Present: Abelard, Albrecht, Arthur, Sybillia, Sofonisba, Asabella, Eric, Beatrice, Geoffrey, Kale, Rhys, Rachel, Randall, Tatiana, Ysolt, Carter, Shawnah, Annetje, Katie, Arnbjorn, Octavian.
Officer Reports:
Baron/Baroness: We will be holding a May Day Moot with Their Excellencies Jararvellir in Fort Atkinson on May 1. More information later in the notes. Please send in award recomendations. Also, pray attend: there will be an event bid from Beatrice later in the meeting. Congratulations to Their Majesties, Ajax Rex and Gaia Regina, Nordscildenses.
Seneschal: Had a meeting with the new Kingdom Seneschal. Also, we're working on some sites (https://sites.google.com/caeranterth.org/eventsites/event-sites and others) to inventory things.
Chatelaine: Relatively quiet. Had a few emails come in, will be following up. Had a couple visitors during practice a couple weeks ago, been in touch with them. Tatiana and Idonia worked gate at Boar's Head and reported having some problems dressing people from the gold key because the sizes don't all line up with peoples' actual sizes and it was ill-fitting and unattractive, which doesn't make people feel welcomed. Would like to suggest that we make some new t-tunics in various sizes to add to the loaner gear, and those can be belted to fit. We can inventory the gold key at https://sites.google.com/caeranterth.org/goldkey/home . Her Excellency Ysolt is following up with Belle, because some of the things she expected to be available (belts, in particular) weren't there. We know that in the last few years there was new belt hardware and new belts. Arthur has material to make and finish leather belts. Maybe a clothes rack to use at events so people don't have to go through tubbies. Beatriz will have everything inventoried by next Curia with lists of what has been disposed of (due to ill repair, substantial stains, etc) and what it looks like we need. Annetje and Sybillia have offered to help with inventorying. In the course of inventorying, make note of what's fitted and what's not. When inventorying this stuff, things shouldn't be just thrown out; we can post things somewhere that are going to be retired in case there's a reason to keep it around - if it can be repaired or salvaged or should be reclaimed/returned for sentimental reasons.
Chronicler: Articles for The Tower due Monday, Apr 25. The paper version of the Baronial Directory are available - have contacted people to arrange delivery. Arnbjorn will be stepping up as Kingdom Chronicler on June 1, and needs to step down from the local office, so the office is open.
Exchequer: We have some money. Asabella is now the Eastern Regional Deputy Exchequer (technically, transitioning into it) and we think she can continue to be the emergency CAM deputy exchequer, but if someone wants to take over that would be great. We will also be getting a new Kingdom Exchequer in May or June.
Quartermaster: See the storage locker conversation later in the meeting notes.
Herald: Nothing new to report, but congratulations to Asabella and Arnjorn for all the added work they get to do for the Society.
Knights Marshal: Nobody's been hurt in the last few practices. No practice at the church May 5 or 12.
Archery Captain: Last week he talked to the UWM student group about archery and thrown weapons. Still discussing the summer schedule to adjust around fighter's practice, hope to have that nailed down before the May Tower. We have loaner gear for both archery and thrown weapons.
Thrown Weapons: This coming Sunday is the first Thrown Weapons practice at noon at Kinnickinnic River Parkway (after archery).
Rapier Marshal: No injuries to report, but the current Princess Sleeve Champion is our own Joseph Leveson, who is also Baronial Champion.
Youth Combat: We had a youth, he should be returning when his dad does. We are in the process of changing the office over.
MOAS: Read the Tower. The weather's getting nicer, which opens up lots of opportunities for new arts and sciences!
Signet: Nothing specific is happening, but we have a moot coming up! Making some blanks so we have a cushion of scrolls. If anyone wants to contrinute scroll blanks, please do. Beatrice has been holding scribal nights for the student group and has some things to donate. There are some other pieces that they're working on too. Kingdom needs scroll blanks too.
Social Media Officer: The office is open. Reports are easy - mostly listing membership numbers in social media.
Web Minister: If times or other content need to change on the website, let the webminister know.
Old Business:
Fall Crown '22 Bid: Bid was approved by Curia and sent to Stallari. St Johns October something.
