Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Charlotte, Magnus, Tatiana, Beatriz, Arnbjorn, Arnora, Jean, Geoffrey, Sibillia.
BARONIAL CORONET: We will officially be stepping down as Baron and Baroness at Boar's Head 2024. Please send any letters of intent, applications, or nominations to our Seneschal. We will happily answer any questions that people have about the job and the process. We will also be holding court at War Practice at the Roost. Please send in award recommendations. We gave Their Excellencies Nordskogen the gifts that the barony created for them, and they were very excited. Please let us know if you have any gifts for us to present to Their Majesties this weekend.
* Chatelaine: We're getting responses from Meetup and the ad.
* Social Media Officer: Our barony has been pretty good about it, but the Kingdom Social Media Office has posted asking for people to try to be nicer to each other on Facebook and other social media. Views on the ads continue to rise, and people are liking it, so we know they're seeing it.
* Exchequer: Our only expenses the last cycle have been the fighter's site. Very little activity for pre-reg for War Practice and Crown.
* Quartermaster: No report.
* Herald: Finally presented the last of the backlog scrolls, as far as we know. Can we do a poll to find out who has an official name and arms, so we can find out who wants them?
* Signet: No report.
* Chronicler: Deadline will be April 25 for articles for the May Tower. Officers, please write articles. Not getting a lot of them and we should be. If you want to send photos or articles, please do so (along with a photo release).
* Web Minister: No new web pages for new events yet. Please look at how things are organized, because when we change to the Kingdom-hosted site we will have a chance to reorganize. Beatriz needs to be changed over on the website.
* Minister of Arts & Sciences: Please let her know what A&S has happened.
* Knights Marshal: Need to find a new site.
* Rapier Marshal: Pretty consistent group of people at practice, some of which are coming from Jara. We've been working through Gigante.
* Archery Captain: Sundays, rotating between Kinnickinnic and Menomononee. We've had some new people at practice lately, and seen the return of a few whom we haven't seen in awhile. The corps does the Kingdom proud. Next month we'll start our weeknight practices - location TBD. Schutzenfest is next month.
* Thrown Weapons Captain: Thrown Weapons will happen once or twice a month during Monday nights, plus Sunday practices (probably every other Sunday, not the same week as we have it at the Roost).
* Youth Combat: No report.
* Seneschal: Thank you to Their Excellencies for their long service. If anyone is interested in applying to be Baron and/or Baroness please do so.
* Minister of Youth: Office is open.
* Job Descriptions – Information on offices: We believe these are in good shape and we can remove this from the agenda.
* Advertising (Joseph): We're still seeing the ads. Do we know if we're getting people from them? We know we're getting new people liking and following the barony's page on facebook. Not sure yet how that will turn into bodies. Might need to pay for another cycle. We voted and approved paying for another six months in July or August.
* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Beatriz): pre-reg will go live August 1 through Sept 30. Paypal coordinator will send that out. Armond told Arnbjorn where to find the contract for the Legion to reserve it for a post-event potluck. Beatriz is working on the website. Need a volunteer for gate coordinator and royalty liaison. Will get in touch with Dwayne to find out if Class of 2025 wants to do lunch for Crown.
* War Practice at the Roost II (Deonysia): Website should be up next week. Pre-reg went live April 1, through end of May. Karl will be thrown weapons MIC. Samii will be armored combat MIC. Working on nailing down a rapier MIC. Would like a cash advance for $375 so she can take advantage of sales - will send over the reimbursement form. Deo will be visiting the Roost to walk through the site again. Will get a copy of the contract to the owners of the site to sign.
* Haustblot (Tatiana): Website will be done soon. Request cabins now if you want them. Need a number of positions filled: Heavy MIC, Rapier MIC (Arnora volunteered), Gate, Site Cleanup and Site Setup coordinator, Royalty Liaison, Feast steward - fantastic kitchen, want to do feast and maybe breakfast. Open for suggestions and ideas for the event. Had a great time last year and really looking forward to this year.
* Scribal Night: Mysie would like to host a Scribal Night and would like input on dates: Had 21 responses with various suggestions for times, dates, and frequency. Looks like Tuesday evenings once or twice a month works the best. Probably starting mid-May.
* By-Laws Review: Suggestions from Arnbjorn. X. B. 2: Change 'couples' to 'pairs'. Moved, voted, passed. XI. A. 6: Change 'January' to 'December'. V. L. Add some language to increase visibility and communication.
* New Fighting Site: Reviewed the spreadsheet from Charlotte. Elementary schools in West Allis / West Milwaukee. Are there periods of time when the spaces will not be available? Will do more research. For now we can use KK River Parkway. Baseball season has started, but we don't know how frequently the bathrooms won't be available.
* Baronial Transfer: Their Excellencies have officially announced that they will retire at Boar's Head 2024, so the process has started. More information to come.
Brewers & Vintners Guild: Still on hiatus.
A& S Nights- UWM Student Group Mtg: Still on hiatus.
Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays: Randall has reorganized and can now reach the rattan.
Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment