Officer Reports
Officers Reports:
*Chiurgeon: Office still open.
*Chatelaine: Trying to connect with a guy in Greenfield who has some armor and rattan to donate. Also, Gabrielle from UWM has been attending meetings lately, and welcome to her. Transferring the office from Baroness Eva to Julianna. (Change now made on the website.)
*Herald: Read the Tower.
*Minister of Children: Nothing to report.
*Chronicler: Office is open. (Will step down in April.) Please submit Tower articles and reports by Jan 28.
*Web Minister: Changed email and officer page to Julianna. Please let web minister know if and when things need to be updated, changed, or removed.
*Knights Marshal: Fighter's practice Mondays (Marquette) and Sundays (Stritch). Fiore will move to Sundays at Stritch as well.
*Minister of Arts and Sciences: A&S is happening at fighter's practices. The cooking guild will meet on Jan 30th. Project Day at Stritch on Feb 12. Let MOAS know if there's anything you want to include in his report to Kingdom. Also, Ravenslake is hosting a Project Day on March 5.
*Exchequer: We have money. Reports are signed for Kingdom, and wrap-up is complete for Boar's Head. We have converted to the new bank account except for the CD which comes due in March.
*Baron & Baroness: Thanks for coming to the planning meeting and to Curia. More to come under New Business.
*Seneschal: See New Business and Old Business.
Old Business
*Boar's Head Wrapup: Got the final numbers. We finished in the black. Arnbjorn wrote up suggestions for the Boar's Head 2011 steward, which he will send to the CAM list. Otherwise, thank you to everyone.
*Planning Meeting: There are two sets of notes from the meeting, one of which was sent earlier today (1/26) and one which will be sent later. Everyone should review these notes and list five things to work on. Send your lists to the Seneschal, Baron, and Baroness and they will consolidate the lists down to five major talking points to work on over the next five years. These will then be addressed at the next Planning Meeting, in three months.
*Border Skirmish: Two bids have been submitted. Hamish's bid has been accepted.
*Heraldic Symposium 2012 Bid: On hold for now. Does anyone want to work on it? Bids are due to the Society in April 2011, so we need them submitted to Curia by Feb Curia.
*Bylaw Amendments appear at the end of this message.
New Business
*Boar's Head 2011: Bids due by February Curia. If anyone is interested, send bids to Seneschal and/or Baron and Baroness. We also need to tentatively reserve the Washington County Fairgrounds for December 3.
*Officer's Day: We have been chosen to host Officer's Day, which will be Saturday April 16 at Marquette. More information to come.
*Known World Handbook: Would we like to make a group purchase? Books are $25 each, and a bulk order of 20 or more lowers the price to $22 each. We decided to place an order. If you are interested in getting one, please let Magnus know before February Curia. He will order 5 additional copies for the Baronial Library.
*Baronial Progress: Their Excellencies intend to hold a 'Baronial Progress' throughout the Barony, in which they visit the far-flung regions of the Barony. For instance, over the next few years we will have Curia meetings in the far reaches of the Baronial lands, such as Racine/Kenosha and western Waukesha. More information to come. Also, Arnbjorn is working on a census map.
*Demo: Meadowbrook Elementary School. They would like a demo on the afternoon of Friday, May 6. It should not involve fighting, but can involve armor. The school is just off Hwy G and 94. More information will be posted to the CAM list.
Guilds and Groups
*Herbal: The herbal guild will meet at Alice's house sometime in February.
*C&I: Celtic and pictish design work is the root of all evil and shall be abolished from the Barony. Flemish design, however, is ... I'm kidding. Abelard, stop writing.
*Cooking: January 30, Corydon and Typhaine's house, 3 PM, modern food. (For instance, kringle and various flavored pastas.) The next meeting after that will tentatively be February 20 and will feature a full meal, probably 15th century Italian. This needs coordination, and more information is forthcoming.
*Marquette Group: We're having fighter's practice at 7 PM on Mondays at the Annex in January and February, switching to Thursdays for March, April, and May. The student group also meets on Thursdays, and if people are interested in teaching classes on Thursday evenings please contact AnnaMarie.
*Stritch Group: Demo, Thursday Feb 3 from 1-3 for their Club Carnival. They will have a space for fighting with a high ceiling. Project Day on February 12, followed by a potluck dinner. The space for Project Day has electrical outlets, and we have a fighting space as well. Every Sunday from 1 till whenever, fighter's practice, dance practice, and whatever else people want to do. (They also have brunch from 11:30-1.) Also, in a couple months they want to do a demo in conjunction with Food Services, and are looking for period recipes for large groups.
Bylaw amendments
*Part X, Sections B, C, and D were changed as follows:
X. Voting
b. A voting quorom consists of: Baron and/or Baroness, Seneschal or Baronial approved representative, and a majority of the remaining Greater Officers or their representative(s).
c. Telephone voting is used only in the event of emergency or extenuating circumstances and must be conducted by the Baron and/or Baroness and/or Seneschal. Only the Curia will be polled. If the situation is not an emergency, the item is to be presented and discussed at the next Curia meeting.
d. Other electronic communication will not be used for voting purposes.
X. Voting
b. A voting quorum must be counted in order to conduct Baronial business. A voting quorum consists of: Baron and/or Baroness, Seneschal or Baronial approved representative, and a majority of the remaining Greater Officers or their representative(s).
c. Telephonic or email voting is to be used only in the event of an emergency or extenuating circumstances and must be conducted by the Baron and/or Baroness and/or Seneschal. Only the Curia will be polled. If electronic mail is used, the conducting official must call the Curia, notifying them that a polling message has been sent to them and that they must respond within 24-72 hours. The results of a telephonic or electronic email vote must be presented at the next scheduled Curia meeting. If the situation is not an emergency, the item is to be presented and discussed at the next scheduled Curia meeting.
d. Other electronic communications will not be used for voting purposes.
Also added Guideline 1:
I Events
A Definitions
1) Moots: Local events that are not typically published on the Kingdom calendar
2) Events: Local events that are published on the Kingdom calendar
3) Kingdom-sponsored Events: Events under the purview of the Crown and/or Stallari Council. These include Coronation, Crown Tournament, and other events the Stallari Council may designate. These are published on the Kingdom calendar
4) Known World and/or Society Events: inter-Kingdom events that are under the purview of the Society Officer(s) or other inter-kingdom bodies. These are published on the Kingdom calendar.