Turm an dem See: Randall figured out the zip codes for Washington County and a few other places and requested that they be added to the Barony. The outgoing Kingdom Seneschal suggested that we might reach out to TADS to see if they wanted to join us. (Later conversation about this later in the notes.)
Border Skirmish 2023: Need stewards/site. Next meeting Sep 6, 2022. Rachel volunteered as a co-steward, but needs someone to teach her the ropes. It's possible that neither group will want to continue it; we'll discuss again in September.
New Business:
May Day Moot with Jararvellir: Please join the Baronies of Jararvellir and Caer Anterth Mawr as we join together to celebrate spring! We have rented the Rock River Park Rotary Shelter in Fort Atkinson, on 5/1, from 10 am to 7 pm. We hope to have a May Pole dance, Armored Combat, Fencing, and Archery (at the park’s range). There should be plenty of space for arts and sciences, chatting, gaming, etc. And we would like to have a potluck feast in the evening, around 5 pm. (The shelter is reported to have a small kitchen). Please come join us! Fort Atkinson Rotary Shelter is at 1300 Lillian St Fort Atkinson, WI 53538.
Baronial Champs: Where would we like to have that? We do have the Legion Hall reserved (though not paid for). We could potentially have it at the Circle K Campground. We could go there and pay the 'day rate' and/or the camping rate. More expensive than some people want to pay. Some people won't be able to camp. Maybe for now we keep our reservation at Legion Hall and do a different event or moot there later.
Storage Unit: Potential new storage place. 10x20 costs $85 per month (current site is $145 per month). Six minutes from Boar's Head. Haven't gotten a call back. Is it worth it to drive the extra distance to save the money? If they don't get back to us it's a moot point. Can we reduce our footprint? The people who load and unload the truck argue that we're about as small as we can get. Do they have trailer parking too? We have some time to make a decision (storage locker renews in June).
Known World Heralds and Scribes Symposium: Bids are due to Laurel Wueen of Arms by July 1. Would require Stallari approval, but first needs Curia's approval first. Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZ1JLgJWeWxTbJ5fZOYLvPq85A_K1cKrpiyfnkNWDNs/edit?usp=drivesdk . Would be mid-to-;ate June or early July, on the Marquette campus. Waiting to hear from the campus housing people. The event site is available for either of those weekends. Have the attendee information from two out of the last three events. The break-even on this would be 115 people at $20 per person, and the last few events have seen more than 200 people. For KWHS we have heralds flying in from all over the world, who would arrive on Thursday and Friday. There will be a number of tracks - probably 7 - (similar to a SUN) about heraldic and scribal activities on Saturday, and the Road Show on Sunday. Seven classrooms are no problem, and more social space, and royalty rooms, and conference room space. We would spend $200 for classroom space for Saturday. Lots of lovely outdoor space available as well, and we can set up additional shade and seating outdoors on the lawn. The Joan of Arc Chapel is there too. Can visit the Tolkien collection and the manuscript collection at the museum. (Maybe Friday for the Tolkien collection and Sunday for the manuscript collection.) $275 for the Sunday space, including luggage storage and social space. Proposed total cost: $475 for space. $1600 for food. Misc costs: $225. Total: $2300. It's been forever since KWHS been in Northshield or Midrealm, and last time it was we were still part of Midrealm. Lodging - Ambassador Hotel, also potentially campus housing. We can cancel up to the day before the event. Need a deposit for $400. Beatrice would be Event Steward. Mysie would be the coordinator for scribal activities but would be happy to work as part of a team. Parking in the campus garages and street parking. There should be limited staff needs (as long as it's not on the same weekend as Border Skirmish or WW). The Barony votes yes, let's kick it up to the next level.
Turm an dem See: Do we want to invite the members of Turn an dem See to join the Barony? People want to belong, and they are more likely to belong and feel like they have a home if they have a local group. Even if the local group is far away. Motion to extend the offer to TADS, general consensus is to do so. "You are welcome to join CAM if you would like."
Possible demos: There may be some potential demos coming up. Beatriz is working on those.
Boar's Head 2022: Need an event steward.
Guilds and Groups – Indoors with masks.
Fight Practice: Thursday nights, 7-10, Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Shop Night: Tuesday nights, Randall's house.
Student Group: now meeting at 6:30.
Woodworking: Armond's shop is available.
Clothiers, Dance Guild, and C&I East: If there is interest in these, please contact Beatrice.