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Curia Notes: January 17, 2023

Present: Abelard, Arthur, Randall, Tatiana, Rhys, Sofonisba, Asabella, Armond, Ysolt, Tatiana, Beatriz, Arnbjorn, Annetje, Katie, Magnus.

Officer Reports:

*Baron/Baroness: Join us at the event and the moot this weekend.

*Seneschal: Nothing exceptional to report.

*Chatelaine: Got a few emails in the last few days from new people. We had a new person show up a couple times at practice.

*Chronicler: Articles due Feb 25.

*Exchequer: Arthur is in quarantine. Tatiana can get the cash for the Melee event this weekend.

*Quartermaster: Was going to ask Sofonisba to find out if we need anything for the event this weekend, but will ask when we get there in the minutes.

*Herald: Forgot to report some awards from Boar's Head, which will be in the next Tower: Congratulations to Abelard, Beare of Northshield, and Rhys, on vigil for the Pelican. Nobody in our Barony received any awards at 12th Night. Some of our members have submitted names and devices which we should hear back about in March or April.

*Knights Marshal: Will have the paper paperwork available to be signed at the event this weekend.

*Archery Captain: Still shooting at KK Parkway, and we'll be there through Spring. No practice this week because of the Yule Moot. February 4th the Shire of Korsvaag is holding the Winter Archery Extravaganza.

*Thrown Weapons: On hiatus until Spring. Office is open.

*Rapier Marshal: Nobody has died. We had a minor injury at practice, but it's a fairly insignificant injury.

*Youth Combat: We will have youth combat activities at the event this weekend. Send out your kids!

*MOAS: Nobody has died (that she knows of). Plans to do A&S-y things next month at a location to be determined.

*Signet: Busy doing scrolls for the moot. She would love to receive some blanks if anyone has them. Office is open.

*Social Media Officer: Haven't taken over from Arnbjorn yet.

*Web Minister: Rachel has effectively stepped down. Geoffrey is ready to step in, but needs some training. (Abelard sent him access to the documentation.) Randall has access to the google space and can reset stuff.

Old Business:

*Midwinter Melee Practice and Command Staff Meeting (Jan 21, 2023; St Johns Academy in Delafield; Event stewards: Sofonisba/Armond) – Update? We're going to have an event! Tom and Guineivre and Lars. There will be a court and it will be short. St Johns will be putting down the flooring. Don't need ropes. Youth can fight under the far basketball courts, far enough away that they don't need ropes to seperate them either. Bought water containers from CostCo. Magnus will bring the water coolers so we can do gatorade. Site opens at 9, we can get there at 8. Using the locker room as the royalty room. After the event, unofficial post-revel at the Legion. (We do not have it reserved.)

*Yule Moot (January 22, Noon-7, Delafield Legion, Event steward: Arnbjorn) White Elephant Gift Exchange, followed by court meeting and court, pot luck feast after that, Master Solomon Storytelling Contest during feast. Group photo. Come out and have fun!

*Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium (June 23-25, 2023; Marquette Campus; Event steward: Beatrice) Planning for KWHSS continues apace. We hope to have the website live very soon (within the next two weeks/by the end of January), but are unable to move forward as Winifride/Alex does not yet have access to the CAM website, and their emails to the CAM webminister have gone unanswered. Our current timeline includes the following goals/dates: End of January: Release event website, sign contract with housing, ensure event info with Northshield calendar is up to date. February: Begin pre-registration for site and housing, work with campus contacts for special events and tours planning, deposit due for housing. March: Begin accepting course proposals from instructors, sign contract with event site, deposit due for event site. Early June: Deadline for Proceedings, end of course proposals, close of pre-registration. Early-to-Mid June: Release class schedule to attendees. June 22: Early event arrivals. June 23-25: Event. Our current event staff with confirmed roles include: Beatrice and Mysie, co-stewards. Winifride, webminister. Sir Ajax, Royalty Liaison. Wu, Proceedings Editor. Dyonisia and Anpliça, Pre-registration coordinators. Also, we've been able to confirm that Summerfest will be opening on June 22, and we will be including information on the festival on the event website, for those who may be interested in attending during their stay in Milwaukee.

*Haustblot: A Norse Harvest Celebration (Sept 22-24, 2023, Camp Sinawa): Pre-reg will open May 15. There will be a facebook event soon. There is an event listing on the Northshield website. We have the pricing for the cabins.

*Turm an dem See – Zip codes sent for Washington Co and areas to make contiguous area. - Update from cartographer: They need to ask anyone living in the zip codes if they want to be a part of CAM. Hasn't received any update this month.

*Job Descriptions: Their Excellencies have requested that all officers write job descriptions for their jobs and send them to the Officers List - Information on offices, what is their job to be, what does the job entail. You can use the template that Her Excellency sent out. Please have them done by the February Curia meeting.

New Business:

*Chronicler stand-in: Tatiana is doing the online fundraiser, and she can't be an officer during that time, so she's going to step down. Sofonisba will take the job of Chronicler (with the appropriate paperwork) from Feb 27 through May 15. Moved to accept this, voted, approved.

*June Melee Event: Thora and Thorbjorn have presented a partial bid (missing a couple numbers) for a melee event at The Roost on Memorial Day weekend (May 26-29, 2023). Armond has volunteered to autocrat. We'll need to have a contract saying what the participants have access to. Attendance will not be free, but the site will be free (the group does not have to pay for site, but there will be a charge for the event). The only other thing on the calendar that weekend is in Schattentor. Will need to have a decision by March 20 to get in the Tower. We want to make a decision by Feb 21.

*Happy birthday to Ysolt tomorrow!

*Guilds and Groups

*A&S West Group – Sewing @ Tatiana's: Will set up another date.

*C&I East Group On hiatus.

*Brewing Guild On hiatus.

*Cooking Guild On hiatus.

*Dance Guild: On hiatus.

*Fight Practice: Thursday nights.

*Fight Practice West: Monday nights.

*Shop Night: At Randall's, Tuesdays.

*Student Group – Meeting on Wednesday

*Woodworking: On demand.

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