5) Events Stewards (autocrats) are ad hoc deputies of the Seneschal
B Bids and proposals for event steward
1) All event proposals and bids shall be submitted to the Curia by the announced deadline. The Curia will determine which bid or proposal it will accept.
2) Proposals to steward moots may be made simply by volunteering, unless otherwise stated by Seneschal
3) Kingdom-sponsored event bids must include the required information as specified in kingdom policy.
4) Known World and/or Society event bids must include the required information as specified by the Society Officer(s) or other inter-kingdom bodies
5) Event bids or proposals should include at a minimum the proposed venue, costs, and fees.
Officer Reports
*Baron and Baroness: We had an herbal event on Sunday and Stritch Project Day, and they were great. Thanks for coming and having fun. Also, Hamish and Abelard approached us about more formal melee training and forming a CAM melee unit, and we approve.
*Chatelaine: Been checking into Harbor Market about doing a demo there. She needs to get the loaner garb and the list of people from Bayview Bash to organize another meet and greet. Bayview Bash will happen again this year - think about things you want to bring and show. Maybe this year we can do street skits, like the ones that Bristol Faire has? Maybe fundraisers? Meadowbrook School Demo on May 6 from 1-3, but we haven't heard back from them regarding confirmation. (Murdoch has volunteered for that demo.) We'd like to do more school demos, but we need more organization. Maybe next year. Also, Nikea is in charge of the Dover School Rummage Sale during Bayview Rummage, and can provide a place to sell some of our SCA things and maybe do a demo. Also, we should add a Demo section to the Curia meeting agendas. Do we want to do a demo encampment at the 10th Annual Highland Games (Labor Day Weekend)? Will discuss later.
*Exchequer: Domesday is submitted. Boar's Head is sumbitted. Have some additional reports to submit and checks to send in, such as the domain name registration for our website and a payment for May Moot.
*Herald: Read the Tower. Purchased the Dictionary of English Surnames.
*MoC: Open. Nikea has been approached to do a youth event again, and is considering a one day event in 2012 involving chariot racing. Also possibly some youth activities at Border Skirmish.
*Chronicler: Office is officially open. Please submit articles by Sunday, Feb 25.
*Webminister: Same old, same old. In order to be compliant with rules about publishing personal information on the website, we need to have people sign the new 'consent to publish' form. In answer to the question 'How do I get my information onto the online directory, which is broken?' Dahrien changed the submission page to declare itself broken. If we want to change the paper directory back into a database, we could link to it from the website as well as print the paper copy ... but again, need to sign the consent forms.
*Minister of Arts and Sciences: Project Day and cooking were great. Ravenslake is hosting an A&S day on March 5. See the CAM mailing list for more information.
*Knights Marshal: Fiore and fighter's practice on Sundays at Stritch. Fighter's practice on Mondays at Marquette through the end of the month, switching to Thursdays at the 'practice space east' on March 10.
*Seneschal: Nothing to report.
Old Business:
*Border Skirmish: Kenosha has approved the use of Simmons Island Park this year, so we officially have the site.
*Heraldic Symposium Bids: Stritch isn't sure they'll be here the proposed weekend of Labor Day. Do we still want to put in a bid? Does Kingdom still want us to put in a bid?
*Boar's Head bids: Does anyone want to do Boar's Head? Should we skip it this year? We will reserve Washington County, and extend the call for bid submissions until next Curia (March 22). Please put in a bid, and encourage others to do so as well. Get excited, get involved!
*Officer's Day: Arnbjorn is collecting classes - if you're interested in teaching, please contact him. Nikea has volunteered to run the registration table and coffee cart. Arnbjorn is working with Mysie to set up the reservations. The event will also be a Project Day and a Newcomers Day. It will be a free event.
*Project Day Recap: Awesome. We ate like kings, learned how to make medallions, learned illumination, did sewing and embroidery, and had a totally great time.
*Known World Handbook: We have 20 people pre-registered to buy them. We'll purchase five more than the number of books requested.
New Business:
*May Day Moot: We have reserved the clubhouse. (The price has increased.) Money is due April 1.
*Possible locations for Baronial Champions: Rock River Parkway, Kletzsch Park, Whitnall Park. Annetje would be willing to steward this moot if someone will show her what to do.
*Curia Locations: We've lost Shorewood Library as a meeting location because they've changed their hours. It's confusing to switch between different locations, but not insurmountably so. Let's look at Curia locations in Franklin, Oak Creek, Greenfield, and South Milwaukee. We'll need a place for June and August Curias - maybe one of those will have a place. A note: Our populations tend to center in the southeast corner of Milwaukee County, the Tosa area, and the Bayview area.
*IKCAC Event: The Cheshire Archers (combat archers from Jara) are interested in running an Inter Kingdom Combat Archery Challenge shoot at Fort Atkinson sometime this spring. Perhaps it can be combined with May Moot? Abelard will look into this.
*Simmons Island Park Renovations: The Kenosha City Council is entertaining proposals for renovating/revamping Simmons Island Park, which is where we have Border Skirmish. If you go to the City of Kenosha website, Parks page (http://www.kenosha.org/departments/parks/index.html), you can see their proposals. You can also submit comments and email on the subject. Please do make comments, because some of their proposals will make it impossible to use the park for Border Skirmish in the future.
*Legends Moot: Nikea will be the steward.
*Site Locations: We need to find some new site locations, for moots, events, and meetings. We need a committee to find new sites, nicknamed "Committee to Find Sites". Volunteers so far: Nikea, Annetje, Arnbjorn. If you're interested in joining this team, please contact the seneschal, Baron, Baroness, or one of the members. These people will gather information and explore site location possibilities. This is a great way to learn how to run an event, because you'll learn what an event needs.
Guilds and Groups:
*C&I: Mysie is not in charge of C&I. We need a person to run it.
*Cooking: Sunday, German dinner, 3 PM, Fancy and Corin's house.
*Marquette Group: They are transitioning to new officers. Amanda is here, and will be the new president. Fighting on February 28th at the Annex, then March 10 at the Practice Space East (which we'll have through May). The club wants to learn how to make things - for instance, Nelson wants to learn leatherworking (belts and pouches). Anna Marie wants to learn bardic stuff. And the basics of clothing. Basically, the basics.
*Stritch Group: Project Day was fun. Fighting on Sundays. Please come!
*Herbal Guild: We had Lavender Day. The next one will be March 20, odds and ends. Plans include cordials with herbs, breads, and so on. We'd like to do a formal tea. We'd also like to explore herbal remedies and medicines.
