend starting it up again in February. PLEASE look for other locations, otherwise fighters are encouraged to go to Jara (Wednesdays) or Ravenslake (Tuesdays).

Border Skirmish: Albrecht has volunteered to be the CAM autocrat for this year's Border Skirmish. Ravenslake is looking for BS sites closer to the border. We should keep in mind the Menomonee Park location for the following year, which will have running water and showers in the area we camped.

Baronial Planning Meeting is next Tuesday, Oct. 28, at the Shorewood Library.

Cookie Caper: At Boar's Head, we will sell cookies by the pound. (Probably $5 per pound.) Please bake cookies and other baked goods for this so that we have something to sell! Proceeds will go to the travel fund.

Note: Their Royal Highnesses will be at Boar's Head and Border Skirmish.

Bylaws: The Baron has requested a re-wording of section 5 of the Bylaws.


November 18, 2008

Officers' Reports:

Baron and Baroness: Please make <a href="">Award Recommendations</a> to the King and Queen for Boar's Head. Send in <a href="">Award Recommendations</a> to Baron and Baroness for Yule Court.

Chatelaine: Greetings to Eileen.

Exchequer: We're collecting checks for Boar's Head. Please encourage people to pre-register.

Herald: People are working on devices. Currently accepting letters of intent - office will expire soon.

Minister of Children: We have a Minister of Children: Nikea.

Chronicler: The deadline for the Tower is 11/23, by noon. (Arnbjorn will be demonstrating how he puts together the Tower to a potential applicant that day.) Office is open - letters of intent are due by the March Curia meeting. We'll continue to have the Tower available for free, but might accept donations of 'sponsorships'. (He's checking to see if this might be tax deductable.)

Web: Nothing to report. Send changes and updates to me and I'll post them on the website.

Quartermaster: Needs to know what people need from the storage locker for Boar's Head.

Knight's Marshal: Encourages people to go to practice. Note: Ravenslake practice is now on Monday nights. Contact Murdoch about rides to other practices.

Seneschal: Office is open. His term ends in August, but he'd like to have it filled by June so that he can train someone.

Old Business:

Boar's Head: Trying to set up a night next week to visit the site. Four spots left for classes. Pre-reg! 38 out of 45 merchant slots are filled. The pre-cook was *great*. Please consider sponsoring flowers for the flower tournament. (Currently $7.20 per dozen.) The Princess' Sleeve rapier tournament will be held at BH. Come, volunteer, have fun.

Storage locker party will happen next year.

Border Skirmish: The group is trying to find a place before the end of 2008, though they need to meet to discuss it. Rumor has it that His Excellency Stephen will attend Tree-Girt-Sea's 12th Night and would like to challenge the Prince of the Midrealm to attend Border Skirmish.

Cookie Caper: Bring cookies, bars, brownies, or other items which can be served in individual portions. We need boxes for this, though they've already got a scale or two, disposable gloves, wax paper, tongs.

Bylaws: The current changes for the bylaws will be published in the Tower.

New Business

Boar's Head 2009: The event steward has been chosen. Geoffrey has spoken with the Sports Complex guy, and it didn't go great. Fee would be $1800. The covers for the basketball courts would be canvas, and he would lay plywood over those to make a fighting surface, which is not ideal. The site is nice, but the kitchen facilities are also small. Perhaps we should go elsewhere - people will look into Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Waukesha Expo Center, and the Union Grove Expo Center. We'll need to make this decision soon to get on the calendar.

Wine tasting: Alice and Tatiana will be hosting a wine tasting at Alice's house, Friday Nov. 21 at 7:15 PM.

Yule Court: Yule Court will be Jan 24, 2009 at St. Ed's. It will feature the fourth annual gift exchange! And Baronial Court - don't forget to make award recommendations!


December 16, 2008

Baron and Baroness: Thank you for coming out in the lousy weather.

Exchequer: We made money on Boar's Head. Needs the 'stuff' inventory from the QuarterMaster. Corin gets a Nesco. Position open in November - will probably request an extension.

QuarterMaster: Position open in August. If anybody has stuff that belongs to the Barony, please let Tataina know.

Herald: Office is filled (again), by Albrecht for another year. Arnbjorn is the backup/deputy Herald.

Minister of Children: Planning youth activities for Yule Court. Parents and children, please fill out the survey (which was emailed, but is also on the website at <a href=""></a>). There is a secret project underway, whose details are known only to the Queen. There will be an MoC article in the Tower. Also, she has ideas for Boar's Head next year and requests an extension on finding a new site.

Chronicler: Office is open, please submit letters of intent by March Curia. Idea to help donate money for the Tower: Allow people to sponsor issues. $15 per issue. December 28 is the deadline for Tower articles.

WebMinister: Still planning to move the website. Please let me know if there are changes or updates. There will be a website for Yule Court.

Knight's Marshal: Update your info on the roster (<a href=""></a>) or send it to Murdoch. We'd like to start practices at St. Marks or some other location again.

Seneschal: Office opens in August.

Old Business:

Boar's Head 31: We win. Some complaints that the fighting space was too small. Rave reviews for the feast. People really appreciated the populace space. There is some question as to whether the merchants did well or not. Her Majesty was pleased, especially by the volume in the hall during court (which was generally quiet enough that She didn't have to move court). We had roughly 480 people.

New Business:

Boar's Head 32 (2009): Sigrid will be autocrat, Nikea and Julianna will be deputies. Let's consider new places for next year (we'll decide at next Curia), but we're leaning towards Washington Park instead of Waukesha Expo.

Border Skirmish: June 12-14 (according to Ravenslake autocrat). Marie thinks she has a good site, but isn't sure that it's locked down for that weekend. We still need to have the date locked down by TreeGirtSea's 12th Night event.

Curia in 2009: We will discuss changing meeting locations at the next Curia meeting. (Which will be in Shorewood.)

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