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October 2018


In Attendance: Abelard, Arnbjorn, Rhys, Armond, Sofonisba, Adrianna, Deonysia, Tatiana, Geoffrey, Arthur, Sybillia, Belle. Remote: Ysolt, Kateryn

Officer Reports:

Baron & Baroness: We went to Crown, and it was fun. And we have new heirs! We still have trim for sale. The incoming Baron and Baroness Jara would like to continue having May Day as a joint moot. Their Majesties would like to do the investiture of the incoming Baron and Baroness Jara at Boar's Head.Chronicler: Deadline for new articles is Monday, October 22. Read the Tower!

Webminister: Boar's Head website will be up this week. Let her know if there are problems or you need changes.

Minister of Arts and Sciences: We had a stamping event, which went great. We had A&S West (twice), and it was great. SUN is soon! A number of people are teaching at it. A cooking/A&S moot happened in Windhaven last month and lots of our folks made food there. Carraigh Ban is holding a three-night A&S session to learn about Japanese block printing in DeKalb.

Knights Marshal: We continue to have practice every week. We have two new fighters - we'd like to get them into loaner armor. We have a pell at practice. People who have been away for awhile should come back.

Rapier: Working on recruitment. Arthur will get his C&T authorization so we can look at C&T practices going forward.

Archery: Doubled the size of the archery corps! Arnbjorn taking over as local Archery Marshal, and Rhys will become Regional. Practices are now at West Town until sunlight returns. There will be a Winter Archery Clinic event in Jara on December 15.

Thrown Weapons: On hiatus until spring. Jara has a TW practice on Sundays once or twice a month - will try to find out the schedule and make it known.

Fighters Practice Overall: We'd like to spend one practice recording everything, and then one practice watching those recordings. (No fighting at that one, just video review.) We did this back at Bucketworks and it was really helpful. Perhaps we will repeat this every month. Will send out email or Facebook when we're ready to do it.

Chatelaine: We've got some new people, try to be welcoming! The student group intends to do a demo at Geek Week again this year, in March. If people are interested in going to Bardic Madness, talk to Dahrien. Don't throw things at new people! Office is technically open, but may re-apply for another year.

Exchequer: Quarter 3 is finished. Sent out paperwork for the trailer. Since there was no money from the event, it doesn't go in the report. We need to use an official event bid form - should use the one on the Kingdom website.

Quartermaster: We still have a trailer, which wasn't used this month. Wants a list of what people need for BH before Thanksgiving, please.

Herald: We have a temporary applicant to hold the position until a more permanent one can be found: Rhys.

Old Business:

Stamping Event/Regional Practice: Had 20 people, nine of them fighters. Things were stamped! It was a great time!

Boar's Head: Court is planned to be an hour. Their Excellencies will do a sort of roaming court to hand out prizes for tournaments and things. Had a planning meeting. Feast will be 15 tables. Their Majesties Northshield will be there. Their Highnesses Northshield have been invited. The royal families of Calontir and Midrealm have been invited. (We will comp the royals and one retainer per couple.) Pre-cook at Moira's on November 10. We are also handling lunch (as well as feast). Deja is in charge of classes. Need information from marshals and A&S for the website, which should be up this week. (Will have the Boar's Head Champions Tournament and the Flower Tournament.) We are in the Northwatch. Will write an article for the Tower. Don't know if we need vigil spaces.

Border Skirmish: Ravenslake has an autocrat - we have interested people, but no official bids/applications. We're not going to change weekends.

Crown Bid: We officially put one in for Spring (in May), but will also put one in for October if needed. Waiting for Stallari to decide. If we use the intended site, Jois and Touissant will be available to help us out since they've used it before.

New Business:

Yule Moot: January 13th, potentially at the Legion Hall. Belle might be in charge. More information to come.

Planning Meeting: November 20th after Curia (at UWM). Proposed list of events: Yule Moot (January or December), May Day Moot (May), maybe Crown (May), Border Skirmish (June)Baronial Champions (September), maybe Crown (October), Boar's Head (December), Yule Moot (January or December). Note, next year is our Baronial 40th Anniversary. Arnbjorn has volunteered to be autocrat of Boar's Head 2019, with Deonysia as feast steward.

Autocrat/Event Steward Handbook: Please submit information about what an autocrat does for each event (or in general) to Tatiana so she can add it to a updates for the handbook. Some general pieces of information to add: To be an autocrat you really need facebook access and you need to attend Curia in the months leading up to the event. Pre-reg information should go straight to the exchequer. The website needs to be up and running three months before an event, and on the Kingdom calendar.

Redeemer Lights: The fighter's practice space at Redeemer needs new lights. They've asked to provide bodies for this endeavor. Rhys and Abelard volunteered. They do need to get a licensed contractor involved.

Guilds and Groups:

C&I: C&I West will now be known as A&S West.

B&V: The bee guy at Redeemer Lutheran would like help to teach a mead-making session.

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