Officer Reports
Baron and Baroness: Glad to hear that so many people are going to Coronation. Not sure if there will be a theme, as there sometimes is, but currently we expect "Northshield colors". We had a great time at Gulf Wars - fighting, learning, retaining, relaxing, all excellent. Please make award recommendations for Spring Court.
Chiurgeon: Office is open. (We have a potential applicant, who is still thinking about it.)
Chatelaine: Nothing to report.
Exchequer: The final CD has matured, so we will sign it over. Has some checks for people to sign. We expected to receive the Known World Handbooks by now, but there was a mistake in the shipping address; they've been re-sent and should arrive soon. Also, we've sent a check to the Washington County Fairgrounds to reserve it for Boar's Head.
Herald: See the Tower.
Minister of Children: Nothing to report.
Chronicler: Please submit your reports, articles, and other content by March 27th. Also, the office is open - please send letters of intent to the Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal.
Web Minister: Nothing to report.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report.
Knights Marshal: Nothing to report.
Archery Marshal: William has a budget request to replace some archery equipment. This happens every four or five years. We voted and approved the request.
Seneschal: Wants a new brain. Gulf Wars was awesome - this one even more than the ones in the past. Coming home was very difficult.
Old Business:
Boar's Head: One bid, which Curia accepted. Kateryn will be the autocrat. The site is secured: Washington Country Fairgrounds. (Contract and check have both been handed over to WCF.) If anyone wants to volunteer, please talk to Kateryn.
Officer's Day: April 16. Wm Weir Physics Building at Marquette. Ads are in the Northwatch and on the Kingdom calendar website. Need to get some more classes from the Kingdom Greater Officers. The Kingdom Chatelaine will handle a beginner's class track. We will also have a room for projects. We need to talk to the Dept of Public Safety at Marquette re: putting up signs to direct people to the building.
Baronial Championships: Where do we want to have this moot? Should we stick with Ft Atkinson/Rock River Park, or try somewhere new? We discussed looking at Cliffside Park in Racine, Simmons Island Park in Kenosha, Kletzsch Park on the north side of Milwaukee, and other places. We decided to reserve Rock River Park for now, and keep looking.
Site Hunting Group: The group needs a fourth member. If you're interested, please contact one of the current members (Arnbjorn, Annetje, and Nikea).
Border Skirmish: Any news? So far, same as last year. Dahrien is in charge of the website, and has made a copy of last year's site. He's replacing old data with new data as it arrives. We have learned that no Majesties will be there.
May Moot: Their Excellencies will formally invite Their Excellencies Jara, and then we can further investigate inter-Barony archery options.
New Business:
Fighting in the summer: We had discussed this at the planning meeting. Should we keep Sunday practices at Lake Park, move to another park, or rotate between locations? (Discussed Frame Park, Kletzsch Park, Cliffside Park, place by Their Excellencies house.) Fighters should discuss and decide - Abelard will bring it up in various venues. Also, do we want to have joint practice at KK Park on Thursday nights again this summer?
Melee Unit: We're looking for something that a unit of CAM fighters can wear to identify them as a unit of CAM fighters. Perhaps tabards? Maybe not, because different periods have different styles of tabards and because the fighters are all different sizes. What about patches, split top and bottom, with the Northshield device on the top and the CAM populace device on the bottom, made with embroidery sewing machines? Fighters could then sew them onto their armor where-ever they want...
Guilds and Groups:
Brewing and Vintning: Nothing to report.
Calligraphy and Illumination: Nothing to report.
Marquette: Five people went to Gulf Wars and camped with CAM in 'Northshield South'. It was great. We have nine rooms reserved for Officer's Day. Might sell food - how many people do we expect? (50-75) Please teach classes for us: Pewter casting, alchemy, cooking of some kind, cloak making, calligraphy & illumination, jewelery-making.
Cardinal Stritch: Fighter's practice starts again Sunday 3/27 at 1 PM.
Cooking Guild: Meeting on Sunday 3/27 at 3 at Corin and Fancy's house. Don't bring kids, and be aware that they have cats.
Officer Reports
Baron & Baroness: Officer's Day/Project Day was great. The May Moot is coming up quickly - please submit award recommendations. (Please use the online form, and you can follow it up with an email to us if you wish.)
Chatelaine: Meet and Greet at UWM went well - we had three students, one of whom we'd never met before. They're all on the mailing list now (or will be soon). They want to learn to make their own garb, among other things. Julianna will also be in charge of Chatelaine activities at Border Skirmish, including tours. (Will need tour guides. Please volunteer!)
Minister of Youth: There's a demo at Meadowbrook Elementary School on May 6. Nikea will be unable to attend. If you're still interested in doing this demo, please let her know. She will also be running the kids acticities at Border Skirmish (Capture the Queen), at the May Moot (to be announced), and is working on a series of classes (details coming in the fall). Office is open if anyone else wants to be Minister of Children...
Knights Marshal: New practice schedule! As of May 12 we'll move Thursday night practices to KK Park (armored, rapier, and archery). As of May 22 Sunday practices will begin at Kletzsch Park. We'll do three Sundays of each month at Kletzsch and make the fourth Sunday a 'travelling' practice - we can visit Frame Park or Fort Atkinson or Ayreton or Windhaven or whatever. We might be able to use Stritch as a rain location. For the May 22 practice we should treat it as a demo - pavilions, banners, garb, the works. Until then, Thursdays at Marquette, Fridays at Leif's, Sundays at Stritch - with the exception that there's no practice this week (Thursday the students will be on break, Sunday is Easter).
Exchequer: The quarterly report is almost done. Magnus learned some things at Officer's Day.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Lots of events coming up for people interested in Arts and Sciences: Bardic Madness, Silks and Needles, Games People Played, Quest for Camelot, Burn Baby Burn, and Lamb to Loom. Also the Pentamere Squires Tournament in the Midrealm will have an A&S component. Corin went to Officer's Day and met his regional officer, and also learned things. What kind of A&S Moots would people like? (Silk banners and metalworking were mentioned.) With the Northwatch moving from paper to electronic format, we expect to see a supplemental publication as well (possibly the North Star will return), so we'll have a new place for recipes, blueprints, and other instructional articles; people can also submit such things to the Song of the Tower. Also, take a look at the Atlantia website for their links (http://moas.atlantia.sca.org/wsnlinks/), and at Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/) - these are excellent resources.
Chronicler: Articles are due Sunday 4/24 for Geoffroi's last issue of the Tower. Abelard will step in as an interim Chronicler until someone else wants the position.
