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Curia Meeting Notes: April 18, 2023

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Randall, Arthur, Tatiana, Arnbjorn, Mysie, Katie, Albrecht, Armond, Sofonisba, Katie, Rhys, Kateryn, Beatriz, Beatrice, Karl.


*Baron and Baroness: We'll have court at War Practice - send in award recommendations.

*Exchequer/ Arthur: Office Open. We have money. We had a month of expenses. Need to collect the fighter funds. Have a check for Beatrice. Question for the Curia: Can we write checks for the church in advance? No objections. Sofonisba has some checks to hand off - will hand them off at practice. Will also get Arnbjorn to sign the quarterly report at practice. Have not seen an LOI. Will be out of town during the next Curia.

*Quartermaster/Magnus: No report.

*Herald/ Katie: People got awards at events i didnt attend. Vivant! RHYS was elevated, Sarah got a Cygnus.

*Signet- Kale: Office Open. Nothing to report.

*Chronicler/Sofonisba: Nothing to report. If you have articles for the next Tower, they are due April 25. Uploaded scans of Song of the Tower to the google drive and will give a link to Geoffrey.

*Web Minister/ Geoffrey: No news. Working on the website for Haustblot.

*Minister of Arts & Sciences/ Sibillia: Nobody has died doing arts and crafts. Thorbrandr hosted a heat-treat workshop last weekend. Geoffrey has acquired a sword and armor for rebated steel. Ysolt has been working on acid etching.

*Knights Marshal/ Armond: Nothing to report, nobody died, two practices per week.

*Rapier Marshal/ Sibillia: Nothing to report, new person last week, nobody died, two practices per week.

*Archery Captain/Arnbjorn: Continuing when weather permits. Archery on Sunday mornings, alternating between KK Park and Menomonee Park. Next month we will probably resume a weeknight practice, but haven't worked out the schedule yet. We have loaner gear - come to practice!

*Thrown Weapons/Arnbjorn: Should start next month.

*Youth Combat/Rhys: There are youths in the barony, but they haven't been coming to practice. But things are happening in Jara!

*Chatelaine/ Beatriz: In terms of Meetup, we have around 20 people who have expressed interest. We saw a new person at rapier practice last week. We have a person in our Barony who works at the Watertown Library in Jefferson County, and she wants us to do a demo. There are some Saturdays and Sundays available. They would be a couple hours long. There's an indoor room and an outdoor 'grassy knoll' with a patio. Available dates: May 20/21 (no events that weekend), June 17/18 (no events that weekend), July 15/16 (conflicts with WW), August 12/13 (conflicts with Pennsic), September 10 (conflicts with Coronation). Will check with Jara as well. Will gather information and see what we get.

*Social Media Officer/ Beatriz: Everyone is very nice. Thank you.

*Seneschal/ Arnbjorn: Office Open. Changed signatories at the bank. Effective May 1, insurance costs go up from $50-75, and up to $200 for equestrian. (We should try to get our certificates for Haustblot lined up before that increase.)

*Minister of Youth: Office Open.


*War Practice at the Roost - May 26-29, 2023 – Armond: Things are coming together. Pre-reg is open, inluding pre-reg for food. Paypal link is live.

*Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium - June 23-25, 2023 - Beatrice: We have a website. We have Paypal pre-reg open (will close Juine 9). We've had prereg coming in for housing and the event. Have been in touch with the royalty liaison - TRM will be attending and intend roving courts. We have a signed housing contract, and have made a deposit, and turned the receipt in to the exchequer. Insurance has been requested and received via email on Thursday. (Physical copy should be in the mail to Marquette.) Have opened class proposals (until May 19) and proceedings proposals. Event is continuing apace! Getting in-and-out cards for the Marquette parking privileges. ($10 for 24 hours, $10 for a special card which lets you go in and out.) Coordinating with folks about arranging handicapped transportation and special parking places for them. There's an email set up for the event. Arthur will be out for most of May - who do you want to receive the gate cash check and for how much? Dyonisia Buleheued will be the gate person, probably $250, will check with her. Mysie can be that person. Key staff positions are filled, but we will need day-of volunteers. People to help with gate, people to retain for TRM, people to help serve lunch, people to do technical things, people to drive shuttles. Lots of volunteer opportunities!

*Haustblot: A Norse Harvest Celebration – Sept 22-24, 2023 Sofonisba & Tatiana: Met with the paypal deputy and will get the ball rolling on pre-reg. If anybody wants a cabin send an email to Tatiana. If we have to refund, the person who gets the refund pays the paypal fee. We should start working on insurance - need to check on the pricing to use the golf carts. We will need staff - people to sit at gate, feast, all the usual things. If somebody has an idea for a grand overarching theme, let us know.

*Job Descriptions – Information on offices: We've received job descriptions for a few offices. Want to pass them around on the CAM Officers list for review and discussion. Arnbjorn will lead that charge.

*Officer inventories- Google Sites: Take photos of any regalia you have and post them to the google drive. Arnbjorn will post that link to the CAM Officers list.


*Boar’s Head Event Steward- looking for bids/volunteer. Beatriz would be willing to be the steward again and will send in a bid by May Curia. Arnbjorn will find out if the kitchen has been repaired (the electrical bar to which we usually plug the nescos wasn't working, and the stoves and/or flattop weren't working correctly.) We are pencilled in for Boar's Head through 2026. We are planning to have the event December 2.

*Thrown Weapons Captain LoI- Karl: We moved to accept Karl's application, voted, and passed.


*Brewers & Vintners Guild: on hiatus

*A&S Nights: on hiatus

*Shop Night: Randall’s-Tuesdays

*UWM SCA: Tuesdays- 5-9 pm

*Woodworking: Armond’s by appointment

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