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July 21, 2020 Curia Notes

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Attendees: Randall, Abelard, Arnbjorn, Idonia, Ysolt, Geoffrey, Tatiana, Belle, Kale, Asabella, Arthur, Rachel, Octavian, Armond, Sofonisba, Merouda.

Officers Reports:

Baron/ess: An award needs a new name, and we're working on it. Baronial champs and Border Skirmish .... we'll talk about those when we get there.

Seneschal: Some people have sent in letters. Will discuss next month. Coronation has been cancelled. Crown is still up in the air. We have been having Seneschal meetings via Zoom each month - the new Kingdom Seneschal is great and very prompt. Need to find out how late we can cancel Boar's Head, just in case.

Chronicler: Please submit your stuff by the 25th of the month. If you need an extension, let her know.

Webminister: Everything seems to be going well. Everybody has logged in to their gsuite accounts except one person, and it's mostly going well; if you email coronet@ the email goes through but you get an error. She is looking into it. If you hold an online meeting (and if you want a new account, we can set that up), we get Google Meet along with our gsuite accounts.

MOAS: Folks are doing A&S! There's as much baking and cooking as ever, but it seems like folks might be settling in for the marathon instead of the frantic sprinting of the early pandemic. Folks are working on swords and pells and armor. It's summer, and the gardens are growing. Chickens and other poultry are thriving. Folks are getting their woodworking on, in the areas of musical instruments and camping furniture. There are songs and sonnets being written! Garb is being designed and crafted. There have been some tasty meads laid down, and I hope things are back to normal enough to be able to taste them. There have been on-line events, both regular, like bardics, and special like "Virtual WW' and other events in other kingdoms. Our folks are getting good press this way. If folks really are interested in this, you should look into the "100 Days of A&S" as a personal challenge. Rhys has requested a year 3 option for MOAS.

Knights Marshal: Still no practice through August. Still haven't gotten an answer back from the church about whether we can waive our rent. Let's wait one more month for an answer - since we've paid for four months that we haven't used, two of which the building was closed, can we not pay for the rest of the year and still use it?

Archery: This week the archers are getting together three times! Mondays at KK, Wednesdays at Menomonee Park, Saturday at 9 AM at Menomononee Park. Archery is going well.

Rapier: Hasn't been any rapier.

Youth: Hasn't been any youth fighting, but Abelard will deliver armor and weapons. Abelard needs to scan the waivers.

Thrown Weapons: Will hold a practice if we can find a field. Maybe at Redeemer?

Chatelaine: Two contacts this month - heard from Kelly (a seamstress who works in the 18th century, wants to expand) and Trevor (wants to meet others who appreciate history). Baronial social on the first Thursday of the month (August 6). Tatiana was contacted by someone looking for fighting in Burlington - she passed on the information.

Exchequer: Second quarter reports are drafted. We still have money. Fighter's fund is in the red; not as much, but is. Public storage was paid. Please send historical waivers to

Quartermaster: Same report as last time - the locker is locked, and the trailer is secured. Cleaned the locker. Magnus is taking over. Need to change the contact info at the storage locker, which we did online during the meeting.

Herald: Office is open. LOI due at next month's Curia. Annetje was added to the Hand of Tyr. Baronial awards and badge submissions have gotten past Kingdom and are in the external commenting area. Hope to hear by Boar's Head or Yule Court. Need to come up with an alternative name for Zenith's Guardian. (Guardians of the Tower did not pass.) Read the Tower!

Old Business:

Baronial Champs: No fighting through the end of August. We can gather, though. Let's decide next month. KEM doesn't think large combat will happen until people can be within six feet of each other. But we can get together - lots of space. Their Excellencies have decided that we will extend the champions' positions until we can hold the appropriate tournaments, if any of the current champions do not wish to continue in their positions after September please speak with Their Excellencies.

Boar's Head: We need to find out how late we can cancel Boar's Head, just in case. (It's better to cancel than to have an event that loses money.) We will have to decide when we get closer - Tatiana will look at the contracts. We have one pre-reg and we have a website, and people are still planning and hoping...

Border Skirmish: Called the site, requested a new contract, haven't received it. Requested second weekend in June (as per usual) from Stallari, and we were refused because Castel Rouge's exemption (for Castel Rouge's 50 Year) from 2020 was extended to 2021. We will write a letter of appeal, and point out that we've had this weekend for 15 years, we put it on with a group in the Midrealm with whom we have to coordinate, there are conflicts with the site. We would rather not get royals than be opposite a camping motorcycle rally (which we would have had this year).

Guilds and Groups:

Woodworking and A&S are on hold until the world is safer. If anybody wants to come over and work on things in the shop, let Armond and Sofonisba know.

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