Herald: Send in award recommendations to Their Excellencies for May Moot!
Webminister: Dahrien is hard at work on the Border Skirmish website.
Seneschal: Looking for a deputy. Stepping down in six months (September).
Old Business:
Officer's Day: 62 attendees. Cost for the event was under $50. Very well done.
Border Skirmish: We have a site. We have most of the staff positions filled, except Archery Marshal (waiting for confirmation from William) and Merchants Steward. We have commitments from the Midlands Army - they'll be here despite two other events in their Kingdom and lack of royalty. The generals (Stephen and Ix) will be the Marshals in Charge, and they will use Saturday's fighting as a place to train for Pennsic. We'll also have a torchlight tournament on Friday night. We'll have a meeting with Ravenslake at the site in a few weeks. We do have someone in charge of parking, and have someone in charge of security. (We also have a certain household from Jara as a brute squad.) Security teams will have general local information and maps as well so that they can be helpful to the public. We won't have showers. Also, the autocrats are keeping a three-ring binder (Book of Knowledge) detailing everything they're doing, how much things cost, who they've talked to, and so on, so that future autocrats have this information at hand. We know that we've outgrown the site, so start looking for a new site for next year. We won't get the Northshield pavilion this year, so please bring shade flys. (Can we build a reviewing stand like the one in the Nordskogen area?)
Boar's Head: Most of the officer positions are filled. We're working on a theme. We will have a meeting soon so that we can start advertising early. Stritch students have offered to help in the kitchen. Marquette students have offered to help whereever they can. We will have archery and youth activities again. Every staff position needs volunteers to help them out. If you want to volunteer, please tell Kateryn. The places that almost always need more help are Troll, Royalty Room guards, and kitchen help. Note: You must be a member to actually handle the money.
Strategic Planning Meeting: We need to have the next Strategic Planning Meeting. This should be in May - maybe May 15? Abelard will send out the planning meeting notes again. Everyone should choose their top topics from this list and send them to Katlin and Their Excellencies, who will select the top 3 topics and make up the agenda for the meeting. We can shoot for a weeknight if we meet from 6:30-9. Maybe a Tuesday?
May Day Moot: Can Gabrielle have $150 for the moot? Yes she can. Their Excellencies will be there and holding court. It's Sunday, May 1, at Rock River Parkway in Fort Atkinson.
May 6 Demo at Meadowbrook School: Nikea can't make it. Please confirm with her if you can.
Known World Handbooks: Magnus has them, so please talk to him if you ordered one. Also, we have extras.
Baronial Championships: We have reserved Rock River Parkway as a tentative location - if anyone has any other ideas, please tell Katlin or Their Excellencies.
New Business:
Crown Tournament/Coronation: Do we want to host either Crown Tournament or Coronation in the Fall? Bids for Coronation are due by June 1. (Event would be September 10.) We can't get Stritch. Fancy will talk to DeKoven. (We would need rooms for court, meetings, fighting, feast, and kitchens.) Other places to look at: Marian Center, Kemper Hall, Tripoli Shrine Hall, Bavarian Inn. We also need to find an event steward. We need to know by next Tuesday (4/26). Also, the officers will help put the bid together. We voted and agreed to fact-find.
Curia Locations: We can still use Stritch as a meeting space in the summer if we want. Can we move Curia to another day? Maybe Sundays?
Guilds and Groups:
Cooking: Next session will be Eastern European. People should select what they want to bring. (They need to set a date.)
Marquette: Camping at Ledge Park on April 29-30. Please let Annamarie know by Friday (April 22) if you're coming.
Stritch: May have a new advisor. They want to put in a bid for SUN - probably for next year. (FYI: SUN is the second Saturday of November.) Stritch needs to file the paperwork to become a group.
Officer Reports
Chatelaine: Talked to the new Kingdom Chatelaine, and we're doing everything correctly. We'd been talking about doing demos at smaller church faires or festivals, but be aware that they're mostly on the south side. We have three new people, two of which are at UWM. The third one came from the Bayview Bash last year. We would like to focus more on families and adults than just university students - we don't want to exclude the students, of course, just not put our focus there. We will have a demo at Kletzsch Park on Sunday May 22 - please bring banners and dress in garb (or armor). We should also help the students who are going home for the summer find their 'local' groups.
Exchequer: We stil have money. Quarterly report has been turned in.
Herald: Term ends in abou six months. Would like to find a successor sooner rather than later - wants to step down in September.
Minister of Children: We still have children. Michael took over running youth activities at a recent event and did a great job. We'll be doing Capture the Queen again at Border Skirmish, as well as a Youth Eating Contest (that is, an eating contest for the youth). This information will be on the Border Skirmish site. Stepping down in September.
Chronicler: Moving to Florida in a couple weeks. The new interim Chronicler is Abelard, until someone else volunteers, so the position will remain identified as 'open'. We do need to publish at least quarterly. We could also put officer reports on the website...
Web Minister: Volunteer sign up sheets are in place on the Boar's Head and Border Skirmish websites. Web Minister is making updates a couple times a week. If you have immediate changes, please send them to Dahrien's personal email address (AT vigil DOT com). We should change the front page so that we don't greet people with a big block of text - please make suggestions to Dahrien. Also, if you want any of the details about your activities or events - meetings, potlucks, fighting, whatever - please submit them to the webminister.
Knights Marshal: Practices will continue based on weather. Thursdays at KK Park, Sundays at Kletzsch Park. Tune in to the various communications (CAM, CAM-heavy, etc) to find out when we're going to have a Sunday practice at another location, such as Fort Atkinson, Jara, Racine, or whatever. If we get permission in advance, we can set up pavilions at Kletzsch; this weekend please bring banners.
Archery: Twice a week, please see the website.
Seneschal: Office is open.
Old Business:
Border Skirmish: Prince and Princess Northshield will be at Border Skirmish. (Midrealm does not have a Prince and Princess at this time, so we don't know about them yet.) Kateryn is the royalty liaison. We need to make royalty gift baskets for Their Highnesses. We want to give Their Highnesses a <gift>, which we voted on and approved. All the major positions are filled. Contact the position chiefs if you want to volunteer. Site will be almost the same as last year, with the exception that we won't have a gate at the north end. (We'll have security fencing across it.) We'll also extend security fencing right up to the gate on the south end. Don't camp on the battlefield. We're working on an offsite shower location through the Kenosha schools. People are working on everything they need to work with. Schedule should be done in the next week or so. There will be a parking coordinator. We will have the torchlight tourney Friday night on the beach (same place as last year).
Boar's Head: Website will be up soon.
Meadowbrook Demo: Murdoch reported that he had fun, and they sent us a letter of thanks.
May Court: We forgot to put out a donation basket. Communication is important - remember that the moot steward is in charge at a moot.
Janesville Demo: Saturday was cold and wet but still fun. Sunday we only had a couple people representing us. We need to make sure that people sign up in advance, realizing that sometimes people can't make it at the last minute. Next year we should invite Jara and make a bigger deal out of it.
Scottish Highland Games (Demo): We're always welcome.
Coronation: Nobody in CAM put in a bd, so the group will not be putting in a bid to host this time. We should look at Coronation a year hence, though, and strongly consider DeKoven. We should also look at hosting Crown, but be aware that the local group's energy levels are low.
Curia Locations: Eva will look at Greenfield Library for 6/21 and 8/16. We're going to skip Curia in July. Eva and Albrecht would like to volunteer their house for a Curia/potluck/moot in the future.
Long Term Planning Meeting: Corin and Fancy's house, May 24, 6 PM. Bring a side dish. Submit your three topics by Sunday at 7 pm.
New Business:
Border Skirmish 2012 Date: Someone wants to get married at Border Skirmish in 2012 and wants to know what the date will be. It's too early to say for sure, since we aren't sure that we'll still be at that site. In theory it will be the second weekend in June, but we'll decide for sure after this year's event.
Guilds and Groups:
Cooking: June 5, Typhaine and Corydon's.
Herbal Guild: July 2, Alice's. Herbal potluck! Also, we have clippings. We'll also have an "eat what we harvested" potluck.
Marquette: No fighters practice over the summer, but they have reserved Practice Space East (aka the Old Open Pantry location) for Mondays through the whole school year next year. And thank you to everyone for teaching classes, attending moots and events, and generally supporting the group this year.
Officer Reports
Baron and Baroness: Rose Tourney was a lot of fun. Many people from the Barony were there. The tournament itself was great, the feast was fabulous. Dahrien was put on vigil for Pelican, and Geoffrey was made a Court Baron.
Chatelaine: Bayview Bash is coming up. See 'New Business' for more information. Looking for a "talking points" brochure. (Hamish has one, which he'll provide.) Also looking for information about other SCA groups' demos, canned or scripted, which can be adapted to our purposes. For Border Skirmish, Julianna is working with the Ravenslake Chatelaine to set up tours. Please volunteer to lead a tour!
Exchequer: We have money. Paid the bill for the storage unit and the archery equipment.
Quartermaster: People are meeting at the storage locker Thursday night at 6 to pick up things for Border Skirmish - if you need anything or can haul anything, please meet there.
Herald: Nothing new to report.
Minister of Children: Will have childrens activities at Border Skirmish. See below for more information about the children's event.
Chronicler: People liked the hyperlinks. Submit articles by the 24th.
WebMinister: Need to catch up on some work on the website. Wants to have a cut-and-paste party to update the last of the HTML pages to PHP - more information forthcoming.
Knights Marshal: Two practices each week (Thursday nights KK park, Sunday afternoons Kletzsch Park). Beginning to look for a successor.
Seneschal: Office is open. Needs to step down in September, so letters of intent are absolutely due by August Curia.
Old Business:
Border Skirmish: Weather should be nice. TRM and TRH Northshield will be there - sadly, no royalty from the Midrealm. (The Baron and Baroness Ayreton will be there, though!) Need to put together another gift basket - cordials, jellies, tokens, note cards are welcome. No soaps or candles, please. Meet at the storage locker at 6 PM Thursday (6/23) to get stuff out and loaded into vehicles. (Should talk to Alexander about the trailer he's bringing.) We need to cut a check for taxes, which we'll put towards the General Fund. Setup starts Friday at 9 AM. We've contacted local press and will be dropping off flyers at local libraries.
Boar's Head: Will be meeting after Border Skirmish.
Planning Meeting II: This can wait until next meeting. (Note: at this point in the meeting we were all getting soaked with rain.)
New Business:
Quarterly Tower: Do we want to change the Tower to a quarterly publication? Abelard said no - there is always at least one thing in the Tower which is timely, and it's information which isn't always communicated via the website and email. Not everyone is in touch with all of the forms of communication, but the Tower is always in the same place. We could, however, make every fourth issue focus on the arts; we could also add monthly themes like Shava did with the Northwatch.
New site location: Racine County Fairgrounds. (Technically in Union Grove.) It has lots of big buildings, an outdoor area with bleachers, a dining hall with kitchen, and other amenities. Prices are flexible - estimated cost for a weekend rental of the big hall and dining hall would be $1750. Note: no web presence. We want more information!
Fundraising idea: Group rummage sale. Is anyone interested?
Highland Games demo: Labor Day weekend. It sounds like there's interest...
Bayview Bash: September 17th. Should we get three spaces this year? (Last year we got two and expanded into the third because it was empty.) Should we get the stage this year? We voted yes for both. Essentially we ought to use the same setup as last year, with the garage-sized shade fly and tables. We'll try to get the same location as last year, too. We will also have a better sound system to provide for dancing. When we request stage time, we'll also request a cushion on each end of the time so that we don't have to lose the stage to people cleaning up or taking down their shows. We will invite Turn An Dem See again, and any other groups that want to come. We will also have an actual sign-up sheet as the date gets closer. Would like to use nice card stock, pre-printed with the website and group name, on which our calligraphers can write peoples' names (like Baroness Kateryn did last year).
Security at WW: Don't forget to sign up for Friday night shifts at WW, or else we'll remove the Barony's name from the time slot.
Youth Event: Nikea and Typhiane presented a proposal to do the Youth Event again. It would be at Camp Rokilio in Kiel, WI. The last weekend of May 2012 (May 25-27 - Memorial Day weekend) is available, and the camp is currently empty that weekend. The MN groups discussed having a youth event in 2011, thinking that we could alternate with them (we did 2010, and this would be 2012). Nikea brought a proposal for the event, which suggests renting the Castle and the Dining Hall (not the Viking Ship this time), which provides a place to sleep and a place to eat and perform other indoor activities. We expect the event to have a larger draw than last time. It's easily day-trippable for the Barony (only an hour from Milwaukee). Parking won't be a problem. Border Skirmish 2012 is targetted for the weekend of June 8-10, which is close, but the staff overlap shouldn't be heavy. Still need a feastocrat, teachers, and general volunteers. Estimated cost, $2000. We voted on the proposal and approved it - we'll do the event.
Moot proposal: Nikea proposed a "Mini-feast" cooking moot in October at St Ed's. Everybody who wants to can cook something, and others can come to eat. Cost would be the cost of renting St Ed's. Will pick a weekend with Alice.
Guilds and Groups:
Herbal Guild: July 2 at Alice's.
Officer Reports:
*Baron and Baroness: Pennsic was lots of fun. There were lots of classes, lots of tagging, lots of fighting. Valkyrie cheerleaders. Dahrien is now a Pelican - congratulations!
*Exchequer: The most recent report is complete and has been sent in. We're pre-paid for Bayview Bash.
*Quartermaster: We have lots of stuff. Please let the quartermaster know if you're taking something out, even if you return it before anybody notices.
*Chatelaine: Dougal has things to donate to the Barony - 2 29-gallon tubs of garb, books, and other sundries.
*Herald: Office is open. Congrats to Dahrien, Master of All That Is Wrong and Honorable. Need to find a new Herald to continue as a Barony. (Will step down in December.)
*Minister of Children: Running youth activities for Boar's Head: Will have a four-stage activity for the kids which should take most of the day. Office is open, and there may be an applicant.
*Chronicler: Reports are due Sunday August 20. Office is open.
*WebMinister: Nothing to report.
*Minister of Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report.
*Knights Marshal: Nothing to report, but note that Marquette will start Monday night practices again September 12.
*Archery: Will move back indoors mid-September.
*Seneschal: Stepping down. New Seneschal will be Nikea.
Old Business:
*Bayview Bash: We have reserved a 10x30 space. It's the same space as last year. We have the stage from 2:30-3:15, and a 15 minute window on either side of that time for setup. Abelard is in charge of the fighting demo portion. We expect lots of people. Turn An Dem See will join us and bring their sign. We need to secure business cards, and we need a source of them. We will also have brochures. Julianna will write some skits for folks who are wandering. The box for the portable garage/carport is dead, and we should consider a replacement for it - Curia voted to approve up to $100 for a new container. Jean will measure the poles and materiel, Abelard will look at possible bags at Gander Mountain.
*Youth Event: New proposal. Needs a check for the camp, and a signature on the contract. The event is on the Northshield calendar already. TADS will do lunch. The break-even point with the new pricing is 50 people.
*Boar's Head: Progressing nicely. Need someone to run Troll and Pre-Reg. (Jean might volunteer.)
*Day of Legends Moot: August 27th at Alice's House at Noon. Pete needs a ride. Gather your legend stories!
*Scottish Highland Games Demo: September 3-4, Waukesha County Fairgrounds. Let Arnbjorn know if you will be there so he can add you to the list and get you in the gate for free.
*Banners: If anyone wants to help finish the banners which were started last year, please let Eva know. She will be working on them. We'd like to have them done by Boar's Head, so the site doesn't look like a warehouse.
*Meeting Places: We'll start switching between Brookfield and Stritch again, but we still need to have a meeting in Waukesha or points west. Also, Typhaine volunteers her house as a meeting place.
*Planning Meeting, part Two: What came out of the meeting was the need to write demo scripts. Experts in various fields need to write two-minute scripts about their areas of expertise, then five minute scripts, then half-hour scripts.
*Planning Meeting, Part Three: We need to schedule this, sometime in mid-late October.
New Business:
*Baronial Champs: Sat September 24. Get award recommendations to the Baron and Baroness. When you bring food for the potluck, please don't use tinfoil, plastic, or paper plates.
*Heritage Weekend: There's a group in Waukesha which had a Heritage Weekend last weekend (Aug 11-12), which is not limited to United States heritage. (They had romans, for instance.) Some folks from Windhaven were there, so we should be there next year. It happens to also be the closing weekend of Pennsic, as well as Poorman's Pennsic, but it's still worth looking into.
*Forums: Do we want to keep the website running or not? General opinion is to keep the site there for another six months and see if traffic picks up.
*Museums: We should talk to the local museums and see if they are interested in us setting up 'living exhibits' - we can do demos, displays, etc. Maybe teach some things. Get the Peers to do things to show off their arts and sciences. We should try to tie into current exhibits. "What's coming up, and how can we enhance it?" Note: Participatory Archeology.
Guilds and Groups:
*Herbal Guild: Need to discuss and plan the October 15 mini-feast (which will be at St Ed's).
*Brewing and Vintning: Alasdair is stepping down as the leader of this guild, so we need a new one.
*Cooking Guild: Gwyneth is stepping down as the leader of this guild, and Typhaine is taking over. She'll let us know when and where to meet.
*Marquette: Fighters practice will resume on Monday nights as of September 12. They might want some help with O-Fest, their Activities Fair.
Officer Reports:
Baron and Baroness: Thank you for participating in the demos. They were great, and generated lots of interest and lots of education. Please make award recommendations for Baronial Championships, which is this weekend. By the way, we need ideas for regalia for the Bardic Champion.
Chatelaine: We have fun on Saturday at the Bash. (See Bash Recap below. We also had a guy from Albequerque. Brithwen is the new Chatelaine deputy, and she's very excited.
Exchequer: We still have money. Vote to reimburse receipts from Bayview Bash, passed. Please remember to get expenditures approved in advance. We need to visit the bank to sign a new signature card since Caitlin is no longer Seneschal and Arnbjorn will step down soon as Herald.
Quartermaster: We still have stuff. Do we have a list of who has the storage locker keys? The office hours at the storage locker are difficult to work with - can we find one that's easier to handle? Siri will look into a new locker, with the suggestion that we should move over Boar's Head weekend because we'll have a truck and most of the contents will be removed anyway. Note, we currently pay <$100 for our 10x10 space.
Herald: Will have office hours at Marquette and Stritch practices. Stepping down at Yule Court, but will continue from month to month if necessary.
Minister of Children: We have children. Corydon will take over as MoC in November. He might also become the Youth Combat Marshal. The Youth Event should be quiet until January or so.
Web Minister: Nothing to report.
Chronicler: Please send articles and reports by Sunday, September 25.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report.
Knights Marshal: Sunday fighters practice changing to Cardinal Stritch as of October 2.
Seneschal: This is Nikea's first meeting as Seneschal. She's instituting the new policy that everyone should stand when it's their turn to speak.
Old Business:
Highland Games Demo Recap: It was Labor Day weekend. Despite the rain on Saturday it was well-attended, and we had some interest. Yay!
BayView Bash Demo Recap: Really good turnout, lots of interest. The kids loved the pictures. (We dressed them in garb and/or armor and took photos for them, and allowed their parents to take photos too.) Cleanup was fast and easy, and we were out by 5. Akira will run the stage activities next year, so we'll try to get him more stage time to play with. A young lady stopped by (Carol) wanting to join us.
Boar's Head: The theme is Marauders of the Waterways. We have all officer positions filled. We might have a Herald's table. Jean will do pre-registration, and Magnus will run Troll. The website is under construction and will be released when it's done - still need text from A&S, Archery, and Lunch. The next planning meeting is Thursday, October 27, and after that Saturday, November 19. Does anyone know where the walkie-talkies are?
Baronial Champions Moot: Will be Saturday, September 24, beginning at 10 AM. Inspections will be at 11, and tournaments begin at noon. Their Excellencies will meet with their polling orders in the afternoon (2 PM: Fortress Virtuosos, 2:30 PM Castle Commanders, 3 PM Twr Mawr). Court will be at 4 PM. Feast will be after Court. Bardic championships will be during feast. By the way, we need ideas for regalia for the Bardic Champion.
Planning Meeting: Will schedule this at next Curia for November.
Followup to Long-Term Planning Meeting: Should discuss electronically. Perhaps on the Forum?
New Business:
Advertisement/Printing: Tatiana has a connection to VistaPrint, which can make large signs, business cards, brochures, rubber stamps, etc. for a reasonable cost. (We would pay to get artwork uploaded to them, and then pay shipping and handling for whatever they produce.) Proposed $100 seed money for an initial run of items, approved. Initial run: Chatelaine and generic Baronial business cards, two signs, possibly more. If you want business cards for your office, tell Tatiana.
Border Skirmish 2012: Leif and Astrid have put in a bid for Border Skirmish 2012. It was approved. If they win Crown, they will have a backup person in place. Also, Mistig Waetru (in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan) wants to hold a Border Skirmish event the same weekend as ours, since they're on a different border. No objections.
Walworth County Fairgrounds: Site Walkthrough has been changed to October 16, 10:30 AM. More details forthcoming. (This is not the day of the flea market. No money will be charged.)
McHenry Fairgrounds: Walkthrough TBA.
Racine County Fairgrounds: Haven't been able to get hold of them.
Princess Ball: The Clare Oasis organization has invited us to do a demo of sorts at their Princess Ball, October 8 (the same day as Crown), from 5-9 PM. Their site is the Marian Center (the old Cardinal Stritch location) in St Francis. Nikea suggested that we hold a mock coronation for each of the 'princesses'. If anyone is interested in helping, please contact Nikea.
Bardic Madness Bid: We found sites, but we've decided to allow another group to host the event because we just did it four years ago.
Bylaw Review: We will publish the Bylaws in the next Tower for review.
CAM Directory: Do we want another run? Arnbjorn will do it.
Yule Moot: Does anyone want to be the steward? Cardinal Stritch has volunteered to steward this as a group.
Guilds and Groups:
Brewing and Vintning: The position of Guildmaster is open.
Calligraphy and Illumination: The position of Guildmaster is open.
Cooking/Herbal Groups: Hosting a cross-guild feast October 15 at St Ed's. Cooks should arrive around 2 PM. Food will be served at 4 PM. Foods should include herbs. Bring an ingredients list, and make enough to feed 10.
Marquette Group: We're here! Fighting on Mondays all year, same time (7-9 pm), same place (old Open Pantry, see website for directions). Classes and meetings on Thursdays. Want to do a Project Day.
Stritch Group: We now have officers! First event will be a Masquerade Ball, October 14. Anyone can come - we'll let you know what time. Attended the University Club Fair, at which Delphina and Murdoch came and fought. That plus a Fiore demonstration as part of a class has brought in 7-10 new people. Looking for people to teach classes, attend sewing days, A&S, etc; can do stuff on Sunday afternoons during fighter's practice because the space is so large.
Officer Reports:
Baron & Baroness: October and November are quiet times for the Barony as we prepare for Boar's Head.
Chatelaine: Had some new people at Stritch fighter's practice and project day over the last few weeks. They're very excited. She has a mailing list from Bayview Bash and has been sending mail to that list, but hasn't heard much back from them; she'll keep it up until the end of the year and if people aren't interested she'll stop then.
Herald: Office is open. He's heard from one interested person. Sent Dahrien some updates for the website, and now the Order of Precedence (list of all of who has received what awards for the Barony), the list books in the Heraldic Library, and the Herald's page are updated.
Minister of Children: Corydon is now the Minister of Children. He will also look into how to become the Youth Marshal.
Exchequer: We have money. Finally closed the books on Border Skirmish. We lost some money compared to last year, and we think that's because of the decrease in people camping.
Quartermaster: We have stuff.
Chronicler: Office is open. Articles are due by 10/23.
Webminister: Nothing to report.
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Griffin's Needle Challenge is this weekend - quite a few people from the Barony are going. Hoping to schedule another clothing day (chausses, cotehardies, etc), but weekends have been too busy. Cooking and herbal weekends are going well.
Knights Marshal: Practices are Sunday afternoons at Stritch, Monday evenings at Marquette.
Archery: Practices are Mondays at West Town Archery.
Seneschal: The Shire of Skerjastrond have asked for help with an event. Nikea would like to suggest that we take them on as a 'sister' group, and possibly schedule a bus trip to one of their events. Also, as of November 2010 we own the West Bend, WI zip code (the location of Boar's Head).
Old Business:
Boar's Head Update: If you want to help with the Boar's Head pre-feast, please contact the feast stewards. Next meeting will be Thursday, October 27 at Marquette.
Baronial Champions Recap: Read the Tower.
Border Skirmish Site Walkthroughs: Various people went on a walkthrough of the Walworth County Fairgrounds and the Racine Country Fairgrounds. (We are also considering the McHenry County Fairgrounds - Astrid has been talking to Ravenslake about that.) Each of the three sites are more expensive than Simmons Island (the site we've been using). All sites have fences and gates, and we would have exclusive or nearly exclusive access to them. We would be able to use half of McHenry's site, which has buildings, no shaded areas, a kitchen with two ancient stoves, and two showers. Walworth has six showers, water, electricity, trees, and a decent kitchen. We would not be the only people on their site that weekend, but would control the gates. And the fighting fields are huge. Racine is an odd site - it's split between the County Faigrounds and the Old Settlers Park. They have 8 showers, brand new structures, and large open fields. No kitchen, but water and electricity are available. No trees in the camping area. Buildings are available during the day but not at night. We're waiting on definitive prices for all three.
Bylaws: No changes suggested.
Directory: Lots of updates. Took out the awards list (since the OP is up to date on the website) and listed only the highest title for each person. Brought a mockup for review. Should have a price estimate to print it soon, and will have it available at November Curia and Yule Moot.
Cooking and Herbal Feast Recap: It was great. Lots of food, mostly pork and herbs.
New Business:
Date for 2012 Baronial Planning Meeting: November 8 at Stritch. 6:30 PM.
Storage Locker Site Search: We're currently paying $95 per month for the 10x20 locker, and the best price Siri could find was $95 for a 10x10. We'll stay where we are for now and keep looking.
Heather Dale Concerts: October 30, 2-3 PM, St Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette, and October 30, 7:30 PM, Randall and Anna's House. Donations suggested: $5 at Marquette, $15 at the house. (Donations cover travel expenses.)
Guilds and Groups:
Cooking Guild: 2 PM, November 6, Typhaine's House. Theme will be cheese.
Herbal Guild: Will look into combining the herbal and cooking guilds, and having combined informational and practical sessions. Making cheese this weekend so that they can test freezing the cheese for Boar's Head.
Marquette: Will bring five people to Boar's Head.
Stritch: Growing. Had a big meeting last weekend, and might have another new fighter. Will give us a date for the Masquerade Ball when they choose one. Yule Moot planning is going well. Curia voted to give them $50 to cover expenses. Come to Sunday practices!
11/08/2011 - Baronial Planning Meeting For 2012 Activities
Greetings All,
Here are the results of the 2012 Baronial Calendar planning meeting. This is not an exhaustive list, nor does it in any way mean that other ideas can not or will not be considered at a later date.
The most exciting thing about this is that we have Stewards for most of the planned Events.
If I got anything wrong, left something out, or you have changed your mind about something, please let me know at your earliest convenience.
I am listing these in order as they occur during the year.
Current Calendar Plans:
February 18, 2012 Herald Project Day.Steward: Arnbjorn
April 28, 2012 Spring Court.Steward: Tatianna
May 25 thru 27, 2012 Youth Event.Stewards: Typhaine and Nikea
June 8 thru 10, 2012 Border Skirmish.Stewards: Astrid and Leif
August 25, 2012 Legends Moot.Stewards: Tatianna and Alice
September 8, 2012 Submit Bid to Host Coronation. Site: TBD.Stewards: Nikea, Julianna and Alice
September 22, 2012 Bayview Bash.Steward: Julianna
September 29, 2012 Baronial Championship.Steward needed
December 1, 2012 Boar's Head.Stewards: Curia
December 8, 2012 Yule Court.Steward needed
Future Projects:
2014 Baronial Championship & 40th Anniversary.Steward: Arnbjorn. With Valerius to assist with possible site location (DeKoven).
"Let's Make Things with Fire" - A Metalworkers' & Glassworker's & Other-firey-stuff-workers' Moot for Spring 2012.Stewards: Albrecht of Caer Anterth Mawr, Dahrien Cordell
Future/long term planning:
Gawain and the Green Knight event
Formal Pas d'Arms. That's French for "Passage At Arms", and refers to formal combat tournaments, often involving both individual and team competitions of various kinds, ladies in the gallery, personal heralds, pageantry, really fancy fun stuff.
Now that you have gotten this far through these lists, I am also adding the need for volunteers for the following Moots and Events:
Baronial Championship: Event Steward needed.
Yule Court: Event Steward needed.
Coronation: Feast Steward needed. Those who are interested in doing a feast for this event will need to get to Nikea, Julianna and Alicetheir proposed bid by the end of December so we can have it in the bid to be submitted to Kingdom.
Boar's Head: Event Steward needed. . Bid proposal to be submitted to Curia.
Seneschal, Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr
Officer Reports:
Baron and Baroness: Things are going pretty smoothly and relatively quiet. Albrecht sends his regrets that he can't be here, as he's returning home from a business trip. [He arrived later in the meeting.]
Chatelaine: We found out that Bayview Bash 2012 will be September 15. New people are getting garbed for Boar's Head. We had a new person come to fighter's practice on Monday night.
Exchequer: Report will be in the Tower. He's working on getting the signature card at the bank changed.
Herald: Office is open. Please submit award recommendations for Yule Court.
Minister of Children: Need to finish paperwork.
Chronicler: Reports and articles are due by Sunday, November 20.
Knights Marshal: Office is open. Fighting is happening at Stritch on Sundays and Marquette on Mondays.
Archery: No West Town Archery next Monday (November 21).
Seneschal: Working with someone who might request a demo next year. Milwaukee Admirals contacted her to offer discount tickets if we show up in garb, and also offered discounted rental space for meetings.
Webminister: Nothing interesting to report.
Old Business:
Border Skirmish: Curia chose Walworth County Fairgrounds, which is charging us $1000 for the park. This gets us running water, electricity, and camping (and the campsite has trees). We also want to rent portapotties for the far end of the list field. (The list fields are huge.) Also, we can lock the entrances.
Boar's Head: Everything's covered and running smoothly. Meeting on Saturday November 19 at 1 PM at Marquette Physics Building.
Yule Court: Getting things organized, working on an activity. Remember to bring food for the potluck!
Baronial Directory: Done. 100 copies: $144. Bright yellow so we can find it. $1.50 per directory - talk to Arnbjorn.
Baronial Planning Meeting Recap: We met, dates and events are chosen, see Curia page for the results.
Bylaws: We made some changes to the bylaws which will be published separately.
New Business:
Coronation bid: We will put in a bid for Coronation in September 2012. Wolves Hollow (Stritch) can get us the Conference Center, the chapel, and maybe the kitchen. Won't cost us anything. Need to sort out site fees and how the monies are disributed - can we donate half the proceeds to the University organization which funds the student clubs? (Need to find out if they're not-for-profit.)
Guilds and Groups:
Cooking/Herbal Guild: January's meeting will probably be Andalusian. The cheese was a big success, and they figured out hwo to salt the cheese so it will keep until Boar's Head.
Stritch: We will have practice on Sunday the 20th and Sunday the 27th.
Marquette: We will have practice on Monday the 21st. Mysie will bring the physics club's force pads and wants to record data - how hard does a polearm hit? So, come to practice. Project Day was a success - made game boards for the fund raiser as well as a few other small